I'm really pleased for Jo Jackson with her bronze. She went to uni with me, so I was rooting for her. Different subjects though, of course! Having said that, Loughborough students make up 13% of the GB team, so I went to uni with a few of them!
I did indeed go to Loughborough, for my MA. I didn't know Jo very well, more by sight, but I remember Caitlin and Liam. I didn't venture down to the pool very often - 'cause it was too intimidating, me and my belly flab and all these Olympic athletes - but I saw them around campus plenty.
Comments 6
(The girl did gooooodd, no?)
I NOW AM VERY ENVIOUS. LIAM AND CAITLIN!! Were they very adorable? I suspect so.
Wait. So does this mean you've seen a lot of Team GB? Like, the athletics kids and stuff?
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