Week 22, Title: What a wicked thing to do

Sep 25, 2014 22:19

This is fanfiction for Thor: The Dark World.

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thor the dark world, lj idol, loki, fic

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Comments 26

crisp_sobriety September 26 2014, 01:48:39 UTC
One thing I love about fanfiction is how it allows for such introspection. Character-pieces are one of my favourite forms of fanfic, and you pulled it off beautifully. Very well done!


swirlsofblue September 26 2014, 05:23:17 UTC
Thank you, so glad you liked it :)


mamas_minion September 26 2014, 23:37:16 UTC
It's nice getting a peek into Loki's head


swirlsofblue September 27 2014, 06:48:51 UTC
Thank you :)


karmasoup September 27 2014, 03:25:03 UTC
I remember thinking the ending of that was so appropriate for Loki, having seen through his deception, and even feeling for him for that exact position that you described here... I know he won't be long satisfied to have everything he's ever wanted if he has to do it as someone else. He needs to be able to pull the mask of and tell everyone, "Ha! I fooled you!" Good character summary here.


swirlsofblue September 27 2014, 06:49:51 UTC
Thank you :).

Oh yeah, I definitely think Loki's going to put things in place to assure his position and then pull that mask off as soon as he can.


theun4givables September 27 2014, 14:29:24 UTC
This is fanfic done right. I'm not as familiar with the 'verse as I would like to be, but what little I know of Loki, I love. And you did a good job representing him, here, I think.


swirlsofblue September 27 2014, 14:36:48 UTC
Thank you, glad you liked my representation of Loki :)


rayaso September 27 2014, 16:35:38 UTC
I have always liked tricksters like Loki. Your first sentence was especially good, and I enjoyed your whole story.


swirlsofblue September 27 2014, 16:43:21 UTC
Thank you, glad you liked that line, it was one of my favourites too :)


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