Title: Line 49
Pairing: Yulsic, Taeny, Hyoyoung, Yoonhyun, Sunsic
Rating: G - NC-17
Genre: Drama, romance, angst, high school AU
Summary: The struggle is different for everyone; we all take different measures to deal with our problems. Friendships are created and tossed upside down, love is found, love is lost, and trust is formed and betrayed as
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Comments 3
I get that Sungmin needs Yoona and everything but I can't help but feel he's getting a little needy...definitely selfish
My poor bbySoo T_T Glad Taeyeon is being totally awesome and caring for her. And it's nice to see the others being so supportive despite only knowing each other for a short time.
I had to play How Great Is Your Love after I read this. Such a good song! And listening to and reading the lyrics really does sound like she wrote it with someone in mind in real time.
Can't wait for the next installment, keep it going! Thanks for sharing ^^
I grasp at any Yoonhyun moment possible. Rawwwrrrr Sungmin for interrupting their handholding and turning down Yuri's offer. I get his pain, but it's putting unfair stress on bb Yoona. :((
Thanksss!!! Onto the next!
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