Only Your Figure in My Eyes (Chp.3)

Apr 01, 2012 08:28

Title : Only Your Figure in My Eyes
Author : switenana
Beta : hwangtinglee
Pairing : YamaChii, slight of TakaChii
Rating : NC-17
Genre : Fluff, romance, angst
Summary : Love isn't easy. It's pretty complicated. What it true love? Can it bought with money? How it feel actually?

“Yamada-san…..” Yamada can see the owner in front of him now. The owner looks a little bit mad to him.

“Ah, Ohayou, Mrs. Tanaka. I just want to meet you. Let’s talk over there? I’ll treat you to breakfast.” said Yamada and takes the owner to the café next to his apartment. “We can talk about the rental costs.”

>> a few minutes later, in the apartment

The little girl is stretching her body, she feels much better now, but not completely recovered. She gets up and finds herself in boys outfit after the blanket slides down. It’s a black shirt, but it’s quite large and long. Still, it looks good on her. She widens her eyes and almost yelled, but she got her clothes on the table in front of her. It’s clean and smells pretty good as she grabbed it. Next to her clothes, there is a memo, a glass of water, and medicine. She takes the memo and read it.

I have laundry your clothes
And don’t forget to take your medicine
I’ll be back soon

Yamada Ryosuke

She takes her medicine, and then she got up to change herself. She goes upstairs to find a room to change. She tries to open the first door, but she can’t open it, seems like it’s locked. Then, she tries to open the other door; she finds something that makes her eyes become bigger.
>>at the same time, in the café

“Here’s your order, sir. Douzo…” said the waitress.

“Arigatou…” said Yamada and lets Mrs. Tanaka take her breakfast. “Well, here you are.” Yamada shows her an envelope, it’s his rental costs. “I pay for the next two months too. After that I’ll move out, madam. My house has been renovated, so I can go back to my house.” said Yamada with a smile.

“Souka…” the fat woman said and chews her breakfast, “Well, if you get some trouble, you can ask me for some help, ok?” she pats his head.

“Arigatou sweetie.”

“You’re welcome, honey? Just say hello to your mother when you see her.” she said and takes her purse. “I got to go now. I should meet another customer; they want to see the new apartment. Jaa ne.” she kisses Yamada’s forehead. Well, actually the owner is a friend of Yamada’s mother, and Mrs. Takana was like his own mother.

Then Yamada pays for the breakfast and went back to his apartment. But, he remembers about the girl, so he went back to the café and buys breakfast for her. He puts the paper bag on the table and goes to his private room to continue his work. His eyes catch something that shocked him when he opens the door.

“KYAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA,” screamed the girl after a few minutes they stare at each other.

“Gomen, gomen….” he closes the door in a rush. “I-I-I didn’t see anything,” he said. His face is as red as a tomato because he sees the girl in her underwear. But, something he can’t forget is her smooth skin and her hair. All of it makes him want to paint more great paintings. Then he goes to his sofa and prepares the breakfast for the girl. A few minutes later, the girl comes out. She stares at Yamada. What she can see is only a boy with glasses on him, messy brown hair that extends till his nape, and his messy clothes. “H-h-here’s your breakfast.”

“I don’t need it.” she talked arrogantly.

“But….you didn’t eat anything last night. You must be hungry. J-Just take it.” Yamada gives it to her, a burger and a cup of tea.

“I said I don’t ne-….” her stomach growls as she looks at the meal. Yamada still kept silent and just offers the meal to Yuri. “A-arigatou…”

“Douitsimashite,” Yamada smiled, “J-just take your time.” he stepped to his private room, but Yuri immediately stop him. “H-hai???”

“Can I stay a few more days?”


“Onegai. I’ll do everything.”

“Stop it. Don’t say you will do everything, because it can make others mistaken.” Yamada is being so serious. “Ok, I’ll let you stay here, as the payback, you should cleaning my apartment and cook, can you?” Yamada didn’t know what he can do now. He only knows that he gets such a great feeling towards Yuri, just like when he pets his puppy. “A-and, what is your name?”

“Yuri, Chinen desu.”

“Ok, Chinen-san. Just one more thing you should know, don’t ever come into the same room you were just in before.”

“Hai~~” even though her heart still hurts, she keeps trying to smile. But Yamada knows there is something wrong with her. He comes closer to Chinen, the girl widen her eyes as she looks at Yamada. She’s afraid Yamada will rape her, just like her ex. She was shaking. “Please, not again” she said in her mind, but she can feel Yamada’s warm hand pats her head.

“J-just take a rest. You still need to recover. You can use my room, I’ll not sleep over there for awhile.” Yamada said. Then he stepped into his private room. The room becomes so silent now. It even allows Yuri to hear the ticking clock, her heart beat and her breath. She doesn’t like it, but she can’t do anything. She goes into Yamada’s bedroom. It’s clean, not messy like the owner. She’s rolling on the bed.

“It smells good,” she said as she grabs Yamada’s pillow. She looks at her wristwatch. It’s already evening; they didn’t even bother for lunch. “Ergh,” she gets up from the bed. “I think I should make dinner.” she goes to the kitchen, looked for some ingredients, but there are only some eggs, celery, and so on. Not too much. There is no instant food. She’s confused. She grabs everything and tries to chop celery for the first time. She has never learned how to make omelets. Then she tries to fry eggs, but….the eggs were burnt. She tries again, but it happened again. Now, there are only 5 eggs left. She tries to fry the eggs again, but the frying pan fell down and made a loud noise. Yamada comes to her in a rush.

“Da-daijoubu ka?” he takes Yuri’s hand.

“Un, daijoubu.”

“What are you doing here?” asked Yamada and gets the frying pan.

“I just want to cook something for dinner.” Yuri caress her other hand.

“Um, can I ask you something?” Yuri nod. “Did you ever cook before?” Yamada stares at her.

“N..Never.” she said simply.

“Souka~~,” Yamada look at the kitchen table, it’s so messy and too much ingredients are on it. “Well, tonight I’ll cook for you. After that, maybe we should buy some new clothes. I think you didn’t bring too much clothes with you, deshou?”

“Arigatou,” she looks at him, “Demo, why are you so kind to me?”

“Um~~, I don’t know. Maybe you look like my imouto,” suddenly Yamada turn a little sad, “Aaa, leave it. Well, what do you want to eat tonight?”

“How about omelet?”

“Ok.” he’s such an expert in cooking. He didn’t need to take a long time, just a few minutes late, he gives her a plate of omelet. Yuri is so happy with the meal. She never ate something homemade before. She’s so excited to eat it. After that, they go to department store to buy some clothes and food ingredients. But, they met someone who they didn’t want to meet.

“Yuri….o-genki desu ka?” Yuri’s eyes become bigger as she looks at that person.

A/N : minna, gomen nasai to can't post it properly *bowed*
I hope you still can enjoy this chappie
comments are loved ^^


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