Fic; Love is not a victory march

Sep 20, 2015 10:57

Title: Love is not a victory march
Fandom: How I Met Your Mother
Characters: Ted, Robin, Barney.
Word count: 1650
Summary: Set post-series, what happens after the finale. Written for bleodswean's prompt-a-thon, for yachiru's prompt:
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fic, how i met your mother

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Comments 2

murielle September 22 2015, 08:31:03 UTC
Okay this should totally be an episode.

I really enjoyed the way you slowly unwound the story. It started out so sad and then line by line got happier.

I am going to have to check out this series. If the episodes are written half as well as this is I will be entertained.


swirlsofblue September 22 2015, 16:38:45 UTC
Wow, that's high praise, thank you so much, so glad you enjoyed :).

I would definitely recommend watching the series, it's very lighthearted and funny but also deeply meaningful and twisted and brilliant.


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