Only Your Figure in My Eyes (Chp. 1)

Mar 06, 2012 23:03

Title : Only Your Figure in My Eyes
Author : switenana
Beta : hwangtinglee
Pairing : YamaChii, slight of TakaChii
Rating : NC-17
Genre : Fluff, romance, angst
Summary : Love isn't easy. It's pretty complicated. What it true love? Can it bought with money? How it feel actually?

Morning, well….it is just like another morning, but something make it so special to the little girl who escape from her home. She is a pretty girl with smooth and soft skin, but today she looks so messy after she wakes up. Her long curly blonde hair was so messy. She yawned but keeps walking to her boyfriend.

“Ohayou Yuya,” the little girl greets the young painter.

“Ohayou Yuri-chan,” the boy greets her back.

“What are you drawing Yuya?” the girl comes closer to him wrapping his neck.

“Nothing,” he said, “Actually I want to draw something, demo…I don’t know what I should draw this time?!” he looks to the canvass.

“What about something abstract?” Yuya looks at her. “I mean like Picasso. Lately, people love to buy that kind of stuff. I think people will buy yours at high prices too.” then she yawns again. She releases him after that and takes a cup of tea.

“Um~~~”he looks to the canvass again. “Maybe you’re right.” Yuya said and he moves his paint brush. He starts with a line and slowly it forms a beautiful abstract picture. “I think it’s enough for today.”

“It’s really great Yuya.” she hugs him again and looks at the canvass.


“Un,” she nods, “Ne Yuya, will you join me tonight? Let’s have fun together? I want you to relax. We can have fun at a nightclub tonight.” yup, Yuri, the curly blonde haired girl with smooth skin who is so pretty and extravagant. No one can resist her beautiful face. She's a pretty girl with a bad attitude to others. She only acts like this to her boyfriend, kind and caring.

“O-ok,” he smiled to her, but something is wrong with his smile, seems like something still bothers him.

“What happened?” said the girl and release her arms.

“You know, I’m just a poor painter,” then he looks at her, “though I can join you, demo…I can’t pay anything. And…..looks like I made you pay for everything, even for our-….”

“Stop it, ok? I don’t care about it. Demo, I should tell you, your painting is great and if you sell it, you will get money more than what you need.” said Yuri. It makes Takaki feel great and more confident.

Since that time, Takaki always draw something like what Yuri had said, because he got easy money coming to him slowly. The money, well, Takaki saves it without Yuri knowing it. He still lets Yuri pay for everything till one day she runs out of money. She goes out to find a job so she can still maintain Takaki’s needs. But, when she comes home, she finds Takaki with other girls. “What happened here?” she asked in shocked.

“Aa, girls, she is Yuri, my girlfriend.” he introduced her with a smile and innocent face.

“What’s going on here, Yuya?” she asked him again. Her soft voice become trembling. She’s boiling.

“Well, they are my other girls, my sweetie. They come to play with me. So-….”

“Get out of here!” Yuri got mad and interrupted Takaki. Her groceries fell down to the floor. Even though she’s already mad, Takaki is still calm and smiled, he even laughed. “GET OUT OF HERE!!!!! GET AWAY!!!!” Yuri screamed out which made the girls decide to go home.

“What happened sweetie?” Takaki come closer to her and tries to touch her smooth cheeks.

“What are you doing with them? Do you know how much I care about you? I’m worried. Did you eat something for lunch? That question fulfills my mind, Yuya.” she looks at Yuya’s eyes. “And it’s almost raining. I rush back to make sure you don’t feel hungry.”


“How dare you let them come into our house?”

“Ah ya, it’s not our house,” Takaki looks a bit scary now. This guy get mad so suddenly. “Don’t you remember, the house is in my name. All of properties in this house are mine. Don’t you remember that?” Takaki smirk.

“You~~~” now she’s really mad. “So you only used me?”

“Aah, finally you got it. It’s only took a month to make me get so popular by your help. Your ability to assess a painting was gorgeous, deshou? By your thought, I can make money so easily. Arigatou na,” he smirked.

“Yuya~~~, demosa, you know I really love you. Please don’t leave me. You still can use me.” Yuri’s begged him.

“Well,” he’s thinking now, “how about…..being my model, Yuri-chan?” he smirked again.

“Your model?” Yuri gets a little bit confused. At that time, rain begins to pour hard with thunder and lighting.

“Yup,” he comes closer, “I can use you as my model.” he takes Yuri’s hair and kisses it.“Then you can still stay by my side.” her puzzled face staring at Takaki’s eyes and what have the boy talked about, it makes Yuri gets a frantic feeling. Takaki still smirking as he looks at Yuri’s face. “Just pull off your shirt. I want you to be my nude model. With your body, your smooth and white skin, it would be a great painting.” he’s rubbing Yuri’s nape.

“Stop it!” Yuri is shivering now.

“So…will you be my model.” he whispered to her ear.

“Like hell I will. Jerk.” Yuri said. “I should have listened to my parents. They were right about you.”

Takaki smirk as he heard that. Slowly he step more to get closer toYuri. “So, you regret it now, huh? It’s useless, Yuri-chan, you know that. They have kicked you out. Now, you’re nothing.” his step forces Yuri to step backward till she hits the wall, now she can’t do anything besides standing against the wall. “What will you do now? It’s vacant, no one in this apartment even your parents. And look at your small body, aaa…’re shivering now. Are you afraid?” Takaki locks her against the wall. “What if we have some fun?”

“Jerk.” Yuri got so mad, but she’s also afraid. She never knew Takaki will be scary like this.

“I’ve hold myself for a month, Yuri-chan. I really want to taste you and your cherry. Every girl has given theirs to me, excepted you. Let me get inside you.” he blows it on her neck and licks it. He tried to rape her. Yuri tries to scream out some help, but no one can hear her since the rain poured so hard and there’s only a few people in the apartment. She almost give up when Takaki lowering her shirt. With her exposed shoulder, she hits Takaki’s face, and then she kicked him on his precious point making him scream in pain on the floor. Then Yuri ran away from that apartment. She ran without any destination in the rain. So messy, wet, and depressed. Now she lost everything. Her step being slower time by time. She cries hard in the rain, but no one realize it. She also didn’t care about it till someone offered her an umbrella. She looks at that someone she didn’t know before.

A/N : minna, gomen
I only can give you this chapter
though it's a little bit....short fic
I hope you can enjoy this one guys
I can't reply your comment properly
because it's bad connection for all operator over here and....because I have a job now
demo....comments are welcome's my pleasure to see your comments
minna, arigatou to read my fics till now *bowed deeply*
I hope I can do my best for tomorrow presentation
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