Precious Memory (Chapter 1)

Aug 06, 2011 19:59

Title : Precious Memory
Author : Luciana
Requester : Lin-chan a.k.a yamada_lin
Pairing : Yamada x OC (Lin Walker)
Rating : NC-17
Summary : Her life, His life and their life was very beautiful and full of romance. What about the child?
Note: Rumi as the first child (6 years daughter), Ren-chan as the second child (4 years old boy)

>>>> back to present<<<<
“LIN-CHAN!!!!” someone called and run into her in rush, “Yokatta, finally I can find you.”

“Ana-nee-chan, nani at.....”

“Baka Ojii-chan, he leave you here and forget all of his appoinment. He called me to pick you because he still have some other bussiness.” Ana tried to breath after running, she still gasping. “Daijoubu ka?” she asked her as she looked Lin in grief. “What are you doing to my Lin-chan?” Ana loooked at Yamada with her death glare.

“Daijoubu nee-chan! I just miss my parents!”

“Lin-chan~~~” Ana stared again at Yamada and suddenly bowed. “Gomen, I’ve accused you.”


“Well, let’s eat ramen nee-chan. I want to eat ramen and gyoza this time.” Lin grabs Ana right hand so sudden try to change the subject. “Yama-chan, kyo wa arigatou ne....matta ne,”

“Matte....” Yamada stop the two girls. “Can we be bestfriend?” he asked and look Lin.

“Sure we can.”

“ it true that the manager is your ojiisan?”

“Not mine, but Ana-nee-chan ojiisan.”

“Eee??? You’re brethten, deshou? So I think he should be your ojiisan too.” Lin chuckled a bit. “It’s true I called her Ana-nee-chan, demo....we’re not the real brethten.” It’s shocking Yamada for awhile. “Ok then, matta ne Yama-chan.” then Lin and Ana go away from that shooting location.

“Do you really ok?” Ana asked her to make sure everything was fine, but Lin just nodded to her, “hontou?”

“Un, honki desu,” Lin smiled broadly. Eventhough she do that, Ana pretty sure she’s not good inside. Everytime she remembered about her parents, she looked in grief and it’s sad moments can make her down.

“Gomen ne.....”


“I shouldn’t tell you about entertainment world.” Ana tried to change their topic.

“Ana-nee-chan is weird. Eventhough you didn’t tell me about that, I think I’ll keep choosing it as my future. I think it’s good enough too, because it will make me busy, then I don’t need to remember about my parents again. I don’t need being sad and make you worried about me.” she still force herself to smile. Ana know that smile was fake, but she can do nothing for that. What she can do now just fulfill Lin wishes, make her happy and let everything on their way.

>>>>12 years later<<<<
“Ohayo my sweetie....” someone blow a kiss to Lin right cheek when she still lying on her bed. She feel a bit lazy today after took shooting last night. “Wake up honey, you should greeting our lovely kids. Rumi and Ren have waiting for you.” he whisper it onto his wife ear, make Lin eyes become bigger.

“Aaa, gomen!” suddenly she wake up. She let her fingers to comb her hairs and fix her pajamas, then leave her bed, come closer to her husband and hug him from behind. “Ohayo, Ryo.”

Yamada turn his body to his wife. He smile broadly to his sleepy wife. “How was your sleep?” he ask her as he stroke her hair gently.
“You know it, honey.” Lin said and yawn.

“Un, I think I know it.” he smiled and looked dearly to his wife. Slowly he kiss her hair, her forehead, her eyes, turn to her cheek, her nose, then catch her lips.

“You want make one more, huh?” Lin asked him as she broke the kissing.

“If you don’t mind to birth one more kid to me.” Yamada chuckled.

“I won’t.” she yawn again. Yamada smirked as he looked at his wife. Slowly he took Lin hands to his shoulder then put his hand to wrap Lin’s waist.

“I love you, hun.” then he took his left hand to Lin neck and blow a kiss again onto Lin lower lips. He catch it, kissed it softly. Then he blow a kiss to her neck, go to her shoulder, then back again to her lips till suddenly......

“Uwaaa~~~~ Papa was cheating on Mama.” they broke the morning kissing and looked at each other, then turn to that voice. It’s Rumi, their first child. Rumi run away from their parent with kuu, her puppy on her arms. She giggles after said it, make her parents blushing.

“Well, I take care of our child, you can change. I’m waiting at kitchen, ok?”

“Un, arigatou ne’re really the best husband, no one can compared you”

“Douita, my sweetie. You also the best wife.” he blow a lightl kiss this time, then he go out, let Lin changing by herself. After that, Lin go to the kitchen to get her breakfast. She can see her lovable kids when her step reach the kitchen, Rumi and Ren are playing with kuu and cookie, their puppies while their father make a bento for Rumi.

“RUMI!!! REN!!!!” suddenly she shouted and looked annoyed. “STOP PLAYING AND EAT YOUR BREAKFAST OR MAMA WILL MAD AT YOU AND PUNISH YOU TWO!” she shouted again. “PAPA!” she yelled and looked at Yamada.


“WHY YOU LET THEM PLAY AND DIDN’T TELL THEM TO EAT BREAKFAST!” seems like she really mad. For awhile, there’s silent. Her husband stood frozen and their children stop playing. Suddenly Ren crying make Lin panic. She come closer to Ren and squat, looked at her boy. “Go-gomen, my sweetheart. Mama didn’t mean to yelled. Mama only want to teasing you because Mama was missing my lovable children alot. We didn’t play together for a week, deshou? Mama didn’t mad at you, ok? Mama only want to play with you and your sister this morning. Mama also want to play with Papa a bit. Ok?” she try to stop him crying, but what she get after that.

“I’m not crying, Mama. I only do acting like you do. Hehehe.....because I aso want to play with Mama.” said Ren.

“Eee???” she’s so surprised when knowing her child get the same talent with their parents. “Well, Mama get mad now,” she pretend anger at them.

“Mama~~, don’t mad, please don’t mad. Ren will not doing it again.” Ren pulled his mother skirt. “Please don’t mad, Mama!” he give her puppy eyes and almost crying. Lin squat again to pat her little lovable boy.

“Mama never can mad at you my dear. Mama can’t mad at you and your sister, because Mama love both of you so much.” bright smile plastered her face now.

“We love you too, Mama.” both of Rumi and Ren hug their mother.

“Now, let’s eat our breakfast. Papa have make delicious breakfast today.” Lin said.

“Mama’s cooking is the best.” Ren said.

“Papa’s dishes is the best, too.” Rumi interrupted.

“Arigatou na, my dear!” Yamada come closer to Rumi and he pat his daughter head.

“Papa...” suddenly Rumi hug Yamada, make Yamada turn his puzzled eyes to Lin who only smile to him, “when I grown up, I’ll marry Papa, so I can eat many delicious food made by Papa.” she smile till suddenly.....

“If that so, then I’ll marry Mama.” said Ren, then hug his mom waist. Both of their parents chuckled a bit.

“Ne Rumi, Ren, you can’t marry Papa either Mama. You should marry someone else, my sweetheart.” Lin explained it slowly to them, hope they got what she want to say.

“Eee??? Nande, Mama?” Rumi asked, she looked disappointed.

“Because Mama is belong to Papa, and so Papa. We have married, so we can’t marry you, my dear. Papa love your Mama so much, ok?” now, it’s Yamada turn to explained it to their childs. Rumi make a pouth mouth while Lin just give her smile that morning and eat her breakfast.

A/N : fiuhhh *relieving* finally I write the chapter
I really don't have any confident on this one, too
maybe it's pretty bored
feel free to read and comment ^-^
comments are loved


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