.067 Snow
Sydney Alexis
Summary: Gus and Brian play in the snow.
"Can Gus come out and play," the voice said from just outside the front door.
Laughing, Lindsay stepped back and allowed Brian entrance because she knew, by the sound of feet pounding down the stairs it became a moot point; Gus had already heard his father's voice.
Little arms wrapped around Brian's waist and held him tightly.
"Hey Sonny Boy. What say you and your old man go for a walk in the park?"
Just like that Gus was nodding his head and jumping up and down trying to knock his jacket off the hook to expedite the process.
Smiling at his son's enthusiasm, Brian helped Gus into his bright red jacket, snow booties, and rainbow colored scarf, mittens, and hat.
"I see Deb's been decorating the kid like a PFLAG poster again," he said, trying to keep his amusement off his face and failing miserably.
Returning Brian's not-quite-a-smile, Lindsay said, "Be sure to have him back in time for dinner."
"Yes, Ma," he said, kissing her cheek and leading his kid out the door.
The walk to the park was slower than normal not only because Gus' legs slowed his normal gait down but also because the kid liked to look at everything. Posters, cars, people all held some sort of fascination. And, yeah, Brian had to wonder if the kid was going to grow up to be an artist the way he'd just stare at something for hours. Then again, Justin only did that when he was high.
As soon as they got to the park, Gus took off to where the sandbox would be if it wasn't buried beneath two feet of snow. Of course, this didn't stop the four-year-old who flopped back into it and gleefully started flapping his arms and legs.
"Come make people with me, Daddy!"
It was said with red, puffy cheeks, and impish hazel eyes, and, of course, Gus had this thrall over his daddy that made him do shit he'd never ever consider under any other circumstances.
Ignoring the other parents, children, and the labels on clothes, Brian Kinney flopped back into the snow and, for the first time in nearly twenty years, made a snow angel.
A/N: I've never actually lived in a place the snowed so...you know...I'm going for cliches. Deal.
To answer to questions/concerns: 1) I realize you're going to get bombed with these things. I'll try to put every story beneath a cut, and I'll only show the title and/or a summary. 2) I'm literally pulling numbers out of a hat to answer these because picking one topic out of the mass that is that box is just too scary.