Interests Meme

Aug 04, 2008 23:12

I know I've been posting a lot - get over it haha You know you missed me for the two days I was "gone" this weekend.

I got this from superbeffie... if anyone wants to participate, leave a comment and I'll pick 7 interests from your profile and list them and then you have to post in your journal why you like them, the history of the interest, etc and then you ( Read more... )

buffy scholarship, imagine me & you, night huntress, the office, dr horrible, meme

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Comments 12

earendil_elven August 5 2008, 03:40:37 UTC


switchamacallit August 5 2008, 03:46:22 UTC
LMFAO it wasn't even posted long enough for you to read my answers!!!!! LMFAO :) :) I adore you.

Okay. umm... *goes to look at profile*

Furuba (wtf is this!? haha), photography, writing, alcohol (what's your fav?? haha), marine life, vampires, and (because you're awesome and I love to see your fangirl squeeing...), RPattz


earendil_elven August 5 2008, 04:03:15 UTC
Oooooo. Ok, I shall do those tomorrow! :D I'm writing a meme right now. ^_^

YES! RPATTZ! wHOO!!!!!!!!!11 XD


switchamacallit August 5 2008, 04:04:06 UTC
Oooohhhh we're going to have a new meme!?!? yay! :) :)


superbeffie August 5 2008, 03:49:43 UTC
Dude, to go a day without Office quotage is like going a day without air. And I , too, had zero interest at first. I saw about 10 minutes of the pilot and had no interest. One of my LJ Bffs is a huge fangirl and since she brought me to LJ and is generally awesome so I gave at a shot one night. holy God, I was so obsessed within a week it was scary. I rented the DVDs and I went off the deep end. And got a crazy panty throwing crush on John "I'm too sexy for Beth's pants" Krasinsksi.
I have not seen "Imagine me and you", but I'll check it out. As well as the Vampire Pron, b/c yay for Vampire porn, LOL!!

Also, I LOVE Mean Girls and Tina Fey rocks my face, I just wanted an excuse to talk about it. My hubby totally mocks me for my love. but it's awesome!


switchamacallit August 5 2008, 03:59:20 UTC
lmfao I had a similar Office reaction lmao I went out and bought the DVDs the minute Target put them on sale! (I'm too cheap to buy full priced haha) I can't wait for Season 4 to come out on DVD b/c I'm in love with SOOOOO many of those episodes! Of course "Goodbye, Toby" made me want to murder ppl, but that's beside the point.

Vampire porn is awwwwwesome. haha It's really really *cough*graphic*cough* in that series too *grin* Since it has plot, I'm able to justify it to myself haha

Let me know what you think of Imagine Me & You! :) I might just have to watch that while I fall asleep... it's just so cute... *sigh*

Tina Fey = love. Especially in her cute lil glasses.


angela_weber August 5 2008, 17:51:01 UTC

I love Mean Girls, too. It's sooo hilarious . . . though, sadly, I can't quote it, as it's been far too long since I've seen it. Thanks for reminding me! XD


switchamacallit August 5 2008, 17:53:58 UTC
You should TOTALLY watch it again! :) It always brightens my day.

"Nice wig, Janice, what's it made of?"
"Your mom's chest hair!"


angela_weber August 5 2008, 18:21:20 UTC
LOLLLLLLL, I'd forgotten about that line! Ahahaha. . . . I'm no Alice, but I can feel that re-watching Mean Girls is definitely in my immediate future. XD

Also, PLZ TO BE TAGGING ME KTHNX!!11eleventy-one!!! I need to post something that isn't spam, and this meme looks like fun. :D


switchamacallit August 5 2008, 18:27:46 UTC
hahaha OK - 7 things...

chocolate frozen yogurt, extreme miniature golf, infj, bella/jasper, within temptation, 2008 elections, the fray

:) post away!!! haha


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