Please....Don't Hate Me (One Shot)

Jun 11, 2011 08:43

Title: Please....Don't Hate Me
Pairings: YamaChii
Author: Luciana
Summary : “PLEASE DON’T HATE ME, RYO-CHAN!!!!” Chinen cried loud out and hugging Yamada. Surprised him with that hugging. “I NEED NO ONE ON MY SIDE, IT’S ONLY YOU. PLEASE DON’T HATE ME!!!!” .

It’s night already. Chinen staring at dark sky from his veranda. He’s space out. It’s only dark sky, nothing else. There’s no moon or stars. He looked so sad that time.

“What’s the heck with me?” he asked himself. “They should be hate me so much.” he sigh.

“CHINEN!!!” someone called him from the other veranda. But, looks like he didn’t heard it.

“I should tell them that I’m feel so sorry to said something cruel to them a week ago.” he said to himself again without realize someone still calling him.

“CHINEN!!! CHINEN TEBA!!!!” someone yelled his name.

“Ryo, Ryo-chan?” finally he get down to earth after space out for a while. He got Yamada stand up in front of him. Of course in Yamada’s veranda. “What’s up?” he asked Yamada and smiled to him.

“Why do you stay in your veranda without your jacket or extra clothes? It’s already late night. You’ll get cold if you keep staying like that.” Yamada said and throw something to him. He catch it and looked at Yamada with his puzzled face. Since they are a neighbour, it’s easy for them to meet each other every day. “You should use something to keep your body warm. I will worried like hell if you get cold.” Yamada smiled to him.

“Arigatou ne, Ryo-chan, for your jacket.” Chinen smiled back to him and using it.

“Douita.” he still stare at Chinen. “Hehe, I think it’s a little big to you ne.”

“That’s ok. It’s still warm.”

“Hontou????” Yamada smiled again. “It’s already autumn season and the wind become so cold. So, you should take care of your body.”

“Yasashii ne, Ryo-chan.”


“Un, nandemonai.” Chinen shooking his head. “I think I should back to my room. Oyasumi, Ryo-chan.” then he go away from Yamada. Dimly, he can hear Yamada said oyasumi back to him. It make him a little bit happy inside his heart. “You’re so kind, ne Ryo-chan. I hope you won’t hate me because of my sharp mouth. You’re the only one my best friend.” he said to himself again and stared at his bedroom ceiling. He remembed about his moment when he was in kindergarden. Yamada was so kind too at that time. He always care about Chinen. Chinen don’t want Yamada hate him. But, he think it’s impossible. Yamada will hate him too because his sharp mouth.’s almost a week, they didn’t go home together. Yamada always go home early. Looks like Yamada try to avoiding him at school, but he’ll be kind when they face each other at home. “Argh, forget it Chii! You should go to sleep now, or you’ll be late to school tomorrow.” Chinen confused and got worried if Yamada hate him.

>>>at school<<<

Chinen enter the school gate silently. He can heard everyone badmouth about him. He can do nothing for now since he said something cruel a week ago.

“OHAYOOOO!!!!” Yamada salute him and pat Chinen back so hard.


“Ah...gomen gomen. I don’t mean to hurt you.”

“Daijoubu,” Chinen smiled to him.

“Ne Chinen, Ohayo....” he said it softly now and give his best smile to Chinen. “Ah, we should go to class in hurry or we’ll be late.” Yamada said and grab Chinen wrist. “Ikku yo,” Chinen nodded. He still feel guilty. It make him can’t focus to class. In break time, Yamada just go to library and leave him alone to have his bento. After class end too, Yamada always permit to go home early and leave him walk home alone. It’s almost a week, and Chinen can’t hold it on. He need Yamada on his side. That’s why, he become silent and suddenly ignored Yamada at class.

>>>at night<<<

He staying at his veranda again tonight and staring at the dark sky. Suddenly tears come out from his eyes.

“Why are you crying, Chii?”someone asked him.

“Eee?” he looked at the one who asked him. It’s Yamada. And...and...Chinen just realize that he was crying. He wipe his tears in hurry.

