Only Your Figure in My Eyes (Chp. 5)

Apr 17, 2012 20:31

Title : Only Your Figure in My Eyes
Author : switenana
Beta :  hwangtinglee
Pairing : YamaChii, slight of TakaChii
Rating : NC - 17
Genre : Fluff, romance, angst
Summary : Love isn't easy. It's pretty complicated. What is true love? Can it bought with money? How it feel actually?

“Ohayouuuuuuuuuu…..” Yuri greets Yamada. She looks so happy.

“Ah, ohayou.” replied Yamada. It’s been a week since they lived together, and….”Chinen-san, can I talk to you?”

“Ok.” she said shortly.

“Don’t you miss your parents?” suddenly that question comes from Yamada. It shocked Yuri, she’s speechless. “I’m sure they miss you so much.”

“Don’t say that. I’m not their daughter anymore.” she said in grief. Her expression changed so suddenly.

“What are you talking about? They are-…”

“What do you know about me, huh?” a bitter smile plastered her beauty face. She even interrupted Yamada. “They have thrown me away because I choose Yuya. They hate me so much, so…don’t talk about them again.” she looks so deeply at Yamada. “Do you think I’m a burden? If you think so…fine…I will move out this afternoon.” she said and grabs her backpack.

“Hey, chotto….” Yamada pulled her backpack which made her fall and lean on him.

“What??” she replied sarcastically.

“I didn’t say that. I don’t think you’re a burden for me. I just think….don’t you miss them. You’re a girl. Normally, a girl always misses her home every time she lived apart from her parents. And….maybe you do too.”

“Well...I don’t,” she said loud out, but slowly she lowers her voice. “I don’t, I don’t” she repeated it again and again. Yamada can hear the girl’s trembling voice. He thinks she will cry, but she’s didn’t.

“Gomen.” said Yamada.

“What about you? You have a girlfriend, deshou? Demo sa, you still let me live with you.” now, Yuri regain her balance and comes closer to Yamada. “Don’t you think you have done something wrong here?”


“That’s her picture, deshou?” Yamada is confused. “You don’t let me come into your private room because there are so many paintings of her. You paint her in all of your paintings. She’s really a beautiful girl.”

“Huh?” Yamada doesn’t have any idea what Yuri is talking about.

“She is your girlfriend, deshou?”

“Which one?”

“You paint her in your paintings. I saw it clearly and you have her picture too in your bedroom. You still love her, ne?”

“Souka~~, so you saw it.” Yamada suddenly becomes sad. “Do you mean this picture?” he shows her a picture in his wallet. Yuri nods as she looks at the picture. It’s the same girl with the girl in his paintings and the photo. “It’s not my girlfriend even though I wish she was. I hope she can be my girlfriend.”

“Huh?” Yuri looks so surprised. “So, she’s not your girlfriend?”

“Un,” Yamada tries to smile, but it turns to a bitter smile. It’s the bad memory he has for all of his life.


“She is my imouto. I ever told you about it.” the messy boy looks into the photo in his wallet. “She is my precious sister. I never think to lose her. I really want to protect her and as I realize it, I have fallen in love with her.” Yuri wants to interrupt him, but Yamada continue his lines. “I think I’m crazy, because I fell for my imouto. She’s my imouto, I shouldn’t fall in love with her. The other side, my parents always fight every time they come home. It’s my reason to leave my home and tries to find my way. I live alone and try hard to forget her. Demo, I can’t…. I can’t pretend I don’t love her.” he looks at Yuri with his teary eyes. But he doesn’t want to show her his weak side. He turns his eyes to the window, stare at the clouds, its cloudy today. “After for a month I never saw her, I decided to come home and greet her. Actually, it’s her birthday when I came home. What I got is my parents fight at that time. I decided to meet her and leave my parents, let them fight. I don’t want to interfere. Demo, their voices were too loud, eventually I learned that she’s not my real imouto, she’s not my sibling. She is my mom friend’s daughter.” he chuckled a little.

“Yamada-san~~~” Yuri called him, but Yamada ignored her.

“Well, at that time, she was also there and she heard every single word that came out from my parents’ mouth. No one realized it till when we heard the entrance door close in rough. It took a moment to think who it was then I realize it should be her. Demo, I was too late. She’s gone. I never can meet her again.” Yamada looks in fear and trauma. Yuri tries to come closer to him. “I….I’m really useless. I wanted to protect her. I should be with her all the time. I shouldn’t leave her.” Yuri snuggles to him. Slowly she holds him tight. She never knew she can be so touched like that. She even doesn’t know there’s a guy that can love a girl so deep like Yamada does. She lets him rest on her chest. Her spontaneous act surprised Yamada.

“If it really hurts, just let it out. She’s not good for you, she left you till now, deshou?” she said and stroke Yamada’s hair. It’s the first time Yuri can smell Yamada scent. It’s not bad like she imagine when she saw him for the first time. Yamada opened his mouth, he want to say something, but Yuri interrupted him. “If you want to cry, I’ll lend you my shoulder,” that line makes Yamada laugh and releases his body from her. He even forgot what he wanted to talk about. “W-what??” Yuri confused.

“That would be a man’s line, not a girl like you.” he said.

“Huh? Eto~~~” now she’s blushing hard. She turns her face away and pouts her mouth.

“Gomen.” he stops laughing. “Demo, arigatou….”


“It’s my first time, I mean to hear that and feel so comfortable to talk about my past with someone. I don’t know why I can talk about it freely, although we’re strangers. We only know each other for a week.” he gets up from the sofa. “Well, I think your parents will miss you so much. Let’s meet them. They will accept you back. I know it. Even though they are rude, they are still your parents. They should be worried about you.”


“I will accompany you, ok?”


“Mm…..” he look at Yuri. “What about you change your style?”

“What do you mean?”

“What’s your real hair color?”

“Black, pure black. Why do you ask me about it?”

“Well….” he smirk. His mood is back to normal. “What about we dye your hair again? We can make it go back to black.”

“Aaa….don’t do that. It was difficult to colored them blond.” she touched her hair and look at her smooth blonde hair.

“Then they will not accept you I guess. Because their daughter didn’t have blonde hair, demo…the black one.”

“Mou~~~” she looked at Yamada and pouts her mouth. “Well, let’s dye it black then.” she said.

“I can’t do that. Mm…we should go to a salon. And….maybe you should have a makeover.” he said as he stares at her from head
to toe. “I think they will be so happy to accept you.”

Yamada smile lightly. He never felt so light like he is now. He walks to the salon with Yuri. It doesn’t take a long time. They can find a salon near Yamada’s apartment. Yuri goes inside hesitantly and she can find a few transvestites.

“Yama-chan~~~ hisashiburi~~~” they called him and dab his shoulder. “Where have you been all this time?”

“I’ve been busy.”

“So, what makes you come here this time?”

“Um, can you make over this girl, sweetie?” he calls each transvestite by sweetie to get discounts, because all of transvestites are so in love with him. By calling then like that, it can make them feel happy and give him discounts.

“Is she your girlfriend?”

“Nope.” he answered shortly.

“Souka~~” replied one of the transvestite and he comes closer to Yuri. “Hello honey, sit down please.” he’s so friendly. He smiled broadly and lets Yuri take a seat. “Well, what do you want? This is such beautiful hair. What do you want me to do with this hair?” he asked her while touch Yuri’s hair.


“Please dye her hair black and find the best style for her. New hair cut. What about that?” said Yamada.

“Hmm, ok~~ maybe I should cut it first” said the transvestite. Yuri is so surprised as her hair becomes really short.

“O My God, my long hair….” she screamed in her mind.

But the transvestite is so talented. He’s coloring her hair expertly and agile. Around an hour more or less, Yuri’s hair is back to the original black color. “Uwaaa, you look so good in black hair than blonde.” said the transvestite again. Yuri widens her eyes as she look at her new appearance. “Well, I’m done. Then….” the transvestite looks at Yamada. “What about you honey? You never let me make over you. Just let me do it this time.” the transvestite seduces him. Yamada shakes his head as the answer. But, Yuri stared at him too.

“C’mon Yamada-san. I want to see them make over you too. Let’s change.” she pulled his wrist.

"I....." he didn't finish his line. Both Yuri and the transvestite are really curious about the answer. Will he accept it or not? Yamada can they want to know it. He can see their expressions. Now, they are staring at each other.

A/N : minna.....I presented you the next chapter
comments are very loved
have fun with this chappie ^^
I hope you like this
please don't kill me if I make Takaki be a meanie guy


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