My Cutie Love 2 (Ichigo Lover ~ chp. 3)

Oct 17, 2011 19:24

Title: Ichigo Lover

Pairing : YamaChii
Author : Luciana.
Rating : NC-17
Genre : comedy, romantic, drama, smut 
Summary :  “Well, I just want to tell you. You should use vaseline if you want to do that or you will hurt him.” Yamada’s face became so red, and so Chinen did. 
“Chii…wake up.” Yamada call his sleepy squirrel softly.

“Hunnn, Ryo-chan?!” Chinen rubbing his eyes and try to take a seat. But he feels pain on his butt. His death glare gaze on Yamada.

“What???” Yamada said in smirk. “It’s your fault. You make me want you so badly.”

“Demo….you didn’t let me prepare myself.”

“Aaaa….well.” Yamada closer to him while scratching his nose. “Gomen,” he kiss Chinen. “It’s your morning kiss.” he blow it on that chibi’s lips. He smirk, seems like he’s so happy to have Chinen last night.

>>last night
It’s already late night. Nothing they could see in the dark, only the moonlight illuminated Yamada’s room, let he saw Chinen’s face. He begin to pulled off the pajamas. Unbotton it one by one till suddenly Chinen interrupted him.

“Ryo-chan,” Chinen whispered his name and try to pushed that brown hair boy to get away of him.

“Don’t stop me, Chii.” Yamada whispered.

“You-you should…..” Chinen stared on the window. Yamada stop his movement and follow to Chinen eyes direction. He widen open his eyes as saw what’s on his window. The window was open and there’s Yuto. He smirk so happily, just like he want to see the best part and didn’t want to interrupted it. That’s why he keep silent all the time till Chinen notice him. “What are you doing here?” Yamada looks mad at him.

“Aaa…..etoo….lend me the money. I’ll pay you back next month.”

“What? Don’t your parents gave you money?”

“They said they want to give me money when they leaved me and put it on the shoes case, demo…..I didn’t found it. I called them and they only said….they forget about it because they need to go in a rush, and…they said there are still some food in the refrigerator.” Yuto sighed as explained it. “So…can I-….”

“Here,” Yamada gave him some money from his wallet that he put on the table beside his bed before.

“Arigatou…..” Yuto smirked while Chinen sit on the bed in frozen.

“Back to your home. It’s already late night.”

“Hai hai…” Yuto try to down and get away from the window.

“Don’t ever come to my room by the window.” said Yamada.

“Hai hai…” Yuto still try to step down.

“Baka Yuto.” said Yamada again and locked his window. He grabbed the curtain to cover the window.  He looked at Chinen. “Umm, I think we should stop it for today, deshou?” Yamada sighed and come closer to Chinen. He button up that chibi pajamas while cute Chinen sat on the bed and let his hands touch the bed in the space between his legs. He was shivering. But Yamada didn’t realize it since he was so mad at Yuto. He let Chinen lay on the bed first and cover his body with the blanket.

“Oi Yama-chan!!!” Yuto called him from the outside.

“What’s up again with that boy?” said Yamada in his mind. Yuto really pissed him off now.

“Oi Yama-chan.” Yuto called him again.

“Get away Yuto. It’s late night and I want to sleep.” said Yamada when he open the window to talk with Yuto. But Yuto laugh as he heard that.

“Sleep???” he still laugh. “Well, I just want to tell you. You should use vaseline if you want to do that or you will hurt him.” Yamada’s face became so red, and so Chinen did. “Take your time guys. Let me see your moment later, ok?”

“Like hell I will. Go away.” Yamada yelled shortly and close the window again. He stand near the window for awhile. “Just go to sleep, Chii. Leave that baka.” he come closer to that chibi and cover his body. Then he laid beside him, try to sleep. He close his eyes, but he feel his bed swayed. He got up and think it’s an earthquake. But then he realize something is different about Chinen. That chibi shudder while put his hands on his pants “What happened, Chii?” Yamada worried about his lover. Seems like something bother that chibi.

“I-I’m ok.” said Chinen. “I-I will go to toilet.” he got up. He feel so weak and he walked in trembling steps.

“Are you sure?”

“Un,” slight nod from that chibi. He walked slowly. But, he almost fall down if Yamada didn’t get him. Yamada look at that chibi, he got confused. Something under that chibi pants had stroke his leg while hold Chinen. “Ge-get out of me.”


“Le-let me go. Shinpai naide.”

“It’s not ok.” Yamada touched his arms. “How can you get hard?”

“Baka, you don’t need the answer. You already know it.” Chinen throw away his face to the opposite side. He still tried to hold himself. It made him shudders.

“I-Is it because of me?”

“Let me go to toilet. I’ll finish it by myself.” Chinen pushed Yamada away, but he’s too weak to did it. He couldn’t release his body from Yamada.

“I will not let you go. I will take it as my responsibility.”

“Ryo-chan-….” Yamada had captured his lips and push him on the bed.

“Let me finish it to you.” Yamada whispered it to that chibi ear. Then he touched Chinen cock, made that chibi moans. “Chii….” he whispered on Chinen’s ear. He kissed him softly while fix that chibi position to fully laid on the bed. He kissed him passionately after being totally above that Chibi. The brown hair unbutton the pajamas and stare on Chinen’s bare chest. He licked his upper lips as he saw it. Chinen directly wrap that brown hair shoulder tightly. He tried to kiss him again. But Yamada release his body and turn to Chinen’s lower body. He kissed that bare chest and leave some marks on it. Then he turn to that chibi belly, kissed it slightly and play his tongue on the navel. Chinen can felt it and shrug. He felt so weak when Yamada touch him like that.

“Ryo-Ryo-chan~~…..” he still called that brown hair boy.

Yamada smirked. He kissed Chinen’s belly and slide his hand into Chinen’s pants. He stroke that small stick and sometimes played with the balls. He turn to being behind Chinen while still stroke that small stick under Chinen pants. It also made him get hard. “Chii….” he called that name, but Chinen didn’t focus on him anymore. He had lost in his mind as feel Yamada on his body. He only can do a little moans. Yamada still stroke that small cock while pinching Chinen’s nipple. Sometimes he make a circle on it.


“Daijoubu….just relax.” Yamada also moans. He took Chinen’s hand and let that black hair boy touch his big cock. It surprised Chinen. He looked at Yamada so suddenly. But Yamada captured his lips. He kissed him in passion. Slowly, he pull off Chinen pants a little bit lower. He can touch Chinen fully now. “Chii…..” he whispered again. He turn to Chinen lower part and catch that small stick. He kissed the tips and let his tongue play with it.

“Ryo-chan…..” Chinen moans more harder. He even grabbed Yamada’s hair. Yamada knew that chibi get so excited by his movement. He kissed along Chinen stick till he catch his balls. He kissed and suck it for awhile. Chinen can’t hold himself anymore. His stick was getting hard more and more time by time, by Yamada’s touch. Yamada play with that black hair stick. He even tighten his grip on the tips of Chinen’s stick. “Tzch….Ryo-chan….” he can felt Yamada tighten his grip.

“I will not let you cum so soon. Just wait for me.”

“W-what???” Chinen surprised. Yamada don’t care about it and turn that black hair boy to being under him. He kissed Chinen’s spine while still hold that small stick. Suddenly he thrust him.

“Ryo-chan….i-ittai….” Chinen try to release himself, but he felt so weak to do that. Yamada is stronger than him. That brown hair even don’t care if Chinen is ready or not. He thrust him slowly. Chinen grimace every time he feel Yamada slide in and out him.

“Just relax Chii. It’s so tight.” Yamada whisper on his ear.

“Baka. It’s my first time. How can I -….ergh….”

“It’s also my first time.”

“Demo-…. you don’t know how it feel. Get out of me.” Chinen tighten his grip on bed sheet.

“I can’t.” Yamada said. “I….will make it in a rush.”

“Ba-….ergh….” he felt Yamada increase his movement. Chinen can’t said anything. He only felt it. That hard things came in and out of him. Slowly that pain become pleasure. “Ryo-chan…..let me-….hhh…”

“Let’s do it together.” Yamada still thrust him, then he release that small stick. When he did it, Yamada can felt Chinen’s milk juice on his hands. He also cum inside Chinen. Both of them gasp hard. Chinen laid on the bed so weakly. He even let Yamada laid on his back. “I love you, Chii.” he whispered and kissed Chinen shoulder. He licked his finger. “It’s so tasty.” he want to kiss Chinen, but that little boy had gone to sleep. Yamada only smirk, then he pulled Chinen to his embrace. Hold him so tight all night long. He put the blanket to cover that small body. “I really love you.” he whispered and slowly fall a sleep.

>>back to the present
“How dare you?!” Chinen mad at him. “You didn’t let me ready first.”

“It’s because you want to cum so soon and leave me.”

“It’s your fault. You make me hard from the beginning.”

“It’s your fault. You make me want you so badly.”

“Ergh….” Chinen grimace. “You should followed Yuto’s advice last night.” he still mad. “You don’t know how it feel, deshou? It’s so hurt.” he touch his butt. “It’s pain like hell, baka buta hentai.”

“I don’t have any Vaseline.” said Yamada softly. He even blushing hard when he say it.

“Get out of here. Leave me alone.” Chinen throw the pillow to him.  Yamada feel so bad because of it. He get out of the room and leave Chinen in pain over there. Suddenly he stop his step.

“Hey, it’s my room. Why should I get out of my room?” he talk to himself in his mind. “Well, maybe I shouldn’t do that last night.” Chinen still mad and take a shower when Yamada decide to go out till Chinen leave his room. Yamada feel so sorry to Chinen. He don’t know how to face Chinen now. Now there’s space between them. Would it be more worst or be better soon? No one know it.

A/N : minna........tadaimaa........>v<
I miss everyone at here it is from me
well, gomen ne for my english and take a long time to post it >,<
and....I'll check it later for the bad spelling ^-^
it become worst time by time T^T
I hope all of you can enjoy this one
let me know what do you think about this one
arigatou na.....I'll reply your comment later ^-^


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