Fractured Innocents 1/?

May 30, 2008 01:15

Title: Fractured Innocents
Rating: Pg-13 for now but it's heading into R by the end
Pairing: Gabriel/ Mohinder
Spoilers: For the film that the fic was inspired by? Yes. For the show itself? None really.
Characters: Sylar, Mohinder, Virginia Gray, Chandra Suresh, later appearances by Noah Bennet and Elle Bishop.
Word Count: 892
Summary: Two teenaged boys, Gabriel Gray and Mohinder Suresh meet at a private all boys school in Vermont during the ultra-conservative 1950's. Through a shared love of the fantastic and of such taboo subjects as evolution and Darwin, the boys create a bond that's so powerful that no one will get in its way. Their shared fantasy world leads them to controversial intimacies and a final fatal act that removes what they believe to be their greatest obstacle from being together forever.
A/N: This is my homage to and was inspired by the wonderful film Heavenly Creatures. A very gripping and dark story about how desperate two people can be to hold onto each other in spite of everything else in their own lives and at the cost of losing their innocence. Super duper thanks to the aim conversation with
mabetini  that sparked this idea into fruition.
Disclaimer: Don't own any of them (hello NBC/Universal and Tim Kring and co.) but I like to take them out of the boxes and play with them every so often just the same.

Branches snapped in rapid succession and that sound mixed with harsh, ragged panting. Two sets of legs moved briskly and frantically through the thickly-wooded brush and out into the nearby clearing on the edge of the small town in Northeast Vermont. Both figures that emerged shared only two physical traits: twin brown eyes and bodies that were completely slathered in glistening, crimson blood. One stumbled forward from the momentum of his dashing movements. The other quickly ran back to check on the fallen man. Because, it was for the shared good of each other that things had even gone this far.

Three years prior...

"Gabriel, put your stupid book down and get the ball!"

Soft brown eyes slowly shifted up from his page and Gabriel remained seated. They slowly followed the pale orange ball as it rolled across the hardwood gymnasium floor. A complete lack of interest, in fact, a barely veiled hostility etched his pale, sharp features. Just as soon as the boy's eyes left the page, they resumed their place without a word spoken. Quick, quiet words were whispered out amongst Gabriel's classmates. The cruel snickering remarks of teenage boys filled the room, cut into by the shrill whistle of the class's instructor. He had often had to reprimand Gabriel's peers for whatever mockery the boy was put through as a result of his quiet, standoffish nature.

All the while Gabriel's ears burned with every insult made against him that he could pick up on. He tried to plunge himself deeply back into the story but was interrupted by the sudden flash of orange that caused his book to clatter to the floor, and a sudden stinging pain to explode from his nose out across his face. The room erupted into a chorus of laughter as once again the instructor attempted to discipline his miscreant students. Just as Gabriel was about to stand up and confront the boy who he knew threw that ball, the gymnasium door creaked open.

In walked one of the Academy's advisors shepherding in yet another new student. Tears of pain began to fog up Gabriel's glasses and he was forced to wipe them off on his thin white cotton p.e. shirt. When he replaced the slightly over-sized, thick-rimmed black spectacles onto his face, Gabriel was completely awe-struck at what he saw. He was so unlike the others. Sparkling amber eyes, rich coffee-colored skin, thick curly hair, and an intoxicating smile. He carried himself in such a care-free and confident manner. Gabriel didn't even realize he was staring until those eyes locked onto his own. Instantly, Gabriel blushed at such an interesting and exotic creature looking upon him.

"Class, we have a new student joining the academy today. This is Mohinder Suresh."

Even the name was extraordinary, it practically vibrated the tongue once uttered. After a moment or two, Gabriel glanced back around the room. All of the other boys had resumed their trifling game. Was he really the only one looking at the boy? Was Mohinder really only looking over at him, in turn?

A slow trickle of blood escaped Gabriel's nose from his recent injury. A rush of color flooded his cheeks once more as he turned away from the other boy. Mohinder walked forward in his vertically striped white and mauve shirt with beige slacks. He retrieved from his pocket a pink and orange paisley patterned handkerchief. It was offered to the injured boy while he bent down and collected the book from the floor.

Gabriel couldn't help but to stare at the beautiful, silk material for a moment before he took it. Dabbing around his nostrils until he felt no more blood creeping over his skin. When he pulled the handkerchief away again and stared at the crimson splotches soaked into the material, Mohinder spoke for the first time.

"Hm. I've always felt that Dickens was an extremely dry read."

Slowly, Gabriel re-folded the handkerchief with neat precision as he listened to Mohinder's rich, cultured lilt. He pursed his lips and arched a lustrous brow as he stood up, his hand out for the book.

"Oh? What exactly do you read then that's so thrilling?"

A sly grin spread over Mohinder's face as he handed the book back to the other boy. It was then that Gabriel noticed the boy wore a satchel on his shoulder. Mohinder reached inside of it and produced a small stack of leather-bound journals. Without hesitation, Mohinder handed them to his peer. Gabriel began to leaf through them quietly but with a fixed interest.

"Well...I write my own stories um...Sorry, I didn't yet catch your name."

Gabriel closed the book he held in his hands and adjusted his glasses before one of his pale hands out toward Mohinder.

"Gabriel Gray...Mohinder, right?"

Suresh smiled and briskly shook the taller man's hand.

"Yes...yes that's right, Gabriel."

He paused for a beat as the two shared a silence with their hands still clasped. Finally, Mohinder raised a brow and eagerly leaned in toward Gabriel.

"Tell me...have you ever read any Darwin before Gabriel?"

Gabriel's eyes sparkled instantly when Mohinder said that name. Evolution was an extremely taboo subject at the academy as well as in his own home. For this man to bring up such a subject within mere moments of meeting him? Gabriel's intrigue with this living fascination grew.

fic: fractured innocents, mylar, fic, sylar

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