star_kingdom application

Jul 19, 2011 18:44

Player info
Your Name: Candace
Your E-Mail/AIM/Whatever: candescently (AIM)
Livejournal: knightess
Your age: 19

Character info
Series/Fandom: Chrono Trigger
Character's Name: Frog (Glenn)
Character's Sex: Male
Character's Age: Never given, but estimated 28.
Canon point: Post-final boss and returning to the Middle Ages (good ending, Magus lives).
Abilities: Frog is the chosen wielder of the Masamune, a legendary weapon inhabited by two spirits, Masa and Mune. It is a blade highly effective against magic users such as the Fiendlord, Magus. Coupled with the Hero's Badge, the blade's powers are amplified, and later coming to terms with his past after meeting Cyrus' ghost unlocks the blade's true potential. The Masamune also has other special, more mysterious properties, such as being able to cut a mountain in half with magical energy to clear the way to the Fiendlord's Keep, and also was used to attempt to stop the Mammon Machine from summoning Lavos.

Even in his days as a squire, Frog has always been an adept swordsman with skills that even surpassed Cyrus'. That holds true even more so now, with ten additional years of honing his abilities in real combat against the Fiendlord's armies, making him a veteran of battle. Being a frog, he has other unique abilities, such as being able to jump great heights, being an excellent swimmer, using his tongue to catch enemies and slash them, and Slurp, which heals allies for a small amount of HP.

As a descendant of magic uses of old, Frog is also a capable magic user, both offensively and as a healer. His element is water, and he can cast Water and Water II magic, as well as Cure II.

A full list of his Techs can be found here, and Double/Triple Techs here, which can be performed in tandem with Crono, Marle, Lucca, Robo or Ayla.

Background: "I will fulfill that oath I swore so long ago, and my final promise to you as well."
Appearance: Here and here.
Personality: Frog is a devoted protector to the Kingdom of Guardia, and most of all, determined to protect his old friend and liege, Queen Leene. Highly courageous and with strong values of chivalry and honour, he has fought alone in a long war against the Fiendlord and his armies while living in exile, keeping his true identity secret due to his frog-like appearance. Befitting a warrior of the Middle Ages, his manner of speech is formal, as well as humble towards those he serves, believing himself unworthy to have honours or titles bestowed upon him. To most people, he is focused and no-nonsense, unfazed by insults of how he appears; he is well aware of how his appearance disgusts others and has learned to simply ignore it.

Beneath the surface, though, Frog has held a great deal of shame and self-loathing over the past decade. As a human he was known as Glenn, the squire and best friend of Cyrus, a famed knight and original wielder of the Masamune. Glenn was very gentle-natured and compassionate, as a child never wanting to stand up for himself to bullies, because he did not like to inflict pain on others, as he knew first-hand what pain felt like. As a squire, he idolised Cyrus as a noble mentor figure. However, he was too afraid to fight Magus and Ozzie alongside him; Cyrus died to protect him, burnt to death before his eyes, the Masamune was shattered, and in punishment for his cowardice, Magus cursed him into the form of a anthropomorphic frog.

Hating himself for both his past failings and what he had become, Glenn, taking on the simple name of 'Frog', chose self-imposed exile from Guardia, living hermit-like alone in the Cursed Woods. He knew he could not refuse to use violence any longer, and battled against the Fiendlord's forces for ten long years. Even now he retains some of this loner attitude; he is highly self-reliant, willing to fight alone when the need arises just as much as fighting alongside his allies. Frog also becomes obsessed with avenging Cyrus, swearing to kill Magus to restore both his own and Cyrus' honour, and to lift the curse that transformed him. But he also became highly depressive, believing himself unfit to wield the Masamune despite possessing the Hero's Badge and half the blade, spending his time instead fighting and drinking away his sorrows. In an act of carelessness, he even lost the Hero's Badge and allowed a child to take it, giving people false hope the legendary Hero had appeared.

However, when the party reforge the blade for him and he claims the Masamune for his own, Frog is able to regain his resolve, and shoulders his destiny as the true Hero. Often in the party he serves as the voice of experience, and is generally stoic and composed, remaining the voice of reason even in the most trying of situations. He never loses sight of his destiny to face Magus, and reviles all forms of evil with a fierce passion.

Later, he begins to come to terms with his past. Before the first battle with Magus, he shrugs off the man's taunts, saying his form as a frog has become a blessing in disguise due to what he has obtained. He shows a more merciful and forgiving side when he chooses to spare Magus in their second encounter, stating that killing him would not bring Cyrus back, and even permits him to join the party, showing that Frog has grown beyond a mindless drive for vengeance. He also visits Cyrus' grave to speak to his best friend a final time, and is finally able to lay Cyrus' spirit to rest, swearing he would carry on the knight's legacy in his own actions. The Masamune takes on its true, most powerful form, as Frog is liberated of the guilt weighing him down.

In more personal affairs, Frog is noticably reticent. His platonic friendship with Queen Leene is hinted to possibly be more in an alternate (largely humorous) ending where he does, in fact, marry her. Likewise, when Marle (said to resemble Leene a great deal) kisses him in the ending, he becomes highly embarrassed. Whether his feelings for his queen extend beyond friendship are never made clear, but it is clear he is devoted to her above all others, even the king.

Action/Journal Sample: dear_mun post
RP Sample:
There were dozens of the black creatures surrounding the woman. She had nowhere to run, and within moments her heart was going to be torn from her chest. A Shadow leaped at her, claws outstretched--

--Only to be cleaved in two in mid-air. Frog landed in front of the woman, Masamune raised and ready to defend her to the death. "Run! I shall cut you a path!"

The woman, who was likely a long-time inhabitant of Traverse Town, didn't need to be told twice. She gathered up her dress and ran, as Frog cut through the Heartless one after the other, hacking and whirling, blocking attacks with his shield. When a Wyvern Heartless descended on the woman, Frog leapt up to meet it, easily plunging his blade through the creature's chest.

Yet more of the dark creatures were amassing. When he was sure the woman was behind him and out of harm's way from them, Frog paused, outstretching his hands as he focused on a spell. A huge stream of water plunged down from above and engulfed the swarm of Heartless, decimating them all at once.

Victorious, the amphibious warrior turned to the woman he rescued... only to find she, too, was soaking wet. And gaping at the spot the Heartless had been moments before.

"Apologies, my lady," he croaked, sheathing his blade. He unfastened the clasps of his green cloak and handed it to her, so she could use the cloth to dry herself. "Take this. It was far from my intention for the spell to catch you as well."

She took it numbly, but now she was staring at him. "You're... you're a..." And apparently realising just what her captor was, her eyes taking in the slimy green skin to the protuding yellow eyes. "F-f-frog!" she screamed, throwing his cape back in his face and running away as fast as her legs would carry her. Frog, all too used to that reaction, croaked out a sigh and gathered up his cloak. There was certainly some irony to the situation.

"Mayhap if she'd run from those black demons with such speed, my blade would never have been needed at all..."

Notes: n/a

!star_kingdom, * application

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