Precious Memory (Prologue 2)

Aug 04, 2011 03:17

Title : Precious Memory
Author : Luciana
Requester : Lin-chan a.k.a yamada_lin
Pairing : Yamada x OC (Lin Walker)
Rating : NC-17
Summary : “If you’re my bestfriend, will not leave me, deshou?”

“Aaa yeah, wastashi Ana desu. Anata wa?”

“Lin, Lin walker desu.” Lin still sobbing.

“From now on, let’s be bestfriend, Lin-chan.” she took Lin hand and shaking her hand. Lin still silent and looking to Ana. It’s their first meeting, but she have such familiar feeling about Ana. “Nani atta no?” seems like Lin a bit hesitately about Ana. Lin still keep silent. Ana still looked at Lin.

“Are you sure we can be bestfriend?”

“Un,” Ana nodded happily.

“If you’re my bestfriend, will not leave me, deshou?”


“ANA!!! ANA!!!” someone called her, “ANA!!! DOKO NI IRU?!”

“Ah Lin-chan, I should go, looks like obaa-chan looking for me. Matta ne?!” Ana had hold the door knob, she will go out from that room when suddenly Lin pulled her shirt. She turn her face to Lin.

“You said you’re my bestfriend, deshou?”

“Un, I’m your bestfriend. So, I’ll see you again tomorrow.” but suddenly little Lin begin to cry again.

“Please don’t leave me!” her voice trembling. “I won’t be alone~~~ My parents have gone, I won’t be alone at here. Onegai~~~” she cried again. Ana back to her and hug her, try to comfort her again.

“Gomen, I won’t leave you alone, ok?” she looked at little Lin. “Well, want to come to my house? Let’s meet obaa-chan and ojii-chan. I will asked them to let you live with me.” Ana take Lin wrist after get the nod from Lin and go with her to meet her grandma who called her name before.

“Ana ~~~, don’t make me worry like this. You almost make me die.” said her grandma as she finally found her granddaughter.

“Obaa-chan, gomen. I’ll not do that again later. Ne Obaa-chan, can I asked you something?”

“Sure you can my dear. What’s that?” she looked down to saw little Ana clearly.

“Can she live with us? She can be my imouto, deshou?” Ana took Lin to meet her grandma.

“Demo, Ana~~~~, have you known her before?” her grandma looked a bit confused.

“Iie, I just know her a few minutes ago.” little Ana smiled to her grandma, make her obaa-chan being more confused.

“Then, how can she be your imouto. Her parents will worried about her if you take her to our house without permition, you know.” her grandma tried to explained it slowly.

“Her parents have died and....she’s alone now. She’s same as me,” Ana looked at grief and spoke it a bit quietly. “No one with her. Obaa-chan.....onegai....” her grandma can’t said anything and just looked her granddaughter for awhile. “Ne ne Obaa-chan, I’ll promise you, I’ll take care of her, I’ll not troubling you with her. Onegai~~~~” she still force her grandma. “Obaa-chan, I’ve been alone for a long time, so..... let her be beside me....I......”

“It’s not easy like you imagine Ana.” her grandma sigh. “We should know about her family first, maybe she still have ojiisan and obasan who still care about her. Furhermore, we should prepare some documents belong her. It will be a bit longer.”

“Then, let’s asked ojii-chan to do that for me.”

“Well, I’ll asked him later....” her grandma pat Ana head and smile to her.

“Arigatou obaa-chan!!!! Obaa-chan wa daisuki~~~” Ana hug her grandma for a moment, then......

“Well my dear, what is your name?” Ana grandma asked Lin with bright smile.

“Watashi wa Lin Walker desu, yoroshiku.” little Lin bowed to Ana grandma.

“So polite ne. Hahaha...” she laugh like other grandma.

“Ne ne Obaa-chan, can she stay with me tonight?”

“Well, if the condition like that, then I’ll let her to stay with you till we find out about her family.”

“I really love you Obaa-chan.” Ana hug her grandma for a moment, then she went to Lin. She grab that little Lin hands and swung it happily. She even have broadly smile plastered her face. “Yokatta ne, Lin.”

>>>>at night
>>>>in Grandma bedroom
“Demo, okaasan!” seems like there’s a boy disagree about something.

“But, I never seen Ana happily like that. I want to make her smile and happy like that before I died. Please do some documents for her. I know you can....”

“Demo, okaasan, you know....”

“Shinpai naide.” she looked at her son. “I’ll take care the both of them. Ana also said she will take care of her too. I trust her. I’ve asked detective to find out about her family information before. So, you don’t need to worry, just do some documents for adopted her and for her parents funeral.”


>>>>other room, in Ana bedroom
“Ne Ana-chan,” little Lin called her, made little Ana turn his head to Lin, “Where are you parents?” Ana stiff for a moment as she heard that question. She never want to heard that question, because it make her feel like something stabbed her heart. But, because it’s Lin, she tried to smile though it’s pain inside her.

“Well~~ my mom died after giving birth me, and my dad~~~,” her voice become a bit trembling, but she force herself to make everything still looked fine in front of Lin. Eventhough she’s still a little kid, but she try to act like an adult after being alone for along time. “I never know about him. I heard he went with other girl when my mom got pregnant. Demo, it’s along time ago. Just forget it!” she smile to Lin. “Well.......what about you. I want to know how old are you. You looked younger than me.”

“I’m 7 years old.”

“Eeee??? I think you are 5 years kid. I’m 11 years old. So, we really look like brethren ne? Ureshii.....I really want a imouto.”

“Then, I should call you Ana-nee-chan,” Lin smile to Ana. “Ne Ana-nee-chan, is it true my mama and papa will become stars??” little Lin stared at dark sky. “But nee-chan, there’s no stars out there, it’s mean they failed become star ne..... so they can watching me...” she almost crying again.

“Lin-chan, chotto matte ne.” Ana leave her for awhile and go inside, she turn of all the light around them. “Now, can you see the star? Obaa-chan ever said to me, if I want to see the star, then there’s no light around us at all, so we can see it clearly. Now, can you see it? I think I saw 2 twinkle stars.”

“Un,” Lin nodded. “Now I can see it.”

A/N : fiuhhh *relieving* finally I write the second prologue
I really don't have any confident on this one
so.....please, let me know
what do you think about this one
I really love comment, so...feel free to leave it
well, I'm off now


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