Only Your Figure in My Eyes (Chp. 7)

May 13, 2012 08:16

Title : Only Your Figure in My Eyes
Author : switenana
Beta : hwangtinglee
Pairing : YamaChii, slight of TakaChii
Rating : NC - 17
Genre : Fluff, romance, angst
Summary : Love isn't easy. It's pretty complicated. What is true love? Can it bought with money? How it feel actually?

It’s been 2 months after Yamada shouted at Yuri in his apartment. Now Yuri stays in her house and takes care of her mom, even though Mrs. Chinen has gotten well. She stares at the dark sky from her window. It’s beautiful scenery out there. Moon illuminates the pond and there are a few stars in the sky. Sometimes she picks up her cell phone waiting for a call or a message from Yamada. She doesn’t know about her feelings now. Inside her, she feels a little bit lonely and misses the moment when Yamada pats her head.

“Is he alright? I wonder about it.” she said and closes her slider phone. It’s already 2 am, but she can’t fall asleep anymore. She still worries about Yamada.

>> 2 months ago

“GO HOME!!!” Yamada looked so mad, but also in grief at the same time. Yuri still remembers it. She never saw Yamada like that before. But she knew something, his imouto’s name is Yukka, and Yukka is his love. He still loves Yukka.

“I….I’ll go,” she said hesitantly. “Well, I put my phone number here.” she wrote it on a piece of paper in a rush and puts it on the table. “Call me or text me whenever you want. Jaa…” then she went away from that place, leaved both the mother and son over there.

A week after that, Yuri didn’t get any calls. It made her worried about him. She always looks at her cell phone, but there are still no calls or messages. She becomes worried more and more each day. Then she decided to visit him, but that boy wasn’t at home. She comes again and again, but she still didn’t get any answers. There’s no sign of that boy. Like he has moved out from that place. Since that time, Yuri stopped going to Yamada’s apartment.

>> back to the present

“Should I visit him again or not?” she’s in a dilemma. She picks up her phone again and slides it open. She wants to call him, but she forgot to ask for his phone number. She has no idea why she misses him so much like that. Then she walks to her bed, throws her small body to her comfortable spring bed. She lays on it and looks at her cell phone again. “When will we meet again?” she mumbles and slowly falls asleep.

Dimly, she can hear someone knock on her bedroom door. She also can hear the chirp of some birds. Furthermore, the sun shines brightly this morning. It illuminates her. She opens her eyes slowly.

“Ojousama, wake up. It’s breakfast time. Mr. and Mrs. Chinen are waiting for you.” said her maid so loudly in front of the door. “Ojousama….” she calls Yuri again while knocking the door. Yuri wakes up in a rush and prepares herself.

“HAI HAI, I’M COMING !!!” she shouted back. Then she rushes to the dining room. She can see her parents are waiting for her. They smile when they see her. “Otoo-chan, Okaa-chan, ohayou.” she greets them. They just give her warm smiles. She takes a seat and eats her breakfast. But, she doesn’t know, she always feels something is missing. Seems like she can’t enjoy her breakfast time anymore.

“Yuri, would you go with me to visit a gallery?” her father asks her in the middle of their breakfast. She chews her breakfast while thinking about it.

“Yamada-san will be there, deshou? It’s a gallery and….he loves painting, he should be there. If so, then I can meet him.” she thought about it. “Un, I’m in.” she said shortly after done chewing her breakfast. “When we will go there?” she wipes her mouth.

“In an hour, so prepare yourself.”

“Un,” she nodded and goes to her bedroom. She grabs some clothes from her closet. “No more glamorous dresses.” said Yuri. Then she takes a white sleeveless dress that she bought with Yamada. After that, they go to the gallery. She looks around, looking for Yamada, but she can’t find him. “Maybe I’m wrong. He’s not here.” She’s disappointed. “Otoo-san, can I look around? I want to see other paintings.” she said. Actually, she wants to make sure about Yamada once again. She still believes Yamada should be in this gallery. She gets her father's approval. Then she looks around till her eyes catch something familiar to her. Yamada’s painting; she knows it, that beautiful scenery in the painting. Yuri feels so familiar with that painting. But something has change in that painting. There’s no Yukka on it, the girl’s picture she saw before. There is only another beautiful girl with black hair and black pearl eyes and a boy. Looks like, the boy is waiting for the girl. The theme is ‘Only Your Figure in My Eyes’. It’s his painting, Yuri still believes it. “Where is he? I want to meet him.” she said. She looks around once again and catches the figure she wants. It’s Yamada, he’s standing with some other guys, fellow painters. She comes closer to him. She wants to surprise him, but she bumps into someone and falls to the floor. “Ittai,” she grimaced.

“Gomen,” that’s a familiar voice to her. It’s a boy. He offers a hand to Yuri, to help her get up. Yuri looks up to that figure.

“Yuya?” she said.

“Ee?? Do I know you?” he asks her.

“Get away from me, I don’t need your help.” said Yuri and gets up by herself.

“Well young lady, do I know you?” he tries to touch Yuri’s cheek. But Yuri slapped his hands away.

“Don’t flirt with me, Yuya. We are done.” her death glare points at Yuya now. It makes Yuya remember about someone he knows.

“Ahh, Yuri-chan, hisashiburi. How are you Yuri-chan? Don’t you miss me?”

“Get away from me.”

“Don’t be so cruel like that.” Yuri ignored him and walks away. She tries to get Yamada’s shoulder, but Takaki grabs her wrist and takes her away in a hurry. Yuri can’t get out of his hold since the grip is so tight.

“Let me go, Yuya!”

“I need to talk to you.” he said without facing Yuri.

“We are done and there’s nothing to talk about. Let me go.” Yuri tries to release herself, but she still can’t get away from him. Just in a few minutes, they got out from the gallery and he takes Yuri to the puzzle maze in the yard.

“No one will find us here.” he said and forced Yuri to sit on the bench in the center of that puzzle maze.

“What do you want?” Yuri feels a little bit afraid, but she tries to act strong.

“Just talk to you.” she can’t believe Takaki anymore since the last time he tried to rape her. “Well….” he sighs and takes a seat besides Yuri. “I want you back,” he looks at her. Yuri kept silent. There’s no chance for them to make up again. “You know, I really love you. No one can replace you. You’re the best for me.” he stares at the shiny sky. “After we broke up, I feel lonely and miss you so much. I don’t know what I should do to make you come back to me.” he looks at Yuri again. “Will you go out with me again?”

“No way.” replied Yuri.

“Onegai…” he showed his puppy eyes to her.

“If I go back to you, then it means I’m such a baka. You will use me again, deshou? You only need me to rise in your popularity, because I’m the daughter of a famous painter. Don’t fool me, Yuya. I know you well. You’re so sly.”

“Souka~~” he smirked. “So you know me well. You really know what I want, huh?”

“Don’t ever meet me again.” said Yuri and gets away from him, but Takaki grabs her wrist and pushes her to sit on the bench again, but she ends up lying on the bench. She grimace as her back hits the bench. Takaki locks her. He stares at her till he reaches her dress buttons. He licks his lips. “Let me go or I’ll yell.” she threaten him.

“No one will hear you. It’s too far from the gallery Yuri-chan. On the other hand, there’s music in the gallery. Don’t you remember it?” Yuri can see him smirk. “Let me buy your love with my money, just for one night.” said Takaki.

>> in the gallery

“Ah, Yamada-san. Nice to meet you again,” Mr. Chinen greets him as he sees Yamada alone in front of his painting.

“Mr. Chinen, nice to meet you too. Did you come alone?”

“Iie, I came with my daughter, Yuri. Did you see her? I can’t find her since she got separated from me. I need to find her and go home. A customer will come in 2 more hours.”

“I didn’t meet her.” said Yamada. “Umm, let me find her for you. You can go home. I’ll take her home when I find her.” Yamada tries to calm Mr. Chinen.

“Ok, I entrust her to you. I’ll go now. Matta.” said Mr. Chinen and goes out from that gallery.

Yamada sigh. “Baka onna. Where is she now?” said Yamada and looks around to find her, but he can’t find her. He’s looking for her here and there, yet still no signs of that girl.

“Ah, Yamada-san, omedettou. Your painting is so good.”

“Ah, arigatou…” he smiled as he turns to shake hands with his customer. “Gomen kudasai, I’m busy now. Nice to meet you.”

“Ah, ok. Nice to meet you too.” said his customer. Then Yamada goes away from the crowd. He tries hard to think the possible places that little girl could be.

“Where is she? Why she always makes others worried about her?” he said. He thinks hard then something cross his mind. “Yuya. Is it possible for Yuya to take her away? Maybe. It’s a gallery after all. Each painter can join and participate. If he really does that, then….where is she now? Where did they go? Why don’t I have any ideas about it?” all of those questions fulfill his mind whenever he’s looking for the girl.

>>in the puzzle maze

“Get off of me!” Yuri screamed and she tries to kick his dick again.

“A-a…” Takaki smirked again. “You can’t fool me twice, my sweet little girl. You can’t.” then Takaki presses her breasts with some pressure, making the girl moans hard. “You know, I really want you, but you never let me have you.” then he unbuttons her dress while locking her hands above her head.

“Don’t do that Yuya, onegai.” Yuri cried.

“Aaa….now you’re begging me, huh?” he smirked. “But I have held myself for a long time Yuri-chan. I want to taste you. I want to get warm inside you.” he licks her shoulder blade, making the little girl moans again and lays her head to the side. He also leaves a mark on her nape. “I really want you, Yuri-chan. Let me taste you.” he tries to rape her again. But he wants to play with Yuri first. Yuri can’t do anything. His grip is too strong for her.

“Yamada-san, tasukete.” she cried to herself. She’s shivering hard now. What’s in her mind is Yamada, only Yamada now.

On the other side, Yamada is still looking for her. Then he gets an idea. “I don’t need to look for her, I only need to find Yuya. He should be here before. I should look for him, not Chinen.” his mind gets some thought about it. Then he finds a guard in the back entrance. “I hope I can get the answer I want.” he said in his mind. “Sumimasen,” he greets the guard.

“Hai??? Do you need something, Sir?” asked the guard.

“Did you see a guy and a girl go pass here?” he asked the guard.

Seems like the guard tries to remember it. “I think I saw them, Sir. They went to that puzzle maze.” the guard points at the big puzzle maze in the back yard. Well, there’s just a little amount of people passing that gate, some of them are alone so it’s easy to remember it.

"Arigatou...." said Yamada and runs in a rush into the puzzle maze. It's too big, It would be hard and take a little bit longer time to find them."Chinen, where are you?" Yamada becomes so panic, because he know what will happened if Takaki gets Yuri. Now, no one knows where Yuri is and will Yamada find her? If he can find her, will she be safe?

a/n: minna, hontou ni gomen nasai
to always post it so late m(_ _)m
actually I want to finish it and safe it as Yamada's b'day
demo.....*sob* seems like I'm so late
btw, Yama-chan, tanjoubi omedetou........
ne minna, hope you still can enjoy this one
comment and advices are welcome ^^


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