Pop, Stop, Drop, Hot!!

Oct 21, 2004 13:57

I fell off the face of the earth for a while, but I'm officially back. Hello, yes, it's really me, the infamous Mike. :-)!! First of all, I miss eveyone soooo much, and I hope you all are doing just fabulous. Hi Steve, DON, Arnah, Lanna, Richie, JASON, Curtis, Paul, Josh, and anyone else I forgot! You guys read what my crackhead brother wrote about ( Read more... )

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Comments 22

j2thaday October 30 2004, 22:42:25 UTC
I JUST found out that you had updated this thing! Did you get a new AIM or something, cos' you're not showing up on mine. Or maybe you're just not online. Either way, my AIM now is RedBloodedJason2
If you get the chance or whatever IM, or email me at the same old email address, leftside_rightside@hotmail.com
I would like to talk to you. The last times we saw each other/talked were not necessarily the best, but you have been on my mind a lot. I tried to get the address to write you from Don, but he never had it on hand or whatever. Anyway, I would definitely like to get back in contact. I think there is a lot we need to discuss, (in a good way this time,) and it would be nice to hear how exactly you are doing, and update you on all that's gone on with me.
Anyway, again feel free, (or please do,) contact me however you can. Nice to see you have gotten off of the chain gang!


sxydddy16 November 24 2004, 19:12:18 UTC
Hey Jason!!

I don’t have access to a computer much, so give me your phone number so I can call. That way we can talk or whatever. Ok? Oh, and give me your address so I can write you.

The best way to reach me is through my mom right now, so email her for updates and stuff, or to get ahold of me.. Her email is Just4CarrieLynn@aol.

Love, Mike


j2thaday November 25 2004, 07:05:45 UTC
Ha! Just when I was beginning to feel rejected! Gimme a call, my cell phone number is (941) 586-9639, call or text anytime you want, (if you still have a cell phone, I don't know exactly what's happened or what priveliges you have or have lost, etc.) Anyway, yes, please call me whenever you can... I will also email your mother with my number & address as well - I hope to hear from you soon!



sxydddy16 March 28 2005, 09:27:20 UTC
Hey! I'm back at home now. Give me a call on my cell a.s.a.p. (909)856-3556. I work 3-11 PM's so call me either before or after. Love ya biotch. TTYS!


A New Day Has Come... unleashed85 December 29 2004, 11:25:54 UTC
Hey Babe, I just wanetd to say sorry for not sending you a message. I don't use my livejournal account anymore. I don't know how long it will be till you check this again but I feel better to know that I did send you a lil something. Well, I miss you a lot and I'm glad that your doing very well. I hope I can see you again.....I love you very much....be good and I'll be thinking of you.

Lv Steven


anonymous June 23 2005, 01:37:07 UTC
MIKE MIKE MIKE. i really really really hope you check this one day soon. miss you so much. please get in touch. its alanna, lanna. email toms_girl@hotmail.com. please


sxydddy16 July 2 2005, 06:45:23 UTC
Oh my gosh!!


avanti auto parts for sale 608 anonymous April 2 2011, 07:51:54 UTC


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