Title: In The Woods Author: reetinkerbell Request: Scorpius/Rose. Lost, Teasing/Romantic. For drcjsnider. Word Count: 200 Characters: Rose Weasley, Scorpius Malfoy.
So adorable and sweet! I love that Scorpius got them a bit lost and how Rose although amused doesn't make fun of him or tease him, but kisses him for being so adorable!!
Hahaha I love this couple almost as much as I love their parents together xd or one of each of their parents more specifically:p sooo cute that Scorpius lost his way and is slighty embarrassed xd hahaha and they say women don't have sence for coordination xd
Thank you. I must admit that while I do like Rose and Scorpius together (because it's a bit like a second chance) I rather have Draco and Hermione together. :P
Comments 4
Thanks so much, dearest! I *heart* it!
I'm glad you enjoyed it.
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