Angel and Lindsey

Aug 06, 2005 15:33

So ... tabaqui wrote an A/L ficlet last night. Sum of the Whole.

And me, being who I am ... couldn't let it go without, perhaps, seeing everything from *coughs* another point of view.

Conscious Thoughts )

angel, ficlets, angel/lindsey, drabble

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Comments 23

hurry_sundown August 7 2005, 16:43:09 UTC
Lindsey was Angelus in human form ...


Well, that would explain a lot.

*loves you to pieces*


sweptawaybayou August 8 2005, 01:02:06 UTC
*kisses you breathless*

Thank you, babe.


strangecreature August 7 2005, 16:48:16 UTC
Guhbibble. Between you and tabaqui, I've been reduced to a very very happy puddle of fangirl over here.

*mumbles joyfully and incoherently about talented writers and OTP's*


sweptawaybayou August 8 2005, 01:03:25 UTC
ooooh yes! <3's tabaqui muchly.

I was SO surprised to see her writing A/L ... I had to play! I'm just glad she wasn't upset about it.


*hugs you tight*

Perhaps we can intice her into more.


munin August 8 2005, 01:39:27 UTC
I followed the link from tabaqui's journal because I'm secretly an Angel/Lindsey shipper. I love this. Because you hit it right on the head, Lindsey is Angelus is human form. Of course Angel is drawn to him.


sweptawaybayou August 8 2005, 19:17:01 UTC
Thank you!

Angel/Lindsey is my OTP and I was thrilled to see tabaqui writing them. I had to take the opportunity to *ahem* play with her a bit.

I'm glad you enjoyed this little bit.



rayne_y_daze August 8 2005, 13:16:34 UTC
Just incredible! I was so floored when tabaqui wrote a Lindsey piece, then found this from her rec...what a morning! In one POV, you've nicely captured two characters. Just gorgeous!


sweptawaybayou August 8 2005, 19:18:16 UTC
Thank you so much.

I'm glad you enjoyed reading this pov.

*hugs you tight*


gingerpig August 8 2005, 13:40:20 UTC
Oh baby, that's just perfect

Fits together so well with tabaqui's

*adores and loves*


sweptawaybayou August 8 2005, 19:19:24 UTC
Thank you, thank you!

You know I can't resist playing with tabaqui. Like crack, baby.

*loves you hard*


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