Companionless ~ Angel/Lindsey

Aug 16, 2006 21:48

by Snow

for salustra
public sex
Ats s1
400 words

Companionless )

angel/lindsey, ficlet, drabble, ats

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Comments 29

spankspike August 17 2006, 03:17:19 UTC
Dear god - the hotness that is this!!

“Fight with me, Lindsey … come with me …”

Really loved that line, spells out Angel/Lindsey perfectly for me.


sweptawaybayou August 19 2006, 00:46:02 UTC
Thank you so much!

*dances with you*

So pleased that you enjoyed this.



lostakasha August 17 2006, 03:20:48 UTC
You capture the innate savagery of Lindsey/Angel so well here -- it's about the thrill of the hunt for both of them. Angel's coldness is so fierce -- almost on the edge of being Angelus. Good stuff, and so so steamy!

I really don't understand why people bitch about ATS s3 being the "beige" season (well, Provider, okay got me there) because it's just so well done. There are a million small moments that are so beautiful -- blink and you miss them moments -- and you're right, there's never going to be another show like it, ever.

Which is why it's so important that we keep watching, filling in those blanks, and keeping the stories alive. And nobody does it like you. Thank you -- so much.


sweptawaybayou August 19 2006, 00:48:46 UTC
Thank you so very much. You give such wonderful feedback, all the time.

And yeah ... I hung through s3, but when s4 started and the whole Cordy!eval arch started ... I kind of lost it.

Now I can watch it and see the *whole* picture, but at the time, I was mystified and lost and felt as though the AI team had completely abandoned the mission that I had come to believe in ...

Thank you again.

**luffs you**


luvmax1 August 17 2006, 03:23:56 UTC
Another hot fic, you're like a machine lately. And God, I miss Angel so much. I loved season 3, was there ever a more shocking moment then when Darla staked herself so Connor could live? And Deep Down, when Angel gives Connor that whole "what heroes are" speech, and then tells him to get out- I still get chills. I love watching Smallville and Supernatural, they're my two favorite sci fi type shows right now, but quality wise, they just don't hold a candle to Angel. (I don't count Bones in that, because it's more of a crime/procedural drama.)


sweptawaybayou August 18 2006, 23:26:45 UTC
I agree. So very much. I've been watching Angel and then caught a rerun of Bones and I'm like ... yeah. It's good. But! It is SO not Angel. A totally different league.

And thank you! I just love writing ficlet/drabbles for requests. Makes me happy when I can do something for someone else. I'm glad you're enjoying them! Very very.



luvmax1 August 18 2006, 23:56:12 UTC
If you're still taking requests, I'd love to read some kind of crossover with Roswell. Max/Lindsey, maybe?


sweptawaybayou August 19 2006, 00:44:44 UTC
oh, my! What a fantastic pairing.

Thank you! I would love to think up something for them and you.



chlare August 17 2006, 03:43:58 UTC
That's my show. 'Nuf said. *hugs it and you*


sweptawaybayou August 18 2006, 23:24:27 UTC

**hugs you tighter**



menomegirl August 17 2006, 04:06:50 UTC
Until that head would turn, until those blue eyes would meet his and the smirk would become a sneer.

*purrs* Oh. Hell yeah. Oh babe. You're one of the few people who do Angel/Lindsey justice without fluffing it up.

God I love this. *sighs* *sticks it in my memories*


I know it was for salustra and all....

But thank you, I needed that.


sweptawaybayou August 18 2006, 23:23:47 UTC

*loves on you*

I don't think I could fluff them up. Even if I wanted to ... and who would ever want that?


Thank you. Very much.



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