Insomnia (One Shot)

Jun 18, 2011 03:44

Title: Insomnia
Subject: only Yamada and Chinen
Author: Luciana
Genre: comedy (I guess)
Summary: What will Chinen do if Yamada can’t sleep at night? Then, what will Yamada do if Chinen is the one who can’t get sleep? Well, no one knows till they get sleep problem which is called insomnia.

What will Chinen do if Yamada can’t sleep at night? Then, what will Yamada do if Chinen is the one who can’t get sleep? Well, no one knows till they get sleep problem which is called insomnia. It happend when Yamada and Chinen finished their study together and Chinen has sleepover at Yamada house. They learn together for the exam preparation and it’s been 2 days when it suddenly happend to them.

>>>first night<<<

“Aargh,” Yamada groans. He rolled around in his futton.

“What’s going on, Ryo-chan?” Chinen wake up and rubbing his eyes. “You’re so noisy ne....” then he yawn. Chinen come closer to Yamada while hugging his pillow.

“Aaa gomen, Chii. Did I wake you up?” Yamada staring at Chinen sleepy face. Chinen nodded and yawn again. “Gomen. I’ve wake you up. You can go to sleep again now. Don’t mind me.” Yamada said. Chinen go back to his futton. He’s lying and covered his body with his lovely blanket. He try to sleep. Slowly, he began fall a sleep. He almost sleep until Yamada groans again and pissed him off. Chinen wake up again and come closer to Yamada. “Did I wake you up again? Gomen.” Yamada said but Chinen hit his head with pillow. “Why’d you hit me???” Yamada touch his head and looked at Chinen.

“Just go to sleep and don’t do some groan again. I’ll kill you if you still do that.” Chinen stared at him with devil eyes. He looks so annoyed and sleepy too.

“But, I can’t sleep.”

“You can’t sleep?” Yamada nodded. “Then get out of this room.” but Yamada looked at Chinen with his puppy eyes. “What now?”

“I....I’m afraid of dark’s my room after all”

Chinen sigh. Finally sleepy Chinen said something to him. “You like food so much, deshou ne?” he asked him.

“Of course. I love them so much. It’s not just like, but love. Why do you asked me that so suddenly?” suddenly he looks so excited.

“Then, think about it before you sleep. Just imagine.”


“You can’t sleep because this place so dark, deshou? Then, you should think about your favorite food and eat a lot of them in such fancy restaurant. Just imagine it on your dream. I think you can sleep after that. But, if it doesn’t work on you, then let me hit you with wooden beams.”

“I...I try the first option.” [Chinen kowai.] he thought

“Good choice. I’ll sleep now. Don’t be noisy.” Chinen back to his futton and sleep well while Yamada still trying hard to imagine his favorite food and eat a lot of them in fancy restaurant.

“Such a glutton. He really do what I said to him last night, huh?” Chinen said to himself in the morning. He wake up early and looked at Yamada who sleep well. He smiled when saw Yamada sleep like a child. Yamada mention all the name of his favorit food. “Oishii!!! I want more!! Give me more!!!” he still mumbles about it when sleep.

>>>next day, at night<<<

“Oyasumi, Chii.” Yamada said when they went to bed. He’s yawn. But he stop to yawning. Suddenly he felt something odd, like someone want to kill him.

“It’s your fault.” Chinen stared Yamada with his devil eyes made Yamada face him with puzzled face. “Yesterday, you were distrubing my sleep. And now, I can’t sleep at all. It’s your responsibility.”

“Eee????” Chinen turn away his face from Yamada. “Maji de?” Chinen ignored him. “Then, what should I do?” Yamada stared at Chinen who still ignored him. “Mmm, let me tell you a bedtime story.” Chinen immediately stared him sharply. “Oi, oi. I just want to help you sleep.”

“Fairytail just for kid.”

“It’s not like you imagine. Wanna try to hear that?” Chinen stared him hesitantly. “Well, just lying on your futton and I’ll begin to tell you that story.” Chinen do what Yamada said. “Ok. I begin. Ehem, ehem.” he try clearing his throat.

