Title: Second Chances Rating: PG-13 Author: sxymami0909 Fandom: Supernatural Pairing: Jo-Centric, Gabriel Word Count: 660 Prompt: “Jo, she didn’t see Ash or her father where she was…where was that again?” from karahalliwell
Hehe glad you liked the Combat Barbie line *grins* definite Jo nod cause I love her to death. And Gabriel's the only Angel aside from Cas that I <3 :-) Thanks for reading!
1. God I wish this would happen on SPN. I miss Jo, we need her back.
2. Gabriel = <3
3. Please tell me there's a possibility this could be heading in a multi-chapter fic direction and not just an one-shot. Pretty please? *smiles* Either way it was great though! :)
Hehe yay! So glad you enjoyed this girl! I wish this would happen on SPN also!
Gabriel is <3 hehe
Since I requested prompts over at Spnpussypalace I'm thinking that I might write them all in this little universe where the girls are brought back to help fight the war against the devil...Hmm I dunno we'll see though LOL :-)
You need to rename the tag for respond. I thought I'd been denied commenting rights :( And freaked when I thought I wouldn't be able to tell you I liked this! It was a fabulous explanation as to why Ash, the heaven jumping wonder couldn't find Ellen or Jo :D At least IMO anyway! Great!
Comments 22
I have 3 things to say:
1. God I wish this would happen on SPN. I miss Jo, we need her back.
2. Gabriel = <3
3. Please tell me there's a possibility this could be heading in a multi-chapter fic direction and not just an one-shot. Pretty please? *smiles* Either way it was great though! :)
Gabriel is <3 hehe
Since I requested prompts over at Spnpussypalace I'm thinking that I might write them all in this little universe where the girls are brought back to help fight the war against the devil...Hmm I dunno we'll see though LOL :-)
I love it! And you mentioned Buffy XD Great fic<333
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