Only Your Figure in My Eyes (Chp. 14) ~ Final

Sep 01, 2012 12:20

Only Your Figure in My Eyes
Title : Only Your Figure in My Eyes
Author : switenana
Beta : hwangtinglee
Pairing : YamaChii, slight of TakaChii
Rating : NC - 17
Genre : Fluff, romance, angst
Summary : Love isn’t easy. It’s pretty complicated. What is true love? Can it bought with money? How it feel actually?

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Comments 8

hikarichan92 September 1 2012, 09:01:01 UTC
And their 3rd baby must be named as Yuki.. desho desho ?? muahahahaha XDD

And with a happy ending ne.. they live together as husband and wife!
And poor you Bakaki! :P
Don't you ever ruin YamaChii's happiness again!

What a nice ending, nee-chan..
I love it so much..
I'm waiting for your another stories ^^
And ganbatte for the training you have to do tomorrow. Please don't take hiatus too long ne.. I'll surely miss you, Ana-nee ♥
*hugs tight*


switenana September 1 2012, 09:21:31 UTC
I'll try my best to not take the hiatus too long
arigatou na HIka-chan
miss you too
and thanks to like my fics *sob sob*


hikarichan92 September 1 2012, 12:50:46 UTC
Uhm, gomen.. I can't reply to all your comments, the net connection is fckin slow here... orz

I'll waiting for your comeback, nee-chan ^^
Just.. don't make me wait for too long ok? Because I love your stories ^^

Ganbatte kudasai!!


switenana September 1 2012, 13:31:14 UTC
I'll try....
I'll try my best
Arigatou na hika-channnn *hug you*

Hai, ganbarimashoo


heysaymiyukie September 17 2012, 06:34:11 UTC
hahaha, yuri's been addicted to love making huh?
anyways, nice ending! yey! she gave birth to a twins. CUTE!


jazellovelyne December 4 2012, 21:30:45 UTC
I just want to say Hi,.,
It's been a long time I'm not visiting your LJ,.,

Finally it's finish ne~~~ Baby,.,
Have you write the new one???

seems like you won't come back anytime soon,.,
I just hope that you won't stop to write,.,
well,., Enjoy your hiatus then,., Jya~~ (^_^)v


switenana January 26 2013, 07:36:15 UTC
Gomennasai *bowed*
I'm totally busy to prepare myself for the test
I have tested this Jan 29th
It's kinda big project that take my whole time for more than 6 months T.T
after this, I'll back soon I guess
I really miss minna-san
I don't know if people still keep writing some fics or not
demo sa, I really love to write although my english become worst lately *sigh*
I'll post a prologue soon
I hope people will like it :)


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