“Once upon a time, there’s a big palace in the middle of forest. The king and the queen are so happy when they got a beautiful baby girl who named Yuri after being married for 10 years.”

“Oi Ryo-chan. Don’t using my name.”

“Actually it’s the name of that princess. She has the same name with you.” Yamada looked at Chinen who suddenly keep quiet. “Can I continue it?” Chinen nodded.

“They are so happy until the witch came and spell her. The witch swear that princess will sleep forever and no one can wake her up. But, there are 3 fairies came to the palace and help the princess.”

“Oi Ryo-chan, It’s about sleeping beauty, deshou?”

“Why'd you always distrubing me. You interrupted me in the middle of my story.”

“Gomen. But, it’s such a boring story. I’ve heard that when I’m in kindergarden.”

“I’ve said it before, deshou? It’s not like you think. So....can I continue it?” he asked Chinen. Chinen nodded again.

“The first one try to help the princess, but she do the wrong spell, make princess being a donkey. King get mad and jailing the first fairy. The second also fail. She can turn the princess to be normal, but it’s just for a few minutes before the princess being a rabbit. She also get jailing. Then, the last fairy tried her best. She can turn the princess to be normal and she didn’t get jail. But, it doesn’t mean she can release the princess from her curse. As the result, the princess will sleep until one day, the prince come and kiss her. She will wake up after that and marry the prince.”

“See!! It’s just about sleeping beauty.” Yamada stared to Chinen, make that boy remain to silent.

“Actually, the spell will working when the princess reach her 17 years birthday. But, it’s the wrong spell. She didn’t fall a sleep after her 17 birthday, but she can’t sleep. She get insomnia for a few years. Then, the king ordered his guard to looking for someone who can make the princess fall a sleep. The king offers the big prize if someone can make her fall a sleep. After waiting for a long time, finally someone face him and introduce himself as the prince from neighboring countries. The prince so handsome and his name is Ryuu.”

“Now you pick Ryuu-chan name.” Chinen shooking his head and smile.

“Please don’t interrupted me, or I will not tell you about this story.” Chinen being quiet. Then Yamada continue his bedtime story.

“The king accepted him and tell him about the pincess condition. He also said he has done everything, from giving her sleeping pill till bring her to royal physician. But, there were not working after all. Then, the prince said, he only need a wooden beams to make the princess fall to sleep without explained his plan to His Majesty. He get the wooden beams so easily. Then, suddenly he used it to hit the princess, make her fall down to the floor. The king and queen were so shocked when they see it. The king ordered guard to punished the prince before he heard something weird. It come from the princess. She’s snore.”

“Look at her, My Lord, my plan is working on her. Now, she will sleep well.”

“Hahaha, that’s so horrible.” Chinen laugh. “How can the prince do that to his princess? How cruel it is.” Chinen laugh so hard. “And....and....??” he stared Yamada with sleepy eyes but so excited. He feel a little bit sleepy now.

“You’ve sleepy now. I’ll continue it tomorrow, okay?”

“No!!! Please tell me the ending.”

“Well, the princess sleep well, and the prince get his big prize. The princess wake up after sleep for a month.”

“’s really such a boring story in the end.” Chinen complained.

“So, what do you want to be its ending?”

“Hevery stoury will ended with happy hending, deshyou?” he said it with big yawn. “So, I think, after the princess wake up, they should be marry.” he’s so sleepy now. Slowly, he begin to sleep.

Yamada chuckled as he looked at sleepy Chinen. “You’re a child after all ne. Because you like that bedtime story.” Yamada said, Chinen didn’t listen to him anymore. Looks like that boy has gone to sleep. Yamada just give him a smile. “Actually, I put you as the princess and I don’t want you marry Ryuu-chan, because you are completely mind, though I’m a little bit cruel to the princess in that story. Gomen.” he chuckled. “Oyasumi, Chii.” Yamada said, then go to bed.

- END -

A/N : what am I writting??? *sigh*
well, I dedicated it for my imouto, Mel-chan
I think you will feel familiar with this one
hohoho ^o^
tsck, why I laugh like a santa claus

gomen for bad spelling and grammar >.<

well, hope you enjoy this one
feel free to read and comment
love ya all.... *hugs you*


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