Only Your Figure in My Eyes (Chp. 4)

Apr 11, 2012 18:20

Title : Only Your Figure in My Eyes
Author : switenana
Beta : hwangtinglee
Pairing : YamaChii, slight of TakaChii
Rating : NC - 17
Genre : Fluff, romance, angst
Summary : Love isn't easy. It's pretty complicated. What is true love? Can it bought with money? How it feel actually?

“Who is he, Chinen-san?” Yamada asks Yuri who is hiding behind him now.

“He-he is….”

“I’m her boyfriend.” that person said. “Yuya, Takaki desu.” he shows his hand to greet Yamada. Takaki becomes so arrogant, he even despised Yamada already thought they’ve never met before. Yamada turns his face to her, he feels Yuri shivers. “Hey babe, let’s go home. I miss you so much. Don’t you feel the same? I love you, you know that.” he looks like as if he feels guilty.

“I will not go back to you! We’ve broke up, Yuya. You cheated on me.” said Yuri. Yamada can feel her grip become so tight on his arm.

“Who said that? I’m loyal to you. I-….”

“Liar.” her voice is trembling. She snuggles to Yamada.

“Souka~~~, so…he’s your new boyfriend, huh?” Takaki looks mad.

“Then…it means you’re her ex boyfriend now” Yamada smirks. It makes Takaki get totally mad. No one should underestimate him. “Well, we should go.” Yamada puts his arm on Yuri’s shoulder. “I don’t have much time. So…jaa… um, gomen, I mean sayonara. I hope you don’t show your face to her again.” then Yamada takes Yuri with him and leaves Takaki alone.

“Yamada-san, arigatou.” said Yuri.

“You don’t need to say arigatou. You should get someone better than him.” he smiled and pats Yuri’s head. “Now, just take some clothes you want. I’ll pay for you.”

“Hai~~~” a smile plastered on her face now. She runs away from Yamada for awhile. A moment later, she’s back with some dresses. “How about this?” Yuri shows him some dresses. All of them are good, but….it is too expensive and too much, both the model and color.

“It’s too….glamorous. Don’t pick something like that. It doesn’t suit you.” said Yamada and he take some clothes with him. “Here!” he gives her some simple clothes. “You shouldn’t buy something too expensive and….as you know, glamorous dress doesn’t suit you. It will hide your beauty. Be natural, it’s better for you.” Yuri was silent and she gets doki doki from what Yamada just said. She never heard someone say something like that. “If she can be here right now, I think she will be like you. She will be so happy.” suddenly Yamada’s face turns sad again.

“Who is he talking about?” Yuri is curious about it.

On the way home, Yuri kept silent, so does Yamada.

“Feel better?” suddenly Yamada asks her when they reach his apartment.

“Un, arigatou…” Yuri tries to smile.

“Don’t need.” Yamada said and locks the door. “You know, you look so sad. If it really hurts you, you can cry. You don’t need to hold it in by yourself.” the spoiled girl suddenly hugs Yamada and cries hard on his chest. Yamada only pats her head. “You’re really like my imouto. She’s always like this. Trying to be strong, but inside, she’s a fragile girl.” he whispered. “So you’re still in love with him, huh?” Yamada said as he strokes her hair. “Just go to sleep now, ok?” he said in a soft voice. “You have not really recovered. Don’t think too much.” he bring her to his bedroom and cover her body with the blanket. He even kisses her forehead then he turns off the light before leaving her alone.

He went back to his private room. He looks around before taking a seat. He stares at a picture on his desk. “I miss you so much. How are you doing now?” he talks to that picture.

>> In the morning

Yuri comes out from the bedroom. It’s a shining day and so quiet. She’s looking for Yamada, but she can’t find him. She knocks on Yamada private room, but there’s no answer. When she wants to knock again, the door opened. She can see Yamada asleep on his desk. The room is filled with the smell of paint, there are so many painting too. Yuri looked around, she find out that it’s the same painting with different background. “Did he paint all of this? But, why didn’t he sell it?” it’s filling her thought till suddenly Yamada wakes up.

“What are you doing here?” Yamada get up from his seat. He scared Yuri with his gaze.

“I-I just-…”

“Get out of here. I’ve told you to never come into this room.”

“But the door opened, so….”

“I don’t want to hear any reasons. Just get out of here.” suddenly the kind Yamada turns to be so cruel to her. He’s not like the same guy she knew the past few days.

Yuri gets out of that room. She’s confused and she has a strange feeling inside her. Seems like her chest was burning. She doesn’t know what happened to that messy boy. She goes downstairs, she wants to prepare some breakfast, but it always ended with horrible meals.

“Umf,” she snorted, “I think I’ll never be able to cook something,” she’s murmuring. She makes two fried eggs, some toasted bread and two cup of tea. That’s simpler for her. She takes it with her to the living room and sits near the window. She can feel the autumn breeze, it’s so cold. “It’s almost winter,” she said and eats the bread.

“It’s pretty cold if you stay like that.”

