slashthedrabble challenge #85 ~ David Bowie song titles

Jul 12, 2006 19:48

Redeeming Spiritual Qualities

by Snow
Ats 5
Sex and the Church
500 Words

Redeeming Spiritual Qualities )

angel/spike, ficlet, drabble, ats

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Comments 51

lostakasha July 13 2006, 01:24:47 UTC

The sedation of desire and perfect, unholy passion.

*is revived, but just long enough to say:*

Holy shit. This gave me chills and did other unspeakable stuff, too. Gorgeous! Did I say holy shit? I hope so because I'm gonna faint again. . .


sweptawaybayou July 13 2006, 02:12:07 UTC
*dances with you*

Thank you!

**luffs hard**


southernbangel July 13 2006, 01:41:35 UTC



I should not find this so hot, my preacher daddy would die. But oh heck, so hot.

Fingers slid through hair that used to be longer, with a touch that used to be harsher. Harder. But the kiss, the bite was always the same. Tongues twisting.

Yes, please.

Saints stared down from stained glass windows or sculptures or paintings as they writhed. Beautiful demons in a place that burned skin as they stripped and changed. No one else in this world that Angel could do this to, that he could be like this with, that knew him.

Beautiful, absolutely beautiful.


sweptawaybayou July 13 2006, 02:13:19 UTC

Thank you so much!


*is thrilled with Lee fb*

**twirls you**


shinodabear July 13 2006, 02:08:05 UTC
Am I still alive? *checks pulse*

Wow. Just wow. This was Perfect (capital P and all.) I've run out of words.


sweptawaybayou July 13 2006, 02:14:04 UTC

Thank you so much!! For reading and commenting.



spankspike July 13 2006, 02:22:54 UTC
That's brilliant!

I come seeking absolution …

Oblivion. Respite.

The sedation of desire and perfect, unholy passion.

The first line is what I think he trys to convince himself he's working for, the second what he probably really wants, the third is maybe the closest he'll get to any of it.


sweptawaybayou July 13 2006, 22:02:25 UTC
Thank you so much.




amavel_bel July 13 2006, 02:38:06 UTC
Gahhhhhhhh, this is wonderful and hot as hell *fans self*!!! I'm speechless *g*.



sweptawaybayou July 13 2006, 22:01:50 UTC
Thank you!!

*twirls you 'round*



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