[QAF Fic] Lucky

Apr 25, 2008 16:04

Sydney Alexis

Brian hated Ethan.

It went deeper than the 'you stole the love of my life' vibe. It was one of those things that fed off of old wounds--the haves and the have nots.

Growing up, Brian'd been surrounded by kids whose parents loved them enough to enroll them in band and soccer. They'd fork out the bucks for a too expensive trumpet that would be used for half a year because their kid wanted to be the next Miles Davis...for all of five seconds. Parents that would show up with bright smiles and hug their kids when they finished performing. Parents that didn't hit or spank or smash empty bottles against their children. Parents that didn't scream, holler, and throw their child out of the house for being gay.

Ethan was one of those lucky kids.

He was fucking lucky for it, and Brian hated him for it.

qaf fic

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