My Heart Belong to You (One Shot / Drabble)

Aug 09, 2011 15:24

Title: My Heart Belong to You
Pairing : YamaChii
Author: Luciana.
Genre: fluffy, smut
Rating: NC-17 
Summary: “Because you’re mine, no one else can touch you. It’s only me who can touch you, pinch your cheeks and kiss you. The whole you is mine.”
Note: it's my first time to make smut story >//////< hope you don't mind

“Chii.....Chii.....” someone called Chinen name, but he ignored that voice and just staring the sky. Well, actually he really don’t know if someone call his name. He sit on the bench in the afternoon and space out. “CHII !!!” someone shouted his name, surprised him. Gosh, my heart almost jump out, he talked to himself.

“Da-Dai-chan~~” He stroke his chest. It’s still pounding hard, “Y-You surprised me.”

“I’ve called you all the time, but you ignored me.”

“Aa~~ gomen” he look at Daiki face so close and clearly, and he can watch Daiki take a sit beside him now. “Ne Dai-chan, why did you call me? Do you need something from me?”

“Actually....I don’t. I just wonder what happend to you. You space out alot lately. You always sigh, day-dreaming, like to stay alone in the class, and sometimes you look like want to cry. Is there something bad happend to you?”

“Huh? Am I?”

“Un,” Daiki nodded.

“ it related to Yama-chan?” this question so surprising the black hair boy.

“Well, I don’t know it is bad or good.” he’s avoiding Daiki eyes. He just can look down, catch his eyes looking his feet. He really don’t know what should he do. Should I tell him about my feeling or not, he fight with his mind.

“You can count on me, you know that, deshou? You’re my bestfriend after all.” he pinch that chibi boy’s cheeks.

“I-ittaiiiiiiii.....Dai-chan stop it.” he grims and touch his redden cheek, he caress it.

“Gomen gomen, demo really can count on me.” Daiki smile and pat his head. At that time, Yamada see them from a distance. He looked so mad, but he still try to calm down. He come to them. Daiki stop his eyes at Yamada. “Yama-chan~~~~hisashiburi, o genki desuka?” Chinen turn his head to someone who stood beside him and he find Yamada smile broadly.

“Genki desu.” he replied in smile, but it’s not like a friendly smile. There’s no idea what happend to him. “Ne Daiki, can I take Chinen home? I need his help.” he grab Chinen wrist so tight, make him grimace.

“Ryo-Ryo-chan....” Chinen try to called him in grimace with low tune.

“Un, sure you can Yama-chan. I also.....” Daiki isn’t finish his line when Yamada take Chinen far away from him. They even didn’t say goodbye to Daiki.

“Ryo-chan~~~~ ittai,” he grimace, but the older boy ignored him and take him home in hurry. He pushed the youngest to their home and lock the door. “What happend to you? You’re so strange. What the....” he ignored Chinen again and go to the living room, sit on the sofa and turn on the tv. “Oi, tell me, what happend to you?” Yamada still keep silent. “Ryo-chan, why do you ignore me?” Chinen begin to cry, such a big crying baby, huh? But, he really can pretend the feeling. He really hate to be ignored by him. “Just tell me if I do something wrong~~” his voice become trembling. “Onegai......” he pulled Yamada shirt and crying hard on his shoulder. “Don’t ignore me!”

“Baka Chii,” Yamada take the chibi’s chin toward him and force a kiss. Try to caress his tongue and slowly turn his finger to Chinen neck, his tongue lick along the neck make Chinen do some moans. He smirked and kiss again, bring Chinen to bedroom and force to undress him.

“R-Ryo-chan.....” he push Chinen to lay on bed so suddenly.

“You should be punished.” he come above that chibi and grab his wrist while his free hand try to grab Chinen things and stroke it. “You’ve got hard so fast when I touch you, huh?” he’s teasing him.

“R-Ryo-channnnn.....hhhh....aaahhh...” that chibi bite his bottom lips, try hard to hold the moans, but it really hard to do it. I wonder, what happend with this guy? the question still cross his mind.

“Just relax Chii.....” he looked so excited, he even lick and suck Chinen bare chest. Chinen feel so weak and can do nothing beside moans. “Will you turn and let me behind you?” Yamada whisper it and grab his shoulder, turn Chinen to lay on his belly. He still stroke that chibi things and lick over his back till reach his neck. Make so much mark on Chinen body. Suddenly his finger get the hole, surprised Chinen. He caress it for awhile.

“RYO-CHAN!!!!” Chinen yelled and tried to stop him.

“Just relax Chii!!” Chinen can hear Yamada’s soft voice on his ear.

“Don’t do it, it......ergh.....” he grimace as Yamada put his things into his hole. “Ryo-chan baka~~~ i-ittai....” tears come out from Chinen eyes, his hand grab bed sheet so tight. Yamada stop his action when he see his love tears. He take Chinen face and kiss him so softly. “Gomen Chii, demo....I can’t hold it anylonger, let me do it in rush.” he said. Chinen so weak to give an answer, then he just let Yamada do it. He even can feel Yamada cum inside him, then lay on his back, let his things get out of him. Both of them get heavy breath and gasping hard. Chinen can feel Yamada heart beating so fast, just like him. Then the older get up and take the blanket to cover their body. He lay beside Chinen after that and draw that chibi into his embrace. “Gomen ne to hurt you.”

“Mou~~~....what happend to you? You’re so strange and so harsh today....” Chinen still can’t mad at him though his koibito being brutal like this.

“Well, it’s because of you.”


“You make me jealous. You make me hate myself.” he kiss Chinen forehead.

“Jealous? How come, Ryo-chan?”

“Because you’re too close to Dai-chan. You let him touch, pinch, and hug you. I hate to admit it, but it always pissed me off everytime I see it.” Yamada blushing hard. Then Chinen touch the chubby cheeks boy and pinch his cheeks, make him grimace.

“Baka Ryo-chan. You shouldn’t mad for such a simple thing. I really belong to you.”


“As you know...” Chinen lay his head on Yamada chest, let the older boy tighten his embrace. “I always worried about us. I always asked myself about you, do he really love me like I do? Did he just do all kind things to me because he don’t want me feel bad? What’s on his mind? What is he doing? How was his day? Do he miss me like I do? When will he come back home? Do he care about me? I really don’t know what’s on my mind if it belong to you. I always can let you out of my mind. I really miss you everytime we get apart. I love you so much Ryo-chan. You really drive me crazy“ then Chinen face him. He can see Yamada also get blushing as heard what he said. He’s cheeks was so red, just like me, Chinen thought.

“Baka, why do you think too much about it? I never lie about my feeling toward you.” he take Chinen chin, then press his lips so softly this time. “I love you and I always do.” then Yamada get up to put in his trousers. Chinen also want to put his, but it’s really hurt in his butt. Yamada know it and put on Chinen pants to him. When Chinen try to see Yamada, dimly he get his eyes stared on his body.“Ryo-chan~~~ how dare you!? You make so much mark on me.” he really get so surprised by that marks on him.

“Because you’re mine, no one else can touch you. It’s only me who can touch you, pinch your cheeks and kiss you. The whole you is mine.” Yamada smirked. What Chinen can do only frozen and speechless.

A/N : hwaa~~~~finally, I really make the smut one
but, I think it's failed >,<
demo....I hope you enjoy it
love your comment, so leave some comment to let me know what do you think about this one
and.....gomen ne for such bad spelling, grammar, and wrong typing (always did it)
I should go now....
i'll reply your comment later
matta ne


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