The Corruption of Peter Petrelli - 2/? - Petlar

Oct 05, 2011 10:01

Character: Sylar, Peter
Genre: Slash
Author: thewatchmaker
Fandom: Heroes
Word count: 1300ish
Rating: R
Notes: Post series Petlar.

Part One

Chapter Two

Peter was sprawled nearly sideways across the bed when I came back from brushing my teeth. He was on his stomach as usual, and he was snoring softly. I didn’t want to disturb him by moving him, so I could get back under the covers, so I sat down on the edge of the window instead. It was almost dawn. I could see the sky starting to lighten at the horizon. Peter’s apartment didn’t have much of a view, but it was still better than my rat trap back in Brooklyn. Hell the trailer at Sullivan Bros had been better than that place although give me a month or two more, and there would be as many books here as I had before everything went nuts.

I let out a snort. Who am I kidding? Things didn’t go nuts. I went nuts. I couldn’t handle the hunger or the power that I gave me. When I tried to fight it, it ate my soul, and here I was considering sharing it with Peter. He’d had it before, but he didn’t have it long before Arthur took it away. He told me when we were trapped that he was grateful for that one thing, because he couldn’t handle it.

But he’s not the same person he was then. He’s grown up. He’s learned so much since then, and I think he could handle it now. He had so many powers when he learned to use it last time, and I’m sure that’s why he lost control. Now he’s got nothing, and I could share with him one at a time with Empathy then.

Or he could go hunting with me.

That thought makes my mouth water. I would love nothing more than to take Peter on a kill. To be able to share the magical moment when a power clicked on in your brain and to brush blood covered fingers over his face before licking it off. That thought made me hard.

Christ it was a stupid idea. He’d never take it. I’d either lose him for suggesting it, or I’d lose him to the hunger and power. But if I didn’t take the chance, I’d still lose him. He’s going to find out that I’m killing, or if the best case scenario works, he’ll die of old age. I can’t stand the idea of going on without him, and I can’t die.

Peter’s the only person who knows the real reason that I took regen from Claire. He understands that I did it to make sure that I didn’t die and go to hell. He knows how afraid of that, that I am. He’s the only one who knows that I still believe in god, and I’m terrified of his wrath for what I’ve done. But I’m also so afraid of being alone again. He has to stay with me.

“Sylar?” Peter’s voice is rough from sleep as he shifts in the bed. His hand brushes over the blankets, seeking for my body. “What are you doing over there?”

“I got up to brush my teeth, and you took over the entire bed.” I smiled over at him as the first rays of the sun came through the window. They were rose colored with the dawn, but they held no warmth. I could be standing in a sauna right now, and I don’t think that would chase the chill from my bones.

“I’m a horrible bed hog.” He rolled over and made sure that my half of the bed was empty. “Come on, it’s too early to be up. It’s my day off, and I want to curl up with you some more.”

“As you wish, Peter,” I said as I slipped into the bed. I sighed as he curled his body around mine, and I breathed in his scent.

A few hours later when I woke up it was Peter’s turn to be out of bed before me. The sun was shining on the mattress, and that was part of what woke me. I was surprised that I’d slept through him getting up, but my brain had finally shut down long enough for me to sleep, which doesn’t happen often. Most of the time I’m lucky if I can get three hours a night, so I spend a lot of time reading and watching Peter sleep. It wasn’t a new thing. I hadn’t been much of a sleeper long before I came into my ability. That’s why my walls were covered in books at my apartment.

The smell of coffee told me that he hadn’t been up long when I padded barefoot into the small living room. He looked up from his laptop where he was reading the news, or something, when I came out. “I went out and got us fresh bagels from the shop down the street. The coffee’s hot, but I didn’t know when you’d be up to boil water for your tea.”

“You managed to leave and come back without me waking up?” Now that never happens. I must be adjusting to living in the real world again after all. He might not have had the water on for me, but the kettle was full on the stove. He’d also set up my tea ball, canister of Earl Grey, my mug and the sugar bowl on the counter next to the bagels. It was the little things like that, that made me love him even more. “These smell so good. Thank you, Peter.”

I had to tell him my idea, but I was afraid. I’d be asking him to become a monster. Christ my life was turning into a bad vampire romance novel. I need Peter with me, and to have him, I need to make him like me. Yep, that’s a cliché if I ever heard of one. My hands were shaking as I poured the hot water into my mug. By a miracle I didn’t spill it or the loose tea leaves when I turned around to put the kettle back.

“I had an idea last night,” I tell him, quietly as I settle down on the sofa with my breakfast. I’d rather eat at the table, but we don’t have much furniture and he’s using the table with his computer. We should probably look for a bigger apartment.

“Idea about what?” He asked, turning around in the chair, so he could talk to me without being distracted by his computer.

“That we should look for a bigger apartment.” Smooth, Sylar, really smooth, and cowardly too. Yes, let’s look for a bigger place, so you have so much more to lose when he says ‘no’ to your idea.

“That’s a good idea, but it’s not the one you’re hiding from me.” He got up and sat down next to me, placing his hand on my knee. “I’ve lived with you long enough to know when you’re evading. I’ve also been raised Petrelli, remember?”

“I remember.” God knows I wish I could forget that. “I had an idea about how to fix your ability.”

“Really? That’s great!” He beamed at me, and I watched the lights in his eyes fade as they narrowed. “Great enough that you don’t want to tell me your idea. You can’t fix me, can you?”

“I don’t think I can, but there is another way, Peter.” I set my mug down and turned to face him. I was trembling all over when I opened my mouth to speak. “I can give you my real ability. Then you can copy the way that I do.”

to be continued...

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char - peter, what - fic, what - petlar, fic - the corruption of peter petrelli

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