So, I'm utterly exhausted and have been up for more than...*checks watch* 19 hours or so. I'll write about my weekend sooner or later! But first, have a meme!
The meme everyone is doing and so i am doing it too just to be trendy! aka, the Week in the Life Meme. Stolen cheerfully from
yamapea who was the first one on my flist to do it!
1. You must take between six and eight new photographs per day.
2. Your WITL must be consecutive. no skipping days.
3. You must post your photographs at the end of that day, sometime after the last picture is taken.
4. Each photograph must have the time taken beneath and a title, with no other explanation.
All these are taken by my PokeShigeDex (aka blackberry pearl :D )
7:10am, Sootball just hanging over Charizard (my faster work computer).
eyebrow appt!
12:40pm, time to look presentable for this week's madness!!!
traffic charm from miyajima
5:08pm, No accidents so far!
corner of my front yard
5:18pm, A happy sight in the corner of my front yard.
fishbot hamming it up
9:08pm, Fishbot's a cheesy kid.
my wall above my bed
10:06pm, One of my walls!
Eito blanket
10:25pm, Time for some serious zzzz's!!!