The Little Girls Problem (One Shot)

Sep 04, 2011 01:11

Title : The Little Girls Problem
Author : Luciana
Request by :  Ren-chan a.k.a renveriouz
Pairing : YamaChii, slight hints InooBu
Rating : G
Genre : totally comedy I guess
Summary : Their child escape? What have they do as her parents? Who is the child? And.....what happened?
Note : Chinen Yuri as girl, wife, and a mother at here.... and thanks for yume-chan, you're inspired me, arigatou *bowed deeply*

“REN-CHANNNNNN!!!!” a little cute boy run in rush to a cute little girl not so far from him. “Ne Ren-chan, what are you doing here?” the little boy come closer, he come into the cradle which Ren-chan sit on.

“I ran away from home.” she only watch her legs.

“What happened?” the little boy sit next to her, but Ren still keep silent and staring her feet. “Just tell me what happened to you, ok?!” he asked her again and pat her head.

“Shin-chan~~” that’s the name of the 8 years old little boy, 2 years older than Ren. Her teary eyes staring that little boy.

“Ne, can you tell me what happened?” he hold her into his arms like he always do when he got Ren in grief.

“I hate my parents.” Ren hug him back.

“What happened?”

“They’re fighting again. I hate it. I hate whenever Papa and Mama scold each other. Ne…it’s the third time they fight in front of me. First time they fight because of….baka detective dorama about a week ago.”

“Mama, Papa, tadaima….” little Ren got back from her school.
“I don’t care about it, the suspect must be the maid. I’m sure about it.”
“It’s not her, Yuri. The suspect must be that kid.”
“Ryo-chan baka, how can the victim be the suspects?”
“He’s not the victim, he should be the suspect.”
“I know, you said that because the maid was cute. You’re johns, moron, idiot.” Yuri shouted his husband. Seems like she really got mad because of that detective dorama they watched. “I really hate you. You still….ergh…BAKA YAMABUTA.”
“What??? How dare you??”

“They keep fighting after that. They even don’t care about me.” she explained everything to Shintaro.

“Ne, they should know, the suspect was the maid. I also watch that dorama.”

“Buuuu….” she pout mouth. “I don’t care about it.” she stare at Shintaro. “I just won’t they get fight.”

“My parents also did it sometimes, only happened for a day. I think your parents would be like that.” he still pat her head.

“Demo Shin-chan~~~, they always did it lately* she looked at Shintaro again, “3 days ago, they did it again.”

“Mama, Papa, where will we go?” that’s innocent little girl watching her mom who looking for something from the closet.
“We will get dinner in Nakajima-san’s restaurant. We got invitation from him.” said Yuri, then she come up with something on her hands.
“What do you take on you, Yuri?” someone asked her, make her turn her face to the voice.
“Aaa, Ryo-chan,” she’s greeting him, then walk to her daughter, Ren, “well, I just want her too used this,” she put a blue bolero to her daughter.
“Umm, it’s not suitable. You’ve put a light brown dress, then.....” Yamada stop his line and go to the closet, then he take grab something, “this one would suitable with her dress.” he showed her an orange color bolero.
“I don’t like it, the blue one is suitable. It’s too orange. I hate it. It’s painfull for my eyes. Throw it away!”
“Iie, it’s really suitable for her.”
“Iie, I hate it. Let her wear the blue one.”
“Don’t be stubborn Yuri, let her wear the orange one.”
“I’m not stubborn, it’s you Ryo-chan.”
“It’s not me Yuri, but you. Just admit it.”
“Iie, it’s not me, it’s you....”

“And today... they also did it without I know what’s kind of problem this time.” she sigh. “They got fight when I went home from school.” she tighten her grip.

“Please Yuri, just give me one more. I think Ren will agree with me.”
“Just one. It’s enough.”
“I’m not stubborn Yuri, I just want to make our family become a perfect and happy family.”
“Mama....” suddenly their eyes catch Ren appearance at the door.
“Ren...” they called her, but Ren has gone in crying. She really don’t want listen their yelled to each other like that. Just in one week, both of them always fighting for a simple stuff.

“Why don’t you asked them about the last fight? Maybe you can make it clear.” said Shintaro whose sit beside her now.

“I want, demo-.....”

“REN-CHANNNNNN!!!” she hear her Mama voice, it’s Yuri voice.

“MAMA!!!” she answer the calling.

“REN-CHANNNN, don’t make us worried like this, ok?” Yuri said and hug her while her father just stand with a bit space from them. “Let’s go home.” Yuri said and take her little hand with her.

“I won’t!!!” Ren take her hand out of her mom.

“Why did you say that, my sweetheart?” she squat in front of her and pat her shoulder.

“Mama and Papa always fight when I get home. I won’t back home, so....both of you will not fighting again.”

“Ne Ren-chan....” Yuri just sigh when Yamada try to explain something to his lovable daughter, “Mama and Papa, we’re not fighting, we just put some arguments.”

“What for?”

“Umm....” he stare at Yuri whose shooking her head, she won’t let Ren know about what they were talking about, but.... “Papa asked your Mama to give birth another baby as your imouto or ototo, so you’ll not be alone.” a slap to his back surprised him. It’s from Yuri.

“Hontou Mama?”

“Un,” force nodded and smile plastered Yuri’s face. “I’ll kick your ass, just wait for it,” she sputter.

“Well, I want ototo, Mama. Will you give me one?”

“Ne Yuri, let’s make one for her.” Yamada looks so happy.

“Ok....” Yuri force to smile, but she stared at him with her death glare.

“Ok, I’ll go home with you, Mama, Papa.” she grab their hands and walk away, but suddenly she stop her little step. “Mama, Papa, matte te kudasai ne...” she said in her brightly smile, then she turn her body to Shintaro. At that time, Shintaro parents also come to the park to pick their little boy. “SHIN-CHANNNNNNNNNN, DAISUKIIIIIIIII.....KYO WA ARIGATOUUU.....” she yelled. It’s surprising her parents and Shintaro parents. That little boys parents just chuckle, they think Ren is a cute little girl, but not for her parents.

“It would be you.” Yuri stared at Yamada.


“Look! She even can say 'daisuki' to the boy who is older than her.”

“It’s not me!”

“We should talk after get home.”


“Ergh, Mama, Papa, if you two get fighting again, I won’t to go home.”

“O-ok.” said Yuri and Yamada in the same time.

“REN-CHANNNNN, MATTE.....” Shintaro yelled and run onto her.

“Nani, Shin-chan?”

“Arigatou to say it.” he kiss her cheeks. It’s really suprising both of their parents.

“Now, can you explained it to me, Ryo-chan~~~” said Yuri in horror.

On the other side, “Yabu-chan, can you explained it to me? What’s that kiss mean?” Inoo said to Yabu, while Yabu speechless. Well, maybe there’s no ending for the simple fight for them.


A/N : minna.....I hope you can enjoy this one
though it's pretty short
I hope it can make you laugh or....maybe just smile
hehehehe XDDD
well, your comment...
of course I want to get so many comment
that make me know what do you think about this one
so....feel free to read and comment guys
aaa yeah, maybe I can't reply your comment 
since I got bad connection at here
so....I'll reply it if I can, gomen *bowed so deeply*


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