Well it's about time for a tutorial =P! Okay, I think I shall do a coloring tutorial, but I'm not sure yet haha. Yup you read that, I don't even know what this tutorial is about yet.. Well anyways, coloring is usually easy, so let's go with that.
I'll be using
THIS picture of the beautiful Sophia Bush.
1. Crop your picture down to a 98 x 98 base. Sharpen to your liking. Take your softening tool and soften out everything but your person's clothes, hair, parts of the nose, lips, and eyes.
2. Duplicate your base and screen to your liking. I have mine on 36% opacity.
3. Make a new layer and fill with #051169 and set to Screen 58%.
4. Duplicate your base layer again and bring to the top and set to Soft Light 71%.
5. Make another layer, fill with #051169 again and set to Exclusion 58%.
6. Make ANOTHER layer and fill it with #17FBCD and set it to Burn 28%.
7. Merge all layers.
8. Go to Adjust>>Color Channel>>Blue and my settings are like this:
Red: -69
Green: 89
Blue: 98
9. Duplicate base and bring it to the top and set that to Soft Light 57%.
10. Take
THIS image which I got from sassy-kath. Set to Screen 100% and move it to where you like it.
11. Add a one pixel black border and you're done!
I went from