For What's To Come

Jul 23, 2008 02:04

Title: For What's To Come
Rating: NC-17 for a non-con act.
Pairing: Mylar o' course!
Characters: Just Mylar fun until the end.
Word Count: 1,821
Summary: When last we left our Hero Villain, he was once more trapped in the clutches of the Company and fielding a visit from an old friend. This is the entirety of that Mylar reunion from mostly Mohinder's POV. Following that encounter, Sylar faces his fate in his level five cell.
A/N: Always luv to iluvbsbkevinand mabetiniwho encourage me to follow my crazy whims about the season three promos/spoilers. Thought I'd let the boys have some fun before they go on their seperate paths for a bit, but the events in this part are very important to how their next meeting will go. Enjoy!
Disclaimer: I don't own em...well I have a Sylar action figure but really that's just not the same...

Part of my Season Three (with a lot more Mylar as it should be) promo series:

1. One Missed Call
2. Unfinished Business
3. A Loss of Control

After Mohinder got off the phone with Bennet, following Sylar's capture... he stood there numb for a moment. There was every likelihood that following any initial examinations and processing, that Gabriel Gray's life would be subject to either of two outcomes. The first being a simple termination. However, the more likely fate would be incarceration in a level five cell. Mohinder couldn't take the chance of either of these outcomes happening before he could attempt to find some sort of closure in their situation. He had to go and see him for what could be the last time ever.

It was going to be so simple...but as he stood there and watched the killer come to, he felt something surging within his body. This was a man who exuded so much power in a single thought or gesture. Who now had been brought down so low, made so vulnerable...brought back down to the realms of mortality. And now it was Suresh himself that held all the cards. So he took some advantage of the situation as his hand roamed along Sylar's prone body as he woke. Reaching down past the man's stomach and sliding his fingers underneath the waistband of Sylar's Company-issued pants. That really snapped the killer back to as Mohinder's fingertips grazed soft, warm flesh.

Even though Mohinder knew painkillers were numbing his body and keeping Sylar helplessly flaccid, he still smirked mockingly down at the man. A tawny thumb passing over the unresponsive flesh.

"Just how helpless do you really consider me to be? Was your assumption that you could taunt me from miles away and threaten yet another innocent life all while I stood by and let you commit your senseless acts?"

Suresh tightened his grip on Sylar, causing the man to practically growl out from the gesture not the sensation. Mohinder clenched his jaw as he actively avoided feeling pity for this man.

"I am not my father."

With that, he released his grip on Sylar, moving over to the IV in his arm keeping the painkillers flowing. Mohinder switched it off, noting that Sylar still had scorch marks on his flesh...they likely thought it best to heal him in portions lest his blood become powerful enough to ward off any suppressants. Burns that deep...would be rather painful without anything to help with the sensation. Sylar turned his head and watched as Mohinder moved back toward him.

"'re here aren't you?"

Sylar's words were hopelessly slurred in his narcotic daze. If Mohinder didn't care...didn't at all give a damn...he would not be there now. Mohinder knew that Sylar wasn't a fool. That they both recognized the connection they seemed to share...he knew Sylar would feel how badly this hurt Mohinder to see him like this, to think about him dead.

"I...I am, yes. To say goodbye. I won't lie to you, I am here to see you one last time."

His voice was flat as he waited a few moments...just watching Sylar. Then he moved and slipped his hand slowly back beyond the waistband of Sylar's pants. The way in which the killer was bound allowed Mohinder for some access to the more sensitive parts of Sylar's body. Mohinder watched Sylar's face closely as he started to struggle and...felt the scarred flesh chafe against his restraints. The stammer in his voice felt very gratifying for Mohinder as he felt the heat of Sylar's body

"Mohinder....M-mohinder wait...what are you...Stop that! Wai--AGGGHHH! God skin..."

Sylar panted and tried to pull harder against his restraints, but he couldn't move an inch as Mohinder let his finger slide further back until he was pressed to Sylar's entrance. Wide amber eyes met the geneticist's motion as he slowly inserted the tip of his left index finger past the tight, unrelenting ring of muscle.

"Mohinder...Mohinder, wh-what the HELL ARE YOU DOING?!"

Everything felt so hyper-sensitive at that moment as the painkillers subsided in his system and he focused any stray thought to try and concentrate and break the restraints...throw Mohinder back...anything. Sylar twitched and squirmed, grunting loudly then screaming out, a deep guttural sound while Mohinder continued to push his way inside of the killer's body. His dexterous finger finding its way deeply in then slowly, roughly back out again. He groaned and stared down at the twitching, tense bound man before him.

"Surely you must have learned that a tenuous thing at best. What once was yours...could be..."

Another finger, forcing its way in...Mohinder had to twist both fingers back and forth to burrow himself deeper into Sylar's tight heat.