“I’m not crying. I just.....”

“I know you’re crying.”

“I’M NOT!” but the tears can’t stop. Suddenly Yamada jumps to his veranda. It make Chinen shocked. “WHAT ARE YOU DOING? YOU CAN DIE IF YOU DO THAT, RYO-CHAN” Chinen run into him. Yamada give him a smile. “Don’t make me worry.” Chinen cried.

“Finally you care about me.” Yamada come closer to him.

“What do you mean?” Yamada suddenly draw Chinen into his embrace.

“It’s your fault. You make me worried first.” Chinen eyes wide open. “Lately, you become weird. You’re being so silent and suddenly ignored me. There’s something bad happend to you, deshou?” Yamada still keep hugging that chibi.

“It’s really my fault, ne.” Chinen smiled while he still crying. “You must be hate me right now.”

“Chinen?” he release him from his embrace and looked at Chinen face. But, that chibi turn away his face from Yamada.

“I’ve shouldn’t said something cruel like that a week ago.” Yamada face him with puzzled face. “I said that all of them baka just because they can’t do their test and complaining about our teacher as a bad teacher. I told them they should be worst than our teacher. They are so childish. And....and I told them more cruel thing. You’ve heard that, deshou? Everyone badmouthing me from that time.” Chinen cried. “And...and....from that time. You were avoiding me too. You leave me to eat bento alone. You never do that before. And..... you always walk me home before. But, you never do it lately. You must be mad at me. You must be hate me.”

“Chiii....” Yamada called him.

“PLEASE DON’T HATE ME, RYO-CHAN!!!!” Chinen cried loud out and hugging Yamada. Surprised him with that hugging. “I NEED NO ONE ON MY SIDE, IT’S ONLY YOU. YOU’RE THE ONLY MY BEST FRIEND. PLEASE DON’T HATE ME!!!!” Yamada pat Chinen head softly and release himself from Chinen.

“Ah, I can do nothing right now, ne. I should give it to you.”


“Matte ne. I’ll be back.” then he jumps to his veranda, shocking Chinen again. A few minutes later, he jumps back to Chinen’s veranda. “Here you are.” Yamada wrapped a scarf to Chinen. "It's not your fault. Indeed, you are a sharp-mouthed, but you always said the truth. So, it's not your fault. And, as you know, I don't care what they said about you. I know you better than they do. So...don't cry, ok?"


“Aaa, do you like this scarf?" suddenly he changed the subject. " I see it when we hang out around a month ago. I think it will be fit you. I really want to give it to you with the new winter clothes. But, I don’t have enough money. So I looking for part time job. And finally I got it. But, I still don’t get enough money to buy you a new winter clothes. So, I looking for another part time job. That’s why I always back early.” he explained it to Chinen. “Aaa, gomen to make you feel like that.” he bowing. Chinen stop crying. “Actually, it’s your birthday gift, gomen ne, it's too early to give you a birthday present.”

“ don’t hate me?”

“Of course not. I can’t hate you since I love you so much.” Yamada blushing hard when he realize what he said to Chinen. He turn away his face for awhile to hiding his red face. “Go-gomen, I said something non-sense to you.”

“I love you too, Ryo-chan.” Chinen hiding his red face from Yamada.


“You heard that, deshou? That’s why, the one I need is you. You’re the only one for me. I want you always by my side. I don’t need any gift, I only want you.” Chinen turn his head down. He’s blushing hard.

“Then, let me be yours forever. I’ll not betrayed you. I’ll never hate you. I’ll love you forever. I promise you.” then he hugs Chinen tightly and kiss him.

- END -

A/N :  suddenly it's across my head, made me want to write one shot again >.<
dedicated for Ya-chan >.<
but, this one is a little boring *sigh*
sorry for bad english and grammar too >.<

hmmm, honestly, I still confused about OS and drabble, hahahash XDDD

hmmm......I can do nothing for that, just write it down, hope you like it  >.<
since I made you cry with me for last OS, gomen *bowing*
comments are welcome  ^v^ 


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