Title: Line 49
Pairing: Yulsic, Taeny, Hyoyoung, Yoonhyun, one more to be revealed
Rating: G - NC-17
Genre: Drama, romance, angst, high school AU
Summary: The struggle is different for everyone; we all take different measures to deal with our problems. Friendships are created and tossed upside down, love is found, love is lost, and trust is formed
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Comments 5
Spotting for now~~
Edit: I have valiantly returned from the realm of college~~
Yaaay, i'm glad that SunSica worked things out, a little part of me is totally shipping this pair but shhhh don't tell Yuri
"LIKES GIRLS! LIKES GIRLS! LIKES GIRLS!" Oh god i laughed way more than i should of...
Taeyeon and boys aren't something that springs to mind when i think of her...silly mother, stop being so pressuring about boys, they suck, get over it. GIRLS GIRLS GIRLS GIRLS ALL THE WAY~~
Ahem, sorry.
Anyways, another great update, this story just keeps getting better and better. Keep up the good work! See you around~
Interesting/sad situation that Yulsic have to live alone. It's great that they have their own space, but still.. that's tough. :/
Ugh @ Taeyeon's parents. Go kiss some girls, bb!Gay-eon.
Thanks for the update!! Until next chapter~~
Annnddddd Tae's mom. I mean really? Like, why does getting a boyfriend seems like a really big deal for your teenage daughter? HMMM. WHY WHYYY. MAYBE SHE DOESNT WANT A BF DID YOU EVER THINK ABOUT THAT?!
Okay, sorry. Lost control.
Anyway, great chapter! I can't wait for the next one! ^^
Man. Jessica doesn't seems like she's into Yuri as much as Yuri's into her. T^T 4 freaking years! Don't break Yuri''s heart now.....................T^T
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