For a few minutes, Mohinder explored Sylar's hole, twisting and violating the man as he writhed and started to actually plead for it to stop. Feeling so powerless...he didn't know how to handle it. His heart slammed against the confines of his rib cage, body broke out into a cold sweat that soaked his burnt skin. The saltiness of the sweat serving to further sting at his flesh as he groaned with Mohinder's twisting motions. Right when the cries of pain started to settle into moans, and Mohinder felt the tenseness subside in Sylar's body, he pulled his fingers roughly out again. Another scream then Sylar stared, appalled at the man who just assaulted his body. Dreaming of the things he'd do to Mohinder's body when he got out of there. Mohinder smirked and wiped his fingers off on a nearby washcloth. He reached inside of his light tan jacket and pulled out another small box...

"The first one I took was destroyed in the fray between you and Elle, so I'll be taking another."

As Sylar took sharp, ragged breaths...still recovering from being, in his mind, brutally penetrated...he knit his brow in confusion.

"Anoth...another what Suresh?"

Mohinder revealed the syringe in his hand that he produced from the small wooden box. He walked forward and set his hand gently on Sylar's arm.

"Sample, of your blood. At the time I will admit it was mostly a distraction to get you to my lab. But there were a few interesting properties of your enhanced blood cells that I noted while I examined your first sample. This will sting."

Sylar flexed his arm, tensing his muscles but he could do nothing but lay there as Mohinder inserted the sharp tip, tearing it past his skin and deep down inside of the vein itself. He took his time drawing out the contents to fill the vial up then swiftly took the needle out.

"AGH! Mohinder ..."

Sylar started off with the intent to threaten the man but as he thought more about it...Mohinder could possibly be his only chance out of this. Without his powers, they could very well lock him up and throw away the key as they say. So he did what he could, he let every ounce of fear and vulnerability show through. Wide eyes, quivering lips, and halting speech patterns all lent to his display as he locked eyes with Mohinder.

"You...can help me...please Mohinder. I know you can feel that...thing between us, the spark...I feel it. You're a good person. You'd never let someone else die if you could st-stop it..."

Mohinder coldly replied as he set the vial of blood gently back into the small, wooden box.

"I don't see a person when I look at you. I see a soul-less creature who mimics emotion and feeling to get what it wants, to survive. I won't be the one responsible for unleashing that creature out into the world, again."

Mohinder turned on his heel and quickly left the room, door locking shut behind him. He walked down the hall and barely got through the swinging restroom door before his legs gave out and he fell to his knees on the tile floor. Tears forming twin slithering trails of fluid down his face. Why did he do that? Why did he let himself get so carried away? Why...why does he feel like throwing up? Quickly, Mohinder rushed to a stall, flinging the door open and bracing his hands on his knees as he bent over and his stomach muscles heaved in intense, jerking motions. After he was finished, Mohinder wiped his mouth on the back of his sleeve.

He reached inside of his jacket and retrieved the vial from within the box. If his blood and Claire Bennet's blood had useful properties...who's to say that Sylar's blood doesn't? Mohinder placed the vial away again and then went over to the mirror,splashing cold water against his face then drying off with a few brown paper towels. As wrong as it was, he hoped that they merely locked the man up. If anything it meant that...this didn't have to be goodbye.


Sylar stared at the ceiling, he couldn't get his heart to slow from the moment Mohinder came in or when after he left. It was...beyond nerve-wrecking to lay there and wonder what would become of him. Soon, his answer came in the form of two agents walking into the room and over to him. He watched as they forced a needle into his flesh, nearly the exact same place Mohinder's needle had entered his body. Soon after, everything blurred and faded as Sylar passed out into a perfectly sedated state. The last words he heard before he went under were 'Haitian...wiped clean...'

Footsteps...echoing down a hall...the door unlocking and opening. More footsteps...Sylar was so out of it as he tried to come-to again. A soft mumble escaped his lips as his head turned slowly side to side.

Then a hand...moved on his arm...over his skin. Another on his stomach, a reassuring pat and a slight rubbing over the material of his tank top as the voice spoke.

"Hello, Gabriel. I know how you've always wanted to be...special..."

Sylar was confused by the woman's voice and even more confused when the hand on his arm started to...untie the strap on his wrist. The strap was loosened then undone entirely, it lay open at both ends of his chafed wrist. He felt the hand move over to the strap on his other wrist, loosening it as well.

"You are indeed...very special...and you need to be strong for what's to come."

Both of his arms were free as he stared at the dark-haired woman looking down at him. Sylar moved a weak arm up and ripped the tube out of his nostril, tossing it aside as he stared at her. She was looking at him in such an...odd manner.

"Wha...what do I have... to be strong for?"

The question was asked with another set of slurred words, his eyes blinking heavily. Sylar looked down, wobbling some as he moved to start tearing out the IV in his arm as well, wincing when he did finally free himself of the device. She smiled, red lipstick parting for small pearly teeth.

"We have much to discuss, Gabriel..."

mylar, fic: choices, fic, sylar, mohinder

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