Title: Smother me Pairing: Hanchul Rating: G Genre: Drama/Angst/Comfort/Romance Summary: Heechul doesn't know if Hankyung even realizes how much he cares for him or tries to help him. Wordcount: 564
I've just read this through twice and I still don't know the right word for how I feel about it. Bittersweet? Painful? Relieved that it's taking place in a time when they were still together and that they're together because you wrote of them kissing but we all know what's coming and Heechul loses Hankyung anyway so it still hurts...?
That was said all in one breath.
This was really good. Thank you for writing and posting it and I hope others read it as well because it's kind of haunting. Like I'm watching Heechul's memories playing out on a movie screen. Ouch. :(
Slowest reply in the history of the world, I'm sorry OTL I really suck at remembering to reply to comments. I'm sorry!
Especially since I love your comment so much. Thank you for reading and enjoying and commenting and just being generally awesome, I love everything I have read from you ;~;
Comments 6
Relieved that it's taking place in a time when they were still together and that they're together because you wrote of them kissing but we all know what's coming and Heechul loses Hankyung anyway so it still hurts...?
That was said all in one breath.
This was really good. Thank you for writing and posting it and I hope others read it as well because it's kind of haunting. Like I'm watching Heechul's memories playing out on a movie screen. Ouch. :(
Especially since I love your comment so much. Thank you for reading and enjoying and commenting and just being generally awesome, I love everything I have read from you ;~;
Thank you for commenting!
hmmmm ...
Thank you so much for commenting and sorry for my slow reply!
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