Yoko Ono

Dec 15, 2005 20:32

Yoko Ono
Sydney Alexis
S1-ish. B/J, Daphne

That was the moment she started thinking of him as Justin’s partner.

His name might be Brian Kinney, but, in her head, Daphne thought of him as Yoko Ono. And, yes, she thought that he was hot and had a lot of great qualities, but he totally stole her best friend from her and turned him into an obsessed fan boy.

Of course, obsession wasn’t anything new for Justin either. When he convinced himself he was going to do something, he did it-like climbing the tree in the Taylor backyard one summer despite the fact that he was afraid of heights or standing up to his dad and refusing to participate in little league anymore because he hated it…and kind of sucked at it.

So, it came as little surprise to Daphne when Justin started going after Brian. And, yeah, she originally thought it was only because Brian was hot and had been the Justin’s first, but, as the reports of her friend’s field trips to Liberty Avenue started coming on a near daily basis, she knew it was only a matter of time until Justin got his way.

What she didn’t expect was how much their lives would be altered.

After coming out, falling in love, and facing all that shit at St. James, Justin became surer of himself. He stood up to people that called him names. If they pushed him around, he pushed back. And, when they called him a faggot, he outed them, too.

With every new confrontation and change in Justin, Daphne saw the writing on the wall.

It started with the word faggot scrawled across Brian’s jeep, continued with Justin being tossed from his parents’ house, and ended in a parking garage.

As much as Daphne liked Brian at that point and respected the hell out of him for forcing Justin to become the man he was meant to be, she also hated him a little bit. Because, while he was running around Liberty fucking everything that moved and whispering in Justin’s ear ‘to be the best homosexual he could be,’ Daphne watched as Chris Hobbs and his goon squad slowly tore into Justin. They made him more brash and open about his homosexuality. They made him bitter and egged him into trouble.

And she has no doubt that all those interactions were what led to Justin’s bashing.

She might have been able to run interference at school, but there was no way she could have known or stopped what happened.

Of course, love and friendship are ever-changing things.

Justin told her at least a thousand times that Brian loved him even if he didn’t say it, and she’d roll her eyes, keep her mouth shut, and listened to Justin go on and on about actions speaking louder than words. She thought it was bullshit, and called Justin’s too-easily-absorbed way of thinking The Yoko Factor because Justin had so totally been brainwashed.

Then, one late, May night, she saw a clearly terrified Brian standing in the ballroom’s doorway, decked out in his tux.

She watched them dance and laugh and kiss in front of a room of stunned teenagers. And, yeah, she was willing to admit that maybe, possibly, The Great Yoko might be right about actions and words.

And then, it happened.

She’d heard the shouts across the dance floor, and, without thinking, had bolted down the stairs.

What she found in the parking garage stopped her dead in her tracks.

Brian was knelt beside Justin, blood stained lips whispering and begging over and over again not to leave him.

That was the moment she started thinking of him as Justin’s partner.

When Justin lost his fucking mind and started dating violin boy, she took it upon herself to pop in to the loft with coffee and food.

When Brian had cancer, she did the laundry, picked up the dry cleaning, and the thousand other things that neither Brian nor Justin had time to do.

And let Justin rail against her and scream and cry out when he’d hit his breaking point.

And, when Justin was in New York and the Munchers had taken off for the frozen north, Daphne took upon herself to invite herself over to cook, get stoned, and hang out in general with Brian.

Because Brian might have been Yoko Ono, but that didn’t mean that they couldn’t be friends.

A/N: I've finished all of my scrooged fics thanks to the most fabulous shadownyc, and, as such, I bring you fic.

After writing so much fluff for swap stories, I'm currently working on Healing because I need a break from too warm, too fuzzy, postcard perfect stuff.

Oh angst! How I have missed you so!
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