I will say that suiting as Safety is a lot of fun. Some day I'll actually spend the $2500 that I have saved up these last handful of years and commission Swift and bring Ashes back to life. It'll be sad to eventually pass Safety along for someone else to bring to life but for the time being I'm going to enjoy the possibilities and freedom he gives me. The same goes for Rocky, my white husky partial.
Safety Fox, on his way back to the Westin after the Masquarade. You have no idea how exhausted I was when this was taken, but I was still riding the high from being in the masquarade. I remember getting back to the room and showering...then it was up to the roof for another Astrono_Fur's Star Party at Anthrocon. Credit to Zeitgeist for the photo.
"There's nothing complicated, about the way we live!..." A few pics of Safety with Bursty, Dex, Takala, Summer, MortonFox, ZigZag and FreakyLynx in "Welcome," CadpigJr's Masquarade skit.
Masq 1, Masq 2, and
Masq 3. Kudos to Taren. These pics were taken by Ace
Masq 4,
Masq 5, Masq 6, Masq 7, and
Masq 8. After the Masquarade, Summer Vixen and I continued to cut a rug for a few of the conventioneers outside of the ballroom.
I must admit, Summer dances devinely. :) (Pictures compliments of Orzel)
http://pics.critter.net/view/ConPics/AC2006/Fursuit,ac2006_orzel_169.jpg http://pics.critter.net/view/ConPics/AC2006/Fursuit,ac2006_orzel_170.jpghttp://pics.critter.net/view/ConPics/AC2006/Fursuit,ac2006_orzel_171.jpghttp://pics.critter.net/view/ConPics/AC2006/Fursuit,ac2006_orzel_172.jpghttp://pics.critter.net/view/ConPics/AC2006/Fursuit,ac2006_orzel_173.jpg Million Fursuit March! (or Anthrocon Fursuit Death March) This one by Arcturax (or at least whomever had Arc's camera at the time),
Parade 1, was just as the parade was getting started. Bursty was right in front of me as you can see here.
Parade 2, by Akitainus, and
Parade 3 by Silaria, was taken on the way into the Dealer's Room. T'Chall got
Parade 4, and
Parade 5 was taken by Barryr, as I was zig zagging through the Dealer's Room. I got shuffled all around the parade as we stopped several times for photo opportunities. Would you believe I practically ran to the ballroom hauling all of that stuff to get there with 5 minutes to spare.
Safety Fox in his element, ready and running to the next emergency, the next opportunity to help some fur in need. I have no idea where I found the stamina and endurance to go back out after the Fursuit parade and pose for more pictures. Here are a couple I found thanks to Speed Wolf
Safety on the nozzle, and
Safety Fox on scene, As it was, when I left the ballroom, most of the furs with cameras had moved on. That kinda seemed to be one of the themes for AC this year. I just wasn't in the right place a the right time to get some good pictures taken that I'll ever see again. I skipped going outside with the rest of the fursuit parade and in doing so, missed the lion's share of the folks photographing the parade. I did manage to break the hose pack down and take some poses holding the nozzle and looking like I was getting ready to fight some fire outside the dealers room. So lugging that high rise pack around wasn't all for naught. Picture by Mark McCloud.
More pics will be posted here as I find them.