Title: Achromatic Ecstasy
Pairing: Kenbin
Rating: R
Genre: Angst, drama, AU, bunch of fucked up stuff
Summary: Despite having been best friends all their lives, it only takes them one month apart to turn everything on its head.
Chapter wordcount: 2,366
A/N: This fic deals with themes that may be triggering to some. Read with caution.
Part 1 -
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Comments 1
Hongbin wants to remain serious, but he can't stop the smile that breaks out on his face, so he leans down and buries his face in Jaehwan's shoulder instead. ”Hyung!” he yells into the fabric. ”Shut up! I won't let you distract me.”
(!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!) fuuuuuck this is so cuuuuuuute ??? dlskjfhsdg ;-;;;;;;;;; uggh cheesy jaehwan is so much love.
hongbins mom /releases a sigh the weight of ten tonnes of bricks/
im nervous. my hearteu.
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