Drabble Two

Aug 07, 2008 01:23

Title: Healing
Words: 197
Disclaimer: These characters are not mine, honest ^_^
Rating: U
Characters/Pairings: Robin/Marian
A/N: Set pre-series, around early/mid teens
Prompt provided by
valkyriesword: Robin is injured

I am currently writing a longer fic for the full prompt, it inspired the bunnies ^_^
Comment and I will love you for now forever.

“You expect me to let you anywhere near me with that?”

“If you want it to heal properly then yes I do,” Marian replied crossly, threading a rather brutal looking needle “Now stop behaving like a spoilt child and give me your arm.”

He extended the limb towards her gingerly.

“Marian it’s my bow arm, be gentle with me.”

Her expression softened slightly.

“I’ll do my best.”

She had to rip her eyes away from his smile before it completely sapped her concentration.

His smile was soon replaced with a hiss through gritted teeth when she started to sew up his wound. She worked as quickly as she could, trying to block out his noises of pain and later his eyes watching her intently.


She stood up to wash the bloody cloth she held, but was stilled by a gentle touch on her arm.


He stood, holding his discarded shirt in one hand.

“Thank-you Marian.”

Before she could reply he had pressed a fleeting kiss to her lips. It was over almost before it had started; yet her eyelids still found time to flutter closed.

By the time she had opened them he was gone.

robin/marian, drabble, fic

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