Company Policy, Chapter 4

Feb 14, 2008 06:25

Title: Company Policy, Chapter 4
Rating: Hard R (Language, later Violence, and Sexual situations.)
Characters: Sylar/Mohinder, some Bob,some Haitian, later on some Elle and some Bennetts too.
Spoilers: Takes place after the events of Powerless if Elle had killed Sylar. But this is mostly various scenarios created in my head with inspiration from the show's storylines.
Word Count: 1650
Summary: Sylar had his encounter with Mohinder at the apartment. Elle and Sylar faced off. Mohinder has a very important new Company assignment that has to do with both of these things. Sylar would be a fantastic asset for the Company, he just needs to get fixed. Mohinder is in charge of the fixing.
Authors Notes: This was originally conceived as a sequel to my ongoing fic. Sins of the Father. One day the fic inspiration just hit and kept coming so I decided to make this its own story instead. What if The Company tried again with Sylar. But you know, you can take the man out of the Monster but you cannot take the Monster out of the man. Mohinder will learn that the hard way as they're paired together within the Company. Enjoy!

Also posted at my haven,

A week and a half later, there had been some complications that arose with another Company project that pushed this one to the side momentarily though not from Mohinder. Each day he went about administering the pills, checking his stats, and of course trying to stay away from showing Sylar his own emotions about the situation. While to many people seeing a man like Sylar at his monstrous peak would be the most unnerving thing, this was not so to Suresh. It was when the man was breaking, when he pleaded and showed weakness that Mohinder got chills.

That day when the door slid open and clanged shut, Mohinder was stunned by the sight. Sylar had his head against the wall of his cell, completely still as he glanced toward Mohinder the faintest of tear stains on his skin caught the light and glinted. He didn't even notice that Mohinder had no small plastic cup in his hand, there was no use for it anymore.

When Mohinder just stopped and looked at what was left of Sylar, it threw the other man off. He slid his body over to face Suresh, even thinner than usual as he didn't eat much in his cell. For just a moment his heart felt something again as he noticed that Mohinder wasn't moving toward him that he wasn't holding anything.

“ this more of a social visit Mohinder?”

A weak half-hearted smirk grazed his lips as he glanced up. Suresh sighed and took a glance at his watch, any moment now the two of them would have their moment interrupted. Slowly, he moved towards Sylar and sat across from him.

“This is, well soon we're going to be joined up by a colleague of mine. He's going to make you forget all of this. Everything about 'Sylar', he's going to give your life a new chance at beginning. In fact, I doubt you'll be able to remember any of this right now, me speaking with you.”

Sylar merely stared at the man, he knew who Mohinder was talking about. He'd tried to mess with Sylar's memory back in Texas but thanks to that delightful waitress, the Haitian couldn't do it right. He saw how this worked, they wanted his powers gone,specifically that one, so they could erase him. It was impossible to contain the tremors that erupted throughout his body at the thought of this, his identity would be gone. Something that he'd worked so hard to release within himself, to nourish and let grow would be wiped clean and there was nothing he could do about it.

His eyes darted over at that man. All of his memories of Mohinder, gone in an instant. How could they do this to him? Why would Mohinder let it happen? The thought ran through his head to get up and attack him right now, try to use his id card to get out. But his body did not move as Mohinder took a few steps closer. The man reached into his jacket and pulled out a rather impressive syringe, filled with a lime green solution.

With a firm finger, he tapped the syringe as some of the solution squirted out of it. Warily, Mohinder sat down right by Sylar, he felt the other man tense at how close they now were to each other.

“What he's going to do to one should be awake for. Think of this as whatever you'd like it won't matter in a few hours. Give me your arm.”

Sylar stared, his brows knit together puzzled as he extended his arm out to Suresh. He turned it up so that Mohinder could have a better shot at his veins on the first try. An exhale from the geneticist as he tapped Sylar's purple bulging vein. A large twisty vein that protruded out from his arm, snaking down most of his arm. A soft gasp came from Sylar's chapped lips though Mohinder was as gentle as he could be, sliding the tip past pale skin.

After the syringe was half empty he slid it back out, the tip popped and stung his skin as it exited Sylar's body. Initially, nothing was felt until Sylar started to get woozy and his light felt much lighter than it should have. He jerked forward a bit as his eyelids fluttered, slowly rolled up to meet Suresh's patient gaze.

