Fic Post

May 22, 2006 15:30

Heh. I know. Don't faint.

For germaine_pet's lynnevitational.

Periplaneta Americana

By Snow

Ats Season 2
Not mine.
No harm.
No foul.
Read and beta’d by neverneverfic, azryal and tesla321.
Thank you. You ladies rock my world. In the best way.

Periplaneta Americana )

angel, angel/lindsey, fic, ats

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Comments 50

makd May 22 2006, 21:45:49 UTC
I never really "got" A/L before. Now, I do.

Powerful, raw.


sweptawaybayou May 22 2006, 23:49:14 UTC
Thank you so much for the comment and I'm very pleased that I could show you some of the beauty of Angel/Lindsey.




lostakasha May 22 2006, 21:46:14 UTC
Staying alive was a matter of avoiding the big smack-down and climbing a shelf higher in a pantry that had no visible ceiling.

This story might have been about Lindsey/Angel on the surface, but I've taken so much more away from it than that. What moves us, breaks us, protects us ...

Every word is like a fresh drop of blood on the page. Vivid. Unrelenting.

You make me want to write, to kick it up a notch just so I can give you a fraction of this wonderful gift back. All your writing does that to me, and this new story... takes my breath away.

You amaze me. I'm honored to have you as a friend, and humbled to have the pleasure of writing with you, and for you.


sweptawaybayou May 22 2006, 23:50:46 UTC

Thank you so much, Annie. I'm so very pleased that you enjoyed this story. And I'm so very thrilled to have you for a friend.

<3's you. Hard.



menomegirl May 22 2006, 22:12:03 UTC
"Kiss me, Angel.” Lindsey’s hands gripped. His voice a harsh whisper. The sound of a child forever left alone in the dark.

I love it. Every word. It's raw and gritty, dirty and perfect.

Lindsey and Angel in their darker moments.

Mmmm, yes.



Thank you!


sweptawaybayou May 22 2006, 23:51:35 UTC
Thank you!

*loves you endlessly*



menomegirl May 22 2006, 23:56:39 UTC
I actually love it more than I said, it was just so stunning, I had no words.

I miss reading Lindsey/Angel. There isn't enough of it written.


*looks at own self* *rolls eyes* I'm bad too.


gingerpig May 22 2006, 22:20:45 UTC
Oh baby, that's gorgeous


sweptawaybayou May 22 2006, 23:52:25 UTC
Thank you, GP.

*adores you*



ely_jan May 22 2006, 23:03:58 UTC
I read this so many times this afternoon, the secretary wandered back to ask why I was staring at my computer with a smile like that on my face.

She's probably still trying to figure out why all I would say was, "Snow."

A kiss on his forehead, the gentlest that Lindsey had ever experienced. Soft lips, a low voice that was switchblade sharp with sarcasm. A door shut and the sound seemed to echo in his mind.

Lindsey and Angel.

Perfect. Every word.
I knew it would be and was still stunned.


And I can't stop smiling.

*kisses you breathless*

Thank you. Four days. And I'll thank you in person.


sweptawaybayou May 22 2006, 23:56:09 UTC
*twirls you*

4 days!!!


This weekend can't come soon enough.

*loves you forevah*


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