Title: Achromatic Ecstasy
Pairing: Kenbin
Rating: R
Genre: Angst, drama, AU, bunch of fucked up stuff
Summary: Despite having been best friends all their lives, it only takes them one month apart to turn everything on its head.
Chapter wordcount: 1,936
A/N: This fic deals with themes that may be triggering to some. Read with caution.
Part 1 (
And god fucking damnit, he was supposed to not think about Jaehwan tonight, not sit in front of his laptop alone like a fucking loser, editing pictures of the love of his life, who, coincidentally, has moved on to someone more fun than Hongbin himself. )
Comments 1
jaehwan.. gosh idk how to feel about jaehwan but i dont really like him too much at this point. i can totally understand how hongbin feels though. i just realised this fic is really relatable relationships-wise for me, and in terms of people changing and the feeling of them racing ahead. maybe thats why i like being in bin's head here.
photography!bin yay! editing jaehwan though /sigh
this line made me laugh "honestly, i think taekwoon treats everyone like a bug." HAHA so true, even irl vixx hes got that kind of... i mean everyone could be the over eager puppies but depending on his mood they could be bugs too (especially hakyeon rofl)
sanghyuk is such a sweetie and i like their hyung-dongsaeng dynamic here too.
the end though, gosh. /groans/ ill have to keep reading .
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