“So...I guess this is goodbye....for now.”

Despite everything, that smirk found its way back to Sylar's lips for a moment until he slumped forward and fell down to the cold floor of his cell. For a moment Mohinder just stared at him, dormant once more but this time Sylar was at his feet. As he bent down Mohinder carefully turned Sylar over so that he faced the ceiling. A puffed up chest clad in a drab blue shirt rose and fell with each slow breath.

“I know that...I'll never be able to forget the first time we met. When the name Zane seemed to me so odd, so American. The little spark you had in your eyes that made me think that ...these abilities could brighten anyone's life. That maybe fate had played a hand in our meeting just like you said.”

Mohinder bent down and crouched by Sylar's form. A graze of his hair through caramel fingers made him think how it was shorter then. Zane also had less stubble than what Sylar kept on his face lately.

“Then...when I realized who, what you really were. I-I mean...that night in Montana, the night of Dale Smither's murder, you have no idea how badly I wanted to let you into my motel room. You told me how you believed in fate, in destiny and I think that we have been entwined in both. One life depending upon the other. And now...I'm going to make good on that. I'm going to take away all the ugliness you've accumulated in your life and we're going to replace it with something so much better, a new purpose.”

His thumb moved over from Sylar's dark spiky strands down over his rough, stubbled jawline. Bumps of raised, sharp hair chafed the smooth pad of Mohinder's thumb as he traced over his jaw and down his neck. A slow steady pulse beat from within while Mohinder pressed against the flesh of his neck. He leaned down and slowly pressed his lips to Sylar's own. Soft thin pale tissue was compliant as Mohinder pressed harder, sliding his tongue past his and Sylar's teeth. Into the open waiting mouth he relished in each stroke and probe of the hot wet hole. His hands started to roam down over the Company issued outfit that clung to Sylar's skin.

Smooth hands slid down lower and lower still as Mohinder's tongue wrapped around Sylar's own limp, pink muscle forcing it to wriggle and shift around in any way that Suresh felt like. The door started beeping as a key-card was scanned through and Mohinder stumbled to his feet. A long strand of saliva clung to Mohinder's tongue as he backed away from Sylar.

It hung and glistened in the air for a moment then fell onto Sylar's body, lightly staining his shirt. It also landed on Mohinder's chest as he looked over at The Haitian, the door closed up tight behind him once more. He brought in a gurney with straps attached and he and Mohinder lifted Sylar to it, Mohinder strapped him down at the Haitian prepared himself. After the man was given his orders, the Haitian set about reading up on Gabriel 'Sylar' Gray.

Getting as much of a preliminary idea of as he could of what he was dealing with. Bob was explicit in his orders that all of Sylar's memories that were of deadly acts or of any situation that led to the creation of the monster, be eradicated. After they finished buckling him in, Mohinder took a step back to set up the heart monitor and other devices to keep track of the man's vital systems.

After the Haitian took off his jacket and set it aside he concentrated and walked forward. His hand placed over Sylar's brow and closed his own eyes. A good half hour later with each twitch Mohinder was able to tell when something had been taken from his mind. Only Sylar and now the Haitian knew what exactly each memory was of when ripped from the deep recesses of his mind.

It was very hard for Mohinder to watch but somebody had to keep an close, watchful eye over his heart rate. A green line on the screen that rose and fell, rose and fell until it suddenly spiked about off the screen. Mohinder's head whipped toward Sylar, now awake and gasping, eyes frantically darting about the room.

“Wha-what's happening?! Ugh! What are you doing to me?!”

He pulled desperately on his restraints, eyes both blank and wild with confusion. His every question laced by a cry of pain from the blinding migraine that ripped apart his skull. Quickly Mohinder stumbled forward to grab the syringe from his pocket. He raced over and lay his hand down on the man's writhing arm. What was left of the man Mohinder knew as Sylar looked up at him before he stabbed the vein. His eyes narrowed then widened, lips pursed before he spoke

“ I know you from somewhere?”

Mohinder stopped in mid-plunge, it took his fingers a while to feel again from the numbness in his body at seeing the fading sense of recognition from those dark eyes. He bit his lip softly and finished, the bound man groaned and slowly faded back into sleep, Mohinder's words lulling him into it as the tranquilizer seized his body.

“Ye....No, but you will soon Gabriel.”

mylar, fic., sylar, fic: company policy

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