'In Focus' for Monarchist

Sep 28, 2010 16:36

For: monarchist
Title: In Focus
Characters: Yagyuu Hiroshi x Niou Masaharu
Rating: R
Summary: Niou finds a way to relieve stress during exams during his first year of university.
Warnings: Blow job.
Disclaimer: I do not own, and I do not make profit from Prince of Tennis.
A/N: I hope you like this. Enjoy. ;)

The bedroom was cluttered and messy, curtains half open as pale streaks of early morning light crept along the walls slowly chasing away shadows. Niou was burrowed under heaps of blankets, one foot hanging out over the edge of the bed. The peaceful silence was shattered by the high pitched beeping of an alarm clock on the table next to the bed. Niou frowned, burrowing deeper, rolling onto his side, ignoring the noise. Eventually the room went silent, mere seconds passing before his cell phone started to vibrate, and the alarm clock started up again. A pale arm shot out from under the blankets, snatching up his cell phone, and tossing the alarm clock across the room all in one motion.

Niou grumbled curses under his breath, shoving the blankets to the foot of the bed. He sat up, glaring at his phone, his hair sticking up at all angles. There were three text messages from his sister, reminding him to be up early since it was his first day at university. He scratched at his stomach as he replied, one handed that he had already decided to become a traveling salesman. Niou could hear his roommate moving around, singing off key as he got ready for the day. The alarm clock beeped pitifully by the closet, Niou rolled out of bed to retrieve it.

The apartment was empty by the time Niou showered and changed. Breakfast waited for him on the table, most of it lukewarm when he sat down to eat. He had spent the year after graduation floating from job to job, supporting himself. He enjoyed the independence, but part of him missed the academic setting- he blamed that on the times he had switched with Yagyuu. Niou rolled his eyes when the doorbell sounded, unfolding himself from the chair. He opened the door to see Yagyuu standing at the other side of the door, perfectly put together. Barely resisting the urge to muss the other man’s hair, he grabbed his bag and key.

"You didn’t have to come pick me up." Niou locked the door behind him.

"I was given specific instructions from your mother to make sure you went to class." Yagyuu’s voice was tinted with laughter, even as his face remained guarded.

"I can’t believe you talk to my mother." Niou rolled his eyes as they left the apartment building and into the street.

Yagyuu held up a box wrapped in bright cloth. "I have your lunch." There was a pause, "She sent me a text this morning, asking me to make sure you ate as well." Niou took the bundle and shoved it into his bag, feeling his face burn a bit.

"So you made a bento?" Niou jammed coins into the bus fare box avoiding Yagyuu’s gaze. They sat together, Niou’s attention on the way their bodies made a perfect line against each other, rather than the ride to campus. Yagyuu went with him to the main lecture hall used by the art department, waiting until Niou went in.

The routine of school, home, class work and cramming a few hours of sleep between phone calls and meeting up with friends for drinks was comfortable to Niou. He enjoyed his classes, excelling, and finding a better outlet for his ‘creative urges’ as his mother affectionately called them. Photography had become a pet project, Niou spending most of his free time holed up in the dark room or wandering around campus and town.

Yagyuu would come by on the weekends, most of the time they were curled up in Niou’s bedroom, taking up most of the available space as they worked on papers and assignments. Niou found it amusing that they had quickly fallen into their old patterns. Their books balanced in huge stacks, sitting side by side, backs against the bed, close enough that their thighs and knees knocked together as they studied. It was familiar, and comfortable- it also left a yawning pit in Niou’s stomach.

They had danced around certain things in high school, mainly the way they responded to each other. Niou’s mind would constantly go back to the way Yagyuu’s lips felt against his, or the way he’d would shiver when Yagyuu would tug playfully at his hair. Despite bets, and whispered rumors they hadn’t been sleeping together. Tennis was tennis, and the main goal was to win. Messing with people’s heads was just a way to keep them from being bored.

Niou shifted slightly, pressing his leg against Yagyuu’s. There wasn’t any response until Niou had worked his leg between Yagyuu’s and had started rubbing his foot against the other man’s calf. He felt Yagyuu’s sigh, the weight of the man’s gaze. Niou continued to work on his essay, ignoring the poke to his leg.

"Niou." There wasn’t any response, Niou continued to write notes in the margin of his text book. Another poke to his calf, Yagyuu nudging at him. There was a few moments of quiet before Yagyuu snapped his book closed. Hands appeared in Niou’s line of sight, tugging the book easily out of his grasp. Niou smirked, Yagyuu tipping his chin up. This close, Niou could see the look in Yagyuu’s eyes, a slow shiver working it’s way down Niou’s spine in anticipation. The space between them narrowed, Yagyuu’s breath on Niou’s skin. Niou’s lips parted, breath hitching at the brush of lips against his.

"Move your leg."

Inwardly Niou frowned when his hand shook. Fingertips brushed along Yagyuu’s jaw, touch light before they eased into the man’s hair. "Are you sure Yagyuu?" He knew it irritated Yagyuu when he stretched the man’s name out like that. Niou rubbed at Yagyuu’s scalp, enjoying the way the hair slid through his fingers. He smirked as Yagyuu’s breathing hitched, Niou closing the centimeters wide gap, placing a light kiss on Yagyuu’s mouth.

Niou wasn’t sure exactly how it happened but he ended up flat on the floor, his literature book digging into a soft spot in his back. Yagyuu was braced above him as they kissed, a quiet sound coming from him as the kiss deepened. Niou’s hands splayed across Yagyuu’s back, legs falling to the side, making room for the other man. They separated with a soft sound, Yagyuu dropping his head to the curve of Niou’s neck. Niou was breathless, and certain his heart was going to beat out of his chest.

