.073 Light & .011 Red

Nov 26, 2007 22:22

[.073 Light]
Sydney Alexis
In which JR gets a job the Mommies don't approve of

JR began dance training when she was 3 -- first ballet, then tap, hip hop, ballroom, and everything in between.

At fourteen, she entered into St. Cecilia Arts Academy where, around the 'core' curriculum, she concentrated on refining her talent.

And oh what a proud day graduation had been! Deb had sobbed, Michael had flashed 400GB of photos, Hunter had complained loudly about the length of the whole thing, and Gus had fallen asleep after his cell battery died from over-texting Justin about the extreme boredom of the event.

JR happily packed up her bags and moved out two days later.

The mommies assumed it was for a brief vacation before starting college, majoring in something sensible, and getting a good job.

Gus, however, knew better.

Within a week, JR called his cell, happily squeeing about her new job as a Las Vegas Showgirl.

She even texted him a picture of herself in costume -- barely there bikini, massive feather headdress, and extremely high heels. Amused, Gus later printed out the photo and tacked it on the wall beside the picture fromJR's graduation. He just wondered how long it would take the Moms to guess.

Predictably, Gus' cell went off while he was busy making headway with Linda from accounting.


"For the last time your last name is Peterson-Marcus."

Gus smirked at this knowing full well just how much it pissed her off when he did that.

"Mother! To what do I owe the joyous occasion?"

"Your mother and I were planning a trip to visit your sister. We wanted to surprise her, but we don't know what her schedule's like."

"She works nights," Gus supplied, biting his tongue to keep from laughing. "And I'd recommend staying at the Rio; I heard they have a great show there."

A month and some change later, Gus' cell went off in the middle of the night.

"You could have fucking warned me, asshole." An angry voice growled before a dial tone filled the line.

Gus smirked and hit the 'end' button. Oh, yes. His work here was done.

[.011 Red]
Sydney Alexis
In which there are Talks and a lack of knocking

Gus was twelve when Mel and Lindsay sat him down to give him 'The Talk.' They only got as far as 'when two people love each other very much' when Gus started laughing.

At their expressions -- a mix of anger and disbelief -- Gus chimed in with an explanation.

"I've already heard it from Dad and Justin, Michael and Ben, Deb and Carl, Hunter, Grandma Jen, Molly, and Daphne."

With that, he left the room quickly before his moms had a chance to recover.

. . .

Gus was fifteen when Melanie walked into his room without bothering to knock.

What she found made her blush to her roots and attempt to look anywhere but at her son...

...who was on his bed, completely naked, masturbating.

Eyes growing wide, face flushing with embarrassment, he pulled his comforter over his lap to cover himself.

"I just...um...your mother sent me to tell you dinner's ready," Melanie stuttered out before stumbling from the room and firmly shutting the door behind him.

That night, after dinner, his moms tried to broach the subject of self-gratification. After a great deal of blushing and clearing of throats, Melanie only got as far as 'there's nothing wrong with' before Gus interrupted them.

"I get it, okay? What I don't get is why you two feel it's all right to come into your teenage son's room without knocking. Because I can pretty much guarantee that, if the door's closed, that's what I'm doing. Unless, of course, you want to teach JR how to be rude and how to get her first view of cock."

And, with that, he left the room before his moms had time to react.

fanfic100: 63-64/100

qaf fic, humor, 100

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