Title: Binders And Beaches (And Brioche As Well)
Length: 4,393w
Rating: PG-13
Genre: Fluff (initial angst)
Main Pairing: Sehun/Tao
Sup Pairings: Sehun/Jongin, Jongdae/Kris
Warning: TRANSPHOBIA. LOTS OF IT IN THE FIRST HALF. Bullying, deliberate misgendering, emotional manipulation; homophobic slurs, ableist slurs
Summary: Sehun gets a nice
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Comments 22
anyways i really adore everything about this story, i was reaaaaaallly hesistant to read, but im so so os happy that i did
what sehun goes through really hurt me deep inside and i like that meeting tao and his friends opens up a whole new world for him. ahhh its so beautifully written and aaccuate and hits so close to home////I'm in love
thank you for writing this
*and it's fluffy *and* it's taohun... I don't think it can get any better. Thank you for writing this!
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