Disciple, Chapter 1

Feb 19, 2008 16:13

Title: Disciple
Rating: R for upcoming violence and smutty situations
Pairings: There will be Sylar/Mohinder, Adam/Peter, Adam/Sylar in later chapters
Characters: Sylar, Angela Petrelli, Mohinder Suresh, Adam Monroe,Peter Petrelli and various other cameos
Spoilers: One could say season 1, season 2 and then if you haven't seen the Villians promo.
Word Count: 1,912
Summary: Angela was one of Adam Monroe's greatest young disciples. A mentor to learn from and to follow. As the new generation of people with abilities rise up, Angela may have found Adam's next great disciple. This is AU in that it follows events of the show but it tweaks them to my own wants. Angela will learn that she'll get a lot more than she bargained for by crossing paths with a psychopathic killer.
Author's Notes: After I saw the Villians promo...the thought of Sylar and Angela seemingly working together would not leave my brain. So I came up with a thought an interesting take on a mentor style relationship between the two. A sort of back and forth throughout the timeline of the show that starts with Angela meeting Gabriel at his watch shop. It will become complex when Adam Monroe makes his appearance with a disciple of his own in the form of Peter, Angela's son.  Enjoy!

Patient Zero...patient zero, it was a title that was far too easily given. A long, shaped, well-manicured fingernail tapped on those words contained in a plain manila folder seized from Chandra Suresh's office in India. The Company of course had an agent sitting in on each of Suresh's lectures and he was able to obtain some key information by breaking into the man's office. Rich, deep crimson gleamed as each motion bent the light from the chandelier off of the acrylic. Crisp papers had been shuffled through softly over the past half hour. Angela wondered what made Dr. Chandra Suresh so damn sure that this ...Gabriel Gray, was worthy of being designated with such a title.

After the files were seized and delivered to her, Angela had gone through them. She was very intrigued by the so-called 'new generation' of specials. Not least of all because her eldest son, Nathan, could found on the list of names in front of her. For many years, Angela had seen so many specials come and go. After being part of the Company since its inception, Angela wanted to see a truly extraordinary ability. No, a truly extraordinary person.

Not since she met a man named Adam Monroe had Angela been inspired. He was her mentor for years, he taught her so much about the ugly yet necessary truths within humanity. Once, after he was incarcerated, she tried to free him. She would have been successful in doing so but Adam wouldn't leave. He told his most loyal disciple that the time was not yet right for his release, for the pattern to reach a fever pitch that required the world to be saved from itself.

Until that time, Angela was to pass on her knowledge to another young special like was once was herself. In doing so, she would bring Adam another disciple.

“”Two o' clock....Right...I agree Chandra...I'll see you there.”

A pale hand stood out against the smooth surface of a cream or even bone-colored rotary-style phone. Shrill chinging echoed in the small dim back room of Gray and Sons when Gabriel clicked the phone back into its cradle. Sighing as he stood up and paced the aged, creaking wooden floor. Maybe, today really would be the day. Together they had experienced the hopeful optimism at the start of whatever test Gabriel was going under that day. And together, when Gabriel displayed no fascinating abnormalities, they felt a shared twinge of regret.

Pangs that grew each day into a boiling frustration. Had Chandra been wrong about this man? Now every time he spoke with him to confirm his latest appointment, a palpable hesitation came through on the other end of the line. When, as a young boy, Gabriel fantasized about a stranger coming to him with news of his importance, he never once conjured up such an infuriating ending. No, sorry Mr. Gray, a mistake was made and you really do have nothing unique about you. Now go and repair timepieces in your father's former shop until your heart gives out one day as you sit alone in your sad apartment. Be a face, nameless, blue in an ever-moving crowd.

Hands trembled and shook at the thought of such rejection coming from Chandra's lips. Giving a person such hope then taking it away was surely the cruelest thing Gabriel could think of. Despite what every examination and battery of tests concluded, Gabriel felt something in his skin, in his brain that was close to breaking through to the surface. Some finger on a metaphysical switch, applying pressure until one day everyone would see that Gabriel Gray could be so much more than the life he currently led.

Lost in a stream of thoughts he never heard the clanging sound of the brass bell that hung from the shop's door. But wait, Gabriel moved and glanced at the rich, mahogany grandfather clock propped by the doorway of his private back room. It was still his lunch hour. He knew that the little hands on the clock drawing of his open/close sign were switched to one pm. Perhaps he'd set the sign and forgotten to lock the heavy shop door. This whole business with Suresh had left him scatterbrained apparently. He stepped back into the actual shop and looked around. Soon, the person who intruded upon his personal time came into view.

Before him stood an older, sophisticated woman. Dark hair that was expertly coiffed, sharp green eyes that even now were appraising the tall lanky man. His severely parted hair, rich brown eyes, and he wore a blue button-up whose collar poked out of the v-neck of his sweater vest.

She was in a long, black, impeccably tailored coat buttoned up to the collar. Mother-of-Pearl buttons that remained fastened despite the slight stuffiness in the air that the shop sometimes took on. In her leather gloved hands rested a small pendulum clock encased in a piece of glass shaped like an upside-down chalice. For a moment, it was all Gabriel could look at. He snapped back to with the annoyed sound of a throat being cleared, the clock shifting in the woman's hands. Slowly, he blinked and glanced at a different clock, a Russian cuckoo style wall clock, to affirm the time. Just as he thought, Gabriel stepped forward.

“I know the door wasn't locked, but the shop is closed at the moment. It's closed for the hour. If you could please come back at the top of the hour.”

A bemused smile lifted the corner of ruby red lips. Gabriel wondered if all women of a certain age and class wore that same shade, it always seemed like he saw it mostly on more mature women. She stepped forward all the way to his work desk. Soon, the glistening golden clock was placed down on the surface of his desktop. Her arms crossed in front of her as she looked at the man before her.

“The pendulum of this clock has a tiresome habit of sticking. For hours at a time, it will just stop. Now I did not come all the way out to Brooklyn to sit and wait for you to decide that you're off the clock. I expect to leave this with you and when I return from my errands, that pendulum will swing and continue to do so. Is that understood, Mr. Gray?”

Taken aback was the best way to describe the look on Gabriel's face. Silently, he looked back down at the clock. Sure enough, the pendulum was stuck in mid-swing inside of its glass case. Thin lips pursed together as Gabriel reached for and put on a pair of custom-made multi-lens glasses. He sat down and deftly opened up the case then revealed the mechanical innards of the piece. Gabriel made like he was toying with pieces, but really he was focusing. Waiting for that perfect Gestalt moment where the patterns revealed themselves and everything would become clear.

At least he had one talent that somewhat set him apart. Angela slid her soft black gloves off her hands while she took in the sight of the man. One look at his flickering eyes revealed that though his hands were still, he was very much at work. She'd never seen anything like it as he mentally deconstructed the clock. After a few minutes, Gabriel glanced back up at the woman staring at him. His left hand slid the multi-lens glasses off then replaced them with his own dark-rimmed standard pair.

“I can have it ready for you by the time you return. It's actually a rather simple fix despite the seemingly complicated appearance of its inner workings.”

Angela nodded curtly and started to put her gloves back on. Her hands smoothed down over the front of her coat as she thought. Chandra Suresh's file had absolutely no information regarding Gray's possible ability. From what she'd witnessed here...it seemed to have something to do with an advanced analyzation process. That or he was just some marginally talented man who was a potential error within a list of names.

“I'll return later. When you're working...do try not to scratch or crack the clock. It was my grandmothers and I would appreciate if when I collect it from you, it remained in pristine condition.”

It was difficult for Gabriel not to scoff in the woman's face. How dare she assume him to be so clumsy? The chair he sat in squeaked as he stood back up and walked toward her.

“I assure you, the condition of your timepiece will not be altered. However, ...”

He turned and grabbed a slip from a neat stack of papers on the edge of his desk.

“I am going to need you to fill out this work order, at least a name if nothing else. If I'm not mistaken you never offered me one.”

She turned and started to walk back out of the shop waving her hand in a dismissive manner.

“Angela Petrelli. Now, I trust you should get to work in order to finish in time. I'm not going to pay if you don't have it ready as I requested.”

Another swing of the door and a clang of the bell and she was gone. His eyes fixed again upon the open clock, the broken open clock. Once he had his multi-lens glasses back on he set to work.

Six Months Later

Stacks of files completely took over Thomson's desk. Ever since the threat known for the longest time as 'Sylar' was captured and detained in Odessa, Texas, it seemed like the work piled on to an obscene extent. There were case files, crime scene reports, and lab analyses to go through and sign off on. It seemed this...Gabriel Gray...was an interesting evolutionary occurrence. Somehow, he extended himself beyond his base ability. He took on the abilities of his victims yet he was certainly not genetically coded as an empath. Thomson sighed and looked at the the black phone he pulled over from the edge of his desk. Any minute now, he would receive the phone call to decide Gray's fate.

He nearly startled in his swivel chair as the phone shrilly chirped. After the first ring, Thomson picked it up and received the verdict. Seven minutes later, he hung the phone back up again. Loyalty to the principles and decisions of the Company was one of Thomson's greatest assets. Quickly, he snatched up that same phone and called the agent responsible for Sylar's incarceration. Bennett was easily less than thrilled that the order was made to keep his daughter's attempted murderer alive no matter what it took to do so.

Miles away from Texas in Manhattan, Angela sat on the white and red couch in front of the fireplace. She sipped from a glass of Merlot as she glanced over the file on Sylar. The watchmaker from Brooklyn remade himself into a threat. Many lives lost at his hand; a potential for great power unlocked within an ordinary man. After careful consideration, she made the decision to keep him alive. It could be considered his first test of his true worth if he managed to keep a hold of himself within those walls. Perhaps this new generation had provided Angela and by extension, Adam, a disciple unlike any other.

fanfic, heroes, gangela, sylar, syangela

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