“Who cares?!” she said and chews her bread. Yamada closed the window and is now in front of her. “You like painting, huh?” suddenly Yuri said. It makes Yamada stares at her. “I saw so many paintings in your room. All of them have the same girl with different backgrounds.” “What am I talking about? Seems like I’m jealous.” thought Yuri.

“It’s none of your business.” Yamada is being so cold to her. “You can’t even take care of yourself.”


“Just think about it” Yamada walks away from her. “Just think about yourself first, before-….”

“Fine, I’ll not bother you anymore.” she said and grabs her backpack. “It’s better for me to get out of here.”

“If you do that, you know you will find him again.” Yuri stops her steps. She stares at Yamada. She’s confused, but she can’t do anything. Both of them just know each other for a couple of days. “Just stay here. I don’t want him to hurt you. I’ll go away to get some fresh air.” he said and takes his jacket.

“He’s the cruel boyfriend.” suddenly Yuri comes up with that topic. Her body shivers hard as she remembered what her ex did on that rainy day. Yamada looked at her. He stops his step next to the door. “Yuya was my boyfriend till he took everything from me and cheated on me. I broke up with him after I saw him cheating. Because of him, I was willing to leave my parents and everything.” the tears start falling down from her eyes. She wipes it in a rush. “I should have listened to my parents. Yuya wasn’t a good person. He only used me and my money. He got everything. Not leaving me a thing, even my precious thing.”


“He took everything from me.” she said in low tone.

“E-everything? Do you mean-….” his voice choked.

“Un,” Yuri nod. “He took all of my money and he even asked me to be his nude model. He tried to rape me because of that.” it surprised Yamada, but he tries to be calm. He comes closer to Yuri, lets her sit on the sofa while he squatting in front of her. Yuri can feel the warm hands touch her hands. She never felt that before, so comfortable when she’s being with someone like Yamada.

“That’s why you were being so depressed when I found you. You even yelled at me. But…..” said Yamada. “He didn’t get you, deshou?” “I hope not, poor girl.”

“Of course he didn’t. I kicked his dick before he got me.”

“Ouch, that must hurt.” Yamada grimaced able to imagine the pain. “Well, it’ll be a lesson to him.” Yamada chuckled. “But, at last, you still saved your pride, deshou? Good girl.” he pats her head again. “You’re so brave and….you should be proud of yourself.” it’s a different Yamada again. He becomes so warm and friendly. “Well, do you like paintings?” suddenly Yamada change the topic. Now, he’s in a different and good mood, the side that Yuri likes.

“I don’t like it.”

“Naze ka? Is it because of your ex?”

“Maybe,” she answered him shortly. “He used me to make a good painting and amassing wealth from the paintings sales. He didn’t even let me know about it.” Yuri looks so annoyed.

“Then he is a moron.”

“Huh?” Yuri looked at Yamada. It’s the first time she catches his eyes. A pair of beautiful eyes behind his long pony tail.

“As you know, painting is a hobby, it comes from the bottom of your heart. It’s not about money when you talk about painting, but how beautiful your views are. It’s art, not just merchandise. He will regret it soon.” said Yamada. That messy boy looks so serious when he talks about painting. Slowly Yuri is interested in paintings again. She listens to him seriously. “You got what I mean, deshou?” Yamada got up.

“Un,” Yuri nodded.

“Well, I must go to meet the customer. I’ll be back for dinner. You can order some food for lunch if you want. Jaa….” he said and goes in a hurry.

Yuri snorts again. She will be bored as soon as Yamada steps out of the door. It’s too quiet and she can do nothing about it. She lied on the sofa then went to the bedroom. She explored everything in there and she found something. It makes her become so curious about Yamada. It’s an old photo. There’s the same girl with the girl in Yamada’s paintings. “Who is this girl actually?” it fulfills her mind. She explored Yamada’s room, she does that almost all day and forgot about her lunch. She’s still exploring his room to find the answer, but she still can’t find anything more. It’s already evening. She got tired so she put everything to the original position again then lay on the bed. Suddenly her stomach is growling. “Ergh, I should find something to eat” she said and went to the kitchen.

“Tadaima,” said Yamada as he locked the door.

“Aah, okaeri….” she greets him, but her stomach growls again.

“Here,” Yamada gives her something. “It’s your dinner.” Yamada smiled. “Well, I will take a nap in my room, just eat your dinner and then go to sleep. You still need more rest to make sure you’re completely recovered.” he said and stepped into his private room. Since she’s so hungry, she took it in a rush and ate all the sushi by herself.

"Yatta, I'm full." she strokes her belly and go to her bedroom, but dimly she heard Yamada talking to someone. When she peeked on him, she can see Yamada talking to the photo. She tries to figure out what it is. And at last she knows it's the picture of that girl she saw in his paintings. "Who is that girl? Is she really important to him?" Yuri is so curious about it now.

A/N : minna, gomen nasai *bowed*
to post so late
I'm so busy latey
gomen nasai
I hope you still can enjoy this chappie
coments are loved and welcome ^^


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