Can't Always Be Heroes ~ Angel/Spike/Lindsey

Aug 31, 2006 22:27

Can’t Always Be Heroes

By Snow

For slashfest
Request by mistresslash
Angel and Spike decide to make Lindsey their boy
Set after Ats5 ‘Origin’
Beta by lostakasha
So very, very not mine.

Dark devotion in a beacon paradise ( Read more... )

angel/spike, angel/spike/lindsey, fic, ats

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Comments 37

redbrickrose September 1 2006, 04:50:02 UTC

That was so evocative, Snow. (And HOT!) Your use of language is goregous. I love the repetitive pattern at the beginning. I love how Angel always has Spike, how Spike can call him Angelus and lure him into the bedroom with a minmal effort.


lynnenne September 1 2006, 13:55:37 UTC
I love how Angel always has Spike, how Spike can call him Angelus and lure him into the bedroom with a minmal effort.

You just summed up everything I love about S/A, right there. ;)


sweptawaybayou September 1 2006, 14:56:23 UTC

Thank you so much for such generous feedback. I appreciate it and you.



altyronsmaker September 1 2006, 10:18:03 UTC
Come on, 'Gelus. Come play with me. We can't always be heroes."

Man. I should have know at that line what kind of play Spike had in mind. Then you give us that sexual/familial relationship and behavior that is so much Angel and Spike. Yeah, baby, yeah.

Throw in Lindsey on top of that - or in the middle as the case may be - and the dynamic changes just enough to make the whole so much better than just the sum of its parts. Yowza.

Good stuff. Poor Angel.


sweptawaybayou September 1 2006, 14:55:24 UTC
Thank you so much!!

I'm falling in love all over again with the Angel/Spike dynamic. There is just so much ... there to be explored.


Thank you!


aimeelicious September 1 2006, 13:31:13 UTC
I like the edge in this; the hint of how things used to be between Spike and Angelus, as well as Angel and Lindsey. And guh, so HOT.

/puts fan on high


sweptawaybayou September 1 2006, 14:54:05 UTC
*twirls you*

Thank you so much!!



tabaqui September 1 2006, 13:36:35 UTC
“Yes.” Angel whispered. His hand moving of its own accord to brush back long strands of hair that fell over Lindsey’s face.


And creepy the last line and... Dude. Pretty, pretty in my head.
*smooches you all up*


sweptawaybayou September 1 2006, 14:53:29 UTC

Thank you, Tabi. So very much.

For everything *and* checking out my Spike voice.

**luffs you endlessly**


lynnenne September 1 2006, 13:54:23 UTC
Spike’s lips brushed the back of Angel’s ear, the breath he used to speak wound through Angel’s mind like a snake hunting through long grass.

What an awesome simile. Gorgeous.

Spike’s tongue flicked from between his lips and Angel felt a shiver run from his ankles to his shoulders.

GAH! *fans self*

I love the fact that Spike is the one to drag Lindsey into this. There's still some of the old bastard left in him, after all. *g*


sweptawaybayou September 1 2006, 14:52:23 UTC

Thank you so much, Lynne.

**smooches you all up**


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