Weeks passed, without further incident. Yagyuu would come by each weekend without fail and they’d study. Niou would intentionally try to provoke the other man into something more entertaining than hours of academia. He changed tactics, offering to pay for dinner, or for them to meet up to watch movies. Yagyuu would agree, and the dinner bill would be split, or Niou would show up to the theater to find the tickets already paid for.

Mid-term exams were approaching, professors assigning projects and work in twice the usual amounts. Niou thrived on the pressure while other students seemed to wilt under the frenzied pace. He and Yagyuu saw less of each other, communicating through texts, and short emails, promising to meet up once the exams were over.

Niou rolled his shoulders, rubbing at the back of his neck wearily. He had been working on the same project for over a week, and hadn’t gotten anywhere. He had left the darkroom in search for fresh air and a change of scenery. Instead, he had ended up on a packed bus with a wailing child behind him. A dull throb settled between his eyes, his headache creeping closer to a migraine. Niou tugged viciously at the pull-cord, grimacing as the bus lurched to a stop. The streets were practically empty, a few people rushed past him as they hurried home. Most restaurants were busy, Niou ducking into a convenience store searching out food. Laden down with plastic bags full of junk food, Niou happily shoved a meat bun in his mouth as he walked back to campus.

The darkroom was empty, Niou pausing to examine the pictures left to dry. The hazy red light distorted shadows, the stillness of the room creating an eerie feeling. Niou peered at his negatives, tilting them, deciding which to print. He ran a few test strips before sliding the negatives into the enlarger. Niou hummed to himself as he slid the first sheet of paper into the developer, watching as the chemical drew out the image. The process fascinated him, the image seeming to bloom onto the paper rather than slowly take shape. Carefully, the photo was placed into the developer, rinsed, and hung to dry. Picture after picture was printed and left to dry. The assignment was to capture an emotion, the professor had assigned Niou ‘joy’.

The assignment was so infuriatingly simply that Niou had put it off until the last moment. It wasn’t until he actually picked up his camera that he realized how difficult it really was. He had spent most of his shots on children playing, a few shots of couples and the last of his film had been spent on Yagyuu. They had gotten together under the pretense of studying, Niou hauling out the bulky 35 millimeter camera, fully intending to keep the shots for himself. The last print sat in the water bath, Niou nudging at it with the tongs. He hadn’t taken it, Yagyuu had been playing with the settings on the camera, taking a picture right as Niou kissed him.

Niou tensed at the feeling of fingers on his shoulder, exhaling slowly when Yagyuu leaned closer. "I do like that one." Yagyuu’s fingers tangled in his hair, twisting lightly. Niou smirked, tipping his head, lips brushing Yagyuu’s jaw.

"Think I should turn it in?"

Yagyuu snorted, the first kiss no more than a hesitant press of lips. Niou pulled away, fingers curling around Yagyuu’s wrist, leading him away from the developer chemicals. Niou found himself pressed against the counter, the sharp edge pressing into the small of his back. Yagyuu leaned into him, working a knee between Niou’s legs as they kissed again. Niou’s hands slid down Yagyuu’s back, fingers threading through the belt loops of the man’s jeans, tugging sharply to bring them flush together. He groaned as Yagyuu’s hips ground slowly against his, the kiss deepening, a sudden rush of adrenaline coursing through Niou when Yagyuu’s tongue pushed into his mouth.

Niou’s shirt was tugged roughly up, Yagyuu’s mouth a smear against his neck. Fingers skimmed along his torso, Niou biting his lower lip to hold back needy sounds, arching into the feather light touches. Niou muttered darkly as his shirt was lifted over his head, placed on the counter. He shivered, Yagyuu’s mouth closing over one of Niou’s nipples, teeth and tongue teasing. Yagyuu’s hands smoothed down Niou’s stomach, fingers fumbling with his belt buckle. Niou snickered as his hands were swatted away, Yagyuu licking down his stomach.

"Yagyuu…" Niou swallowed hard, taking a shaky breath. Yagyuu was on his knees, working Niou’s pants off his hips. He hissed as the corner of Yagyuu’s glasses scraped along his hip. Niou reached down taking the glasses off of Yagyuu, and put them on. He blinked a few times, getting adjusted to the slight distortion, a low groan working from his throat as Yagyuu rubbed his cheek against the front of his boxers.

The thin material of his boxers tugged away, Niou shuddering as wet heat wrapped around his cock, Yagyuu swallowing him down. Niou tipped his head back, biting down on his hand to muffle the sounds that spilled from his mouth as Yagyuu sucked at him. Niou’s hips rocked forward thrusting into Yagyuu’s mouth as the man teased him. It was slow and sloppy, Yagyuu’s hands cupping Niou’s ass, his jaw relaxing nose brushing Niou’s stomach as Yagyuu took him down further. Niou felt his body tighten, his hands smoothing through Yagyuu's hair. He trembled as he came, unable to stop the breathy moan. He felt Yagyuu swallow, easing off of him. Niou panted, chest rising and falling with each harsh breath.

Yagyuu gently pulled Niou's boxers back into place, nuzzling at his hip. Niou tugged his shirt back on, knocking Yagyuu's glasses askew. Niou helped with his jeans, managing to get his belt fastened. Niou blinked, the world coming back to focus as Yagyuu took his glasses back.

"You should. I think it would be interesting to see the instructor's reaction." Yagyuu adjusted the glasses, carefully smoothing his hair back down. Niou smirked, letting Yagyuu tug him away from the counter.

fic, round 2, rated: r

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