Mensa, words, lagom

Feb 08, 2007 17:22

Took the free test on the Danish Mensa page. I've been sleepy all day, and I got bored halfway through, so I just randomly clicked through the questions that I didn't want to think about. Got 126, and you need 130 for membership. Then I took the Swedish one, didn't bother to wait for the time to run out, and scored between 126 and 135 ( Read more... )

eng, sve, words, rl, linx

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Comments 21

anonymous February 8 2007, 20:35:09 UTC
Whee, I got 128, 131-135, ≥135.

Anyhow, here's cartoonist Scott Adams' experience with Mensa:


swussian February 8 2007, 20:42:12 UTC
Good scores!
Did you take both Swedish tests, since you have three results? I was too tired for that, so I'll prolly see if I can make it ≥135 when I'm not half-asleep ^^


anonymous February 8 2007, 21:50:00 UTC
Yeah, all three. Funny how I scored the worst with the Danish one, since I've done it a few years ago.


reallyreally February 8 2007, 20:51:27 UTC
I have a real problem seeing Desire and Åtrå as the same thing, though... But it's probably just my brain being damaged from loads of Literary theory in English. Also Attraction. I mean the kind that kicks you in the stomach and makes your knees weak. That isn't horniness, at least not to me, and it's not really desire either, it's just... attraction.

Jag hatar också lagom pratet. Jag hatar även "vi svenskar kan inte visa känslor", "vi svenskar pratar inte med varandra på bussen OMG vi är så ensamma" osv. KRÄKS HAT KRÄKS. I "Världens modernaste land", första avsnittet, pratade dom lite om det där. Om hur Svenskar tror att dom är så o-nationalistiska genom att säga sånt och just därför är ultranationalister. Typ. Eh. Jag är för trött för att utveckla längre :/ Men ja. När jag hör folk prata om sånt så får jag lust att skrika mogna saker som "BAJSA PÅ LAGOM!" och ingen verkar fatta varför jag blir så störd.

Jag är rädd för mensatestet :D


swussian February 8 2007, 21:03:33 UTC
They aren't 100% same, and åtrå is the more underused one.
But really, there are so many words that people just don't use, at least about themselves. Doesn't anyone experience longing/längtan anymore? Or wants someone in Swedish (or maybe it's an anglicism)? Lately, Franz Ferdinand's Darts of Pleasure has been popping up in my iPod a lot, and every time I notice 'I know that you will surrender / I know that you will surrender / I want this fantastic passion / We'll have fantastic passion ', and it shouldn't be so striking, but it is.

Jag undvek Världens modernaste land, den verkade vara väldigt "det är typiskt oss svenskar att prata vas osm är typiskt oss svenskar lol lol ironi fatta", typ. Folk förstår inte oss.


dancing_moon February 8 2007, 20:59:23 UTC
Banker? Hur är de berömda?

I Tyskland är svenskar kända för sina älgar och H&M >_> Men tyskarnas egna vildsvin ignorerar de. Hemmablinda dårar


swussian February 8 2007, 21:09:20 UTC
Bankerna i Schweiz är det.

Mmm. Nästa gång du är i Tyskland får du berätta att svenskarna är kända för lagom.


zimbach February 8 2007, 22:53:04 UTC
As far as listing something like Mensa membership on your CV, I think it is only impressive if intellligence is not a prerequisite for your occupation (e.g: porn actress [and this is in no way meant to demean porn actresses {some of whom are members, and many are quite competent for work in other fields and choose that line of work anyway}, but, y'know, brightness isn't the first presumption one makes about them]).

When applying for a job where a high level of cognitive ability is presumed of applicants, Mensa membership just looks like bragging, and I suppose it could be even in other situations too.

Please excuse me while I attempt to pry my foot out of my mouth.


swussian February 9 2007, 10:36:40 UTC
Nah, write on ^_^ I really have no idea about how people view Mensa, since the only side of it I see is when people ask me if I am (and wmy I am not) a member.
I am mostly considering a membership for sutiations when people don't assume brightness, since I'm a woman and... well, sometimes do wind up in porn actress-like situations. So it's always nice to hit people on the head with tests instead of åproving your intellectual worth the long hard way to someone whose bias doesn't lie with you.

I was going to write a long femuhnist thing, but I should write a long psychology thing for school instead. ^_^


bonaci February 9 2007, 07:40:02 UTC
Действительно замечетальное слово ;) Ненастоящиее "а", которое "о" с обоих концов ;) Чем больше этой буквы, тем лучше!


swussian February 9 2007, 10:19:51 UTC
Est' takoe slovo å, znachit rechka. A esshe est' ö, eto ostrov. A vot ä netu.


bonaci February 9 2007, 14:56:48 UTC
А на Ы? ;)


swussian February 9 2007, 15:00:03 UTC
На ь!


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