Only Your Figure in My Eyes (Chp. 8)

Jun 02, 2012 04:19

Only Your Figure in My Eyes 
Title : Only Your Figure in My Eyes
Author : switenana
Beta : hwangtinglee
Pairing : YamaChii, slight of TakaChii
Rating : NC - 17
Genre : Fluff, romance, angst
Summary : Love isn’t easy. It’s pretty complicated. What is true love? Can it bought with money? How it feel actually?

“Chinen, where are you?” his thoughts can’t be calmed, even just for a second. He is still looking here and there. He goes to the maze and looks in every part.

“YAMADA !!!!!” suddenly Yamada heard Yuri cried his name. He runs in a hurry to that voice.

“No one will hear you Yuri-chan.” Takaki smirked and he makes circles with his forefinger on Yuri’s skin. He wants to kiss her. He tries to get her lips till suddenly a punch reached his cheek. “Itteee….” he grimaces as he falls down to the ground.

“Who said no one will hear her? The reality is….I will not let anyone touch her.” Yamada looks so mad. He lets Yuri take a seat and button up her dress. “You’re a jerk. How can you rape a girl.” he covers Yuri’s small body with his coat. Then he holds that girl so tight in his arms. He can feel that girl shivers hard. He strokes her hair and tries to make her calm.

“You will regret it, Yamada-san.” said Takaki while caressing his cheek.

“I won’t.” said Yamada in a solid voice. He stared angrily to Takaki. He never felt so angry like that before. “Never show your face to her again or….you will regret it.” he said in anger. He holds her and takes her away from that place. It makes Takaki mad and runs after them. He pushes Yamada away from Yuri and grabs Yuri’s wrist. Yamada almost falls to the ground if he didn’t keep his balance.

“She is mine from the beginning.” said Takaki angrily.

“She’s not!” said Yamada. He gets angrier at Takaki. He punches him again till the boy falls to the ground again and gets wound on his mouth. “So brave you try to touch her after what you did.” Yamada holds Yuri again. “You will regret it soon.” said Yamada again and takes Yuri away.

But a punch reaches Yamada’s face. It makes him falls to the ground. He gets up in a hurry and lets Yuri sit on the bench. The girl is still in shocked. Then he pats his hips from the dust. He stares at Takaki in anger. He’s completely furious now. He punches Takaki till the boy falls to the ground. “You didn’t have any rights to touch her or to punch me.” said Yamada and hits the boy’s face again till he made his nose bleed. “You….never show up in front of her again. No more.” he stresses out his voice.

Then he take Yuri again in his arms, hold that girl so tight, just to make sure that he will protect her no matter what. He calls for a taxi and goes home, leaving Takaki alone in that puzzle maze.

In the middle of their way home, Yamada gets a call. He picks up his cell phone and looks at the number on his phone. “Moshi moshi, Yamada desu.” he replied the call, “hai-..aa…gomen, I have some errands now, so I left early. Gomen-…un…Jaa.” he hang up the phone. He looks at the little girl again. He strokes her hair. “Please calm down, Chinen-san. Everything is ok.” he holds her tight. “I’ll take you home, ok?”

“Don’t, don’t. I-I don’t want otoo-chan to see me like this. Onegai…” she grabs Yamada’s shirt so tight. Yamada knows how scared the girl is because she still shivers hard.


“Onegai~~” her voice trembles.

“Ok. Then, let’s rest in my house.” then he asks the taxi driver to change the direction and go to his house. In an hour, they reach his house. It’s not the apartment that Yuri has lived in before. It’s a minimalist house and quite big. But Yuri doesn’t recognize it. He takes Yuri to go inside, let her rest in a bedroom on the bed and takes a blanket to cover her small body. “You can call me if you need something, ok?” he strokes her hair and kisses her forehead. He treats her just like his imouto. “I’ll leave you now. Just go to sleep, ok? I’m in the room next to you.” he said in warm voice. He turns on the sleep lamp then goes out from that room. He turns off the light before he goes out from that room. “Sleep tight and let your stress out.” he said.

He picks up the phone and calls someone as he sits on his sofa.

“Moshi mosh, Mr. Chinen,” he greets, “Seems like Yuri got too tired. Can you let her sleep here? In my home. I’ll take her home tomorrow. What about it?” he didn’t hear any answer from the other side. “Mr. Chinen…” he calls Yuri’s father again.

“Um…ok. I entrust her to you.”

“You have my word.” after that, they hung up the phone.

Yamada go to his bedroom to find his first aids kit. He treats his wound by himself. He puts the bandage on his lips corner. Then Yamada’s back to his private gallery. He tries to paint something. He turns on the instrumental music and makes a line till it forms beautiful scenery. He is lost in his painting till suddenly he hears Yuri screaming. He runs in a rush to Yuri. “Chinen-san….” he comes closer to her.

“Yamada-san.” Yuri called him as she watches him come closer.

“What happened?” Yamada sits on the bed edge and looks at Yuri. She’s still shivering. “Did you have a nightmare?” though he asked her that question, actually he already knows the reason. Yuri is still afraid with what had happened to her. She holds her legs so tight and rests her chin on her knees. “Don’t be afraid.” Yamada strokes her hair softly. “I’ll be here. I’ll protect you, ok?” his gentle voice tries to calm Yuri again. Then he snuggles to Yuri. He takes her small wrist and let her head rest on his chest. “Calm down.” he said. But something catches his eyes. There are some scratches on the back of her small hands. “Chotto,” he said and lets Yuri lay on bed while he looks for his first aids kit again. In a few minutes, he’s back to Yuri, let the little girl lean on him again while he treats her scratches.

It’s a different Yamada. He’s totally different after they didn’t meet each other for around 2 months. Normally, he used to be nervous and stutters, but now….he becomes a great man. He wears the best clothes, he didn’t act nervous anymore, and he’s so kind to Yuri, more than before. Other than that, he is famous, a great painter, and rich.

Slowly, Yuri got used to leaning on that boy’s chest. She feels comfortable being with him. Yamada lets her slowly fall asleep while he strokes her hair.

The sun shines so brightly and illuminated that little girl’s face. She dismissed the light with her hand. Slowly she opens her eyes. She feels much better today. But she feels something heavy on her body. She looks at her waist and fines another hand. It’s bigger than her hand. Then she heard someone grimace behind her. She turns her face to that sound. It’s Yamada. She’s so surprised. Frozen for awhile.

“Aaa…ohayou Chinen-san.” greeted Yamada and rubbing his eyes.

“Kyaaa…..” she screams and gets away from Yamada. She looks at her clothes, the first button is open and exposed her shoulder blade. “Hentai….Baka Hentai….what are you doing here? Get out of my room!!!” yeah, Yuri’s being so hyper again. She even pushes Yamada to get out of her room.

“O-oi…” said Yamada. He only can stand in front of the door now.

“Hentai…” Yuri said.

“I didn’t do anything. I swear.” Yamada said and sits against the door. “I only come to your room because you scream last night.” he looks at his crossing legs. “I stayed with you because I see you shivering hard. Seems like you’re still scared. And…..” he said the truth, “your hands….” Yuri looks at her hands. “There are so many scratches on your hands.” well, that’s true. There were so many scratches on it, but it has been treated. Yuri can see it clearly.

“What about my dress? It’s unbutton when I woke up.”

“I really don’t know.” he said. Suddenly Yuri opens the door, makes him fall to the floor.

“Is it the truth?” she asked him as she looks down at him lying on the floor. But, she gets Yamada blushing and turns his face aside. “Oi, tell me.”

“W-well, all of it is the truth.”

“Then, why are you avoiding my eyes?”

“I-I’m not.” he said.

“Look at me!” commanded Yuri.

“I can’t.” he said and keeps staring at the other side.

“Why?” Yuri still looks at him in her position.

“Pa….is.” Yamada whispered.“What? I can’t hear you!”

Yamada take a gulp before saying what he wants to. He takes a deep sigh, then….”your panties.” finally he says it. But Yuri still doesn’t get it. “I can see your panties clearly. The panties you are wearing now.” he mentions it while blushing hard. Yuri also blushes. She’s speechless for awhile before she screams again. It’s the first time for Yamada to get his morning filled with screams.

“Hentai….” Yuri squat and pulled her dress to close that point, so Yamada can’t see her panties anymore. “Get up and get away.”

“Hai hai….” then Yamada gets up, he turns his face to look at Yuri after that. “Ma…ma…w-we should leave it. I-I’ll make breakfast for us, ok?” he gets her nod as the answer. Then he goes to the kitchen, use his apron and cook something. Yuri takes a seat and waits for him. She still can’t take her eyes of that boy. The boy has impressed her so much.

“Ne Yamada-san…” Yuri calls him.

“Hmm, nanika?” he replied her, but still focused on his cooking. “Do you need something?”

“Um….actually I don’t know where we are now. It’s not your apartment.”

“Mm….we’re in my private home. I just live in that old apartment for a moment, because I renovated this house before.” he said while still cooking some meal.

“Souka~~, um…” Yuri looks around; she explores each inch of that house. “Ne, where have you been in the past 2 months?”

“I’m too busy, Chinen-san. I used to make a deal with some creators and the gallery owners. I also have some customers to meet.” he’s still cooking while Yuri looks around.

“Hmm…..Ne, can I see your painting?”

“Huh? Sure you can.” he answered her without realizing about his secret painting from her. “You can go to the room in front of my bedroom. I use that room for painting.”“Un, ok…I’ll see it now.” said Yuri. Then she goes to the room he mentioned before. She opens the door at the same time when

Yamada serves their breakfast on kitchen table. Yuri’s eyes become so big as she gets something wonderful when she opens the door. On the other hand, Yamada just realized about the secret painting. He runs into the private room. But, he’s too late to prevent the girl from going into that room. Now, he can see her frozen in front of that secret painting.

“Chinen-san…” Yamada call her guiltily.

“Yamada-san, why did you keep this from me?” her eyes can’t get away from that painting. She almost cried when she saw it.

"Gomen, I didn't let you know it."

A/N : I'm so sorry to didn't post properly and so much fics I didn't read lately
*sigh* I hope you still can enjoy this one
arigatou to always follow my fics *bowed deeply*


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