The Moment (One Shot / Drabble)

Aug 10, 2011 13:07

Title: The Moment
Pairing : YamaChii, OkaJima
Author: Luciana.
Genre: fluffy, angsty turn to smut
Rating: NC-17
Summary: “LET GO OF MY SQUIRREL!!!” he yelled

“Chii, please don’t cry!” someone try to cheer up Chinen. He come closer to Chinen and pat the younger boy shoulder. A boy with beautiful face tall, well here you are Yuto-san. He come closer to Chinen who cried almost all day.“Un,” Chinen nodded. There’s a frame in his hand. He looks on grief when saw the picture in it. So much guilty in his chest, make him want to cry loud out.

“You can do nothing for him, Chii. It has happened. We can’t back to the past. Left it behind, ok? Don’t feel bad, it’s not your fault.”

“Demo.....Ryo-chan wa....” he’s sobbing.

“It’s not your fault. Everything happend so suddenly. It’s out of our scope.” he come more closer to Chinen. Chinen look at that beautiful boy.

“Gomen ne Ryo-chan. If I can take care of myself, it wouldn’t happend to you. Hontou ni gomen, gomen.....” Chinen still sob and hold the frame into his embrace. He grab it so tight. “What have I done to you?” Yuto snuggle to Chinen and draw that chibi to his embrace. Yuto pat him.

“Don’t cry....”

“Anta tachiiiiiiiii ~~~~” someone get mad when saw Yuto hold Chinen in his embrace.

“Un? Nani?” Yuto asked and turn his eyes to that person who sit on bed.

“LET GO OF MY SQUIRREL!!!” he yelled and get mad, then grab Yuto wrist to let go of his love. Well, you know who it is, deshou? “HE’S ONLY MINE, YOU CAN’T TOUCH HIM! Grr.....”

“Ryo-chan~~~ how dare you?”

“Huh?” Yamada looked at Chinen with his puzzled face.

“You yelled to Yuto whereas he try to comfort me. What about you? You let Daiki also hug you and feeding you. You even didn’t let me make porridge for you.” Chinen still crying when he said it.

“I-it because......” how can I tell you it’s horrible meal, Yamada and his tought.

“Ryo-chan baka!”

“I think we should leave you two.” Daiki get up and grab Yuto wrist with so broadly smile. Yuto just smile and nod. Then they go out from Yamada’s room.




“Demo.....I really love you...” he lowering his voice and looked down, tears still fall down. “You’re such a baka hentai, how can I fallen for you? You make me crazy about you. I’m so worried about you, you should know it.”

“Chii~~~” then Yamada draw Chinen to his embrace while the other hands was bandaged.

“It’s my fault. If I can take care of myself and listen to your advice to not climbing that tree, then you shouldn’t be like this. You shouldn’t help me and let me hit your body when I fall.”

“Don’t worry about it” he kissed Chinen forehead. “It’s an accident afterall, and....I only got sprained hands.”

“Here we are, this is the problem why Yama-chan get bandaged ne” Yuto whisper to Daiki while they try to peek the conversation. Daiki nod.

“Chii~~~” Yamada called his squirrel so tenderly. He kiss his lips, grab that chibi waist to get closer, then let him sit on his lap. Kiss him so passionate, make that black haired boy do moans and wrap his hands to Yamada neck. “Chii.....will you let me inside you???” Yamada whisper it to Chinen ear. Chinen give him a nod.

“J-just do what you want!” Chinen close his eyes. Yamada begin to unbotton Chinen shirt slowly and lick his shoulder blade, then turn to kiss his half bare chest, make Chinen do more moans. “Ryo-chan~~~” he bite Yamada earlobe so softly, make the older also do alittle moans. Yamada smirked as he know that his squirrel become horny.

“What are you doing here, Yuto, Daiki?” Keito come closer to Yuto and Daiki who were peeking on YamaChii moment.

“Ssshhhh......” Yuto put his forefinger to his lips. Then give a sign to Keito to come closer and join them. Keito come closer and then he heard what happend inside Yamada’s room. He got blushing like Yuto and Daiki. But, without they know, Yamada know something wasn’t right. Dimly he can see some shadow from the space in the door.

Yamada put his forefinger to Chinen lips and button up his love shirt, “keep silent Chii, for awhile, ok?” he whisper to Chinen ear and kiss him. Then he get up, let Chinen sit on the bededge. Slowly he come closer to the door.

Meanwhile, outside the room      
“Why they keep silent now? Do they do it now?” Keito asked Yuto and Daiki.

“Maybe,” an answer from Daiki.

Then suddenly, the door open and well.....Yamada can see the three of them was peeking to his room. “Why are you still here? Don’t you have other bussiness?” he grins like an evil. In the room, Chinen was so surprised by what he catch on his eyes. He got blushing hard as know what happend at that time.

“W-well, we......”

“I.....I-‘LL KICK YOU!!!!’ Yamada shouted and run after them while all of them run away from him as fast as they can. Keito grab Yuto wrist and hiding in his room cupboard. It’s so tight in there, but there’s nothing they can do, they also don’t want Yamada catch them since they know, Yamada will do what he said, make it become real. “Where are you~~~?” he said like they’re playing hide and seek.

“Ssshhh....” Keito put his finger to his lips this time and hold Yuto into his embrace, make that beauty boy get strong doki doki.

“Kei-chan.....” Yuto called him.

“Un?” Keito looked at Yuto and he get Yuto was so screw up.

“It’s so tight” Yuto said.

“Huh?” Keito looked at him. “Well, indeed. This cupboard is so small for both of us.”

“Iie.... I here...” Yuto said while point into his pants. It make Keito blushing hard.

“W-well, should we do it at here?”

“I-I can’t hold it anylonger, Kei-chan.” then Yuto stroke Keito things to make him become horny like him. A few minutes later, Yamada find them, he know they are in the cupboard and making out. Well, of course he know it just by listen to the moans come out from that place.
“Well, I’ll not bother their moment. It means....I can do it with my squirrel, yay.” He said it to himself.


A/N : hwaa~~~~I make another one
I really turn to hentai, nyaaa XDDDDbut, this one is really failed >,<
hope you still can enjoy it
let me know what do you think about this one
and.....gomen ne for such bad spelling, grammar, and wrong typing
(always want to say it because I always do it)
I should go now....
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matta ne


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