Title: Line 49
Pairing: Yulsic, Taeny, Hyoyoung, Yoonhyun, one more to be revealed
Rating: G - NC-17
Genre: Drama, romance, angst, high school AU
Summary: The struggle is different for everyone; we all take different measures to deal with our problems. Friendships are created and tossed upside down, love is found, love is lost, and trust is formed
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Comments 5
Edit: Back, sorry for the lateness, college is hell right now D:
It's nice to see the girls getting together, you can tell they're going to be good friends...and maybe more for some people huhuhuhu
Any my poor little TaeTae, she's crushing on Tiffany so bad right now. What a little cutie :3
Oh Hyoyeon is such a tortured soul, I just want to give a big hug. I'm really curious to find out what's caused her so much pain, Good thing Sooyoung is there for support if she needs it. HyoYoung woooooo!
Again, sorry for the late comment. Great stuff by the way, keep it up, you know i'll be here ;D
Hahahaha, I can't figure out Seohyun either. She's so precious, no wonder the others want so much to take care of her.
This was a cute chapter, I enjoy scenes with all, or at least most, of them together, just goofing off. It seems like something that'd happen in real life. But heh, poor Taeyeon, siding with Tiffany from the very beginning and she doesn't get a hug. It's hard to relax around your crush, but she's gonna have to if she wants to get anywhere with her.
Sooyoung, meanwhile, seems to be chipping away at the wall that is Hyoyeon. Hopefully that picks up too.
Thanks for this! :)
YoonHyun <3 I'm still sad panda over people treating Seohyun like a little kid. Thank goodness for Yoona to make her feel special.
And hehehe I like Taeyeon echoing Tiffany's decisions for the movie. That's so cute and realistic. In fact, I loved the whole phone exchange and how Taeyeon was being awkward when they reached her house. So sweet. :3 I'm rooting for you, girl!
HyoYoung making waves, I see. Break through those smile facades, Sooyoung! Hyoyeon's so close to opening up.
Can't lie--I got a little excited about Jessica/Sunny interactions, but nothing out of the ordinary, really. Jessica and Seohyun were sharing a blanket for a while. ;)
Thanks for the update!
ilike all the girls so far right now they're all a bit mysterious, maybe save taeyeon.
the little couplings so far are all likecute littlebaby buds, not yet blossomed but the thought of the potential is rather heartwarming.
thanks for sharing this it's a great fun